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Science for 8th grade...


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Last piece to nail down...lol.  This is primarily for my 8th grade son.  Here's what we've done so far...

We started waaaay back with Apologia elementary books.  Hated it.  So much.  We did three or four of them before I chucked it.  Then I wrote my own curriculum for a few years.  Oceanography, Earth Science (and Geology), beginning chemistry, etc.  We did a year of Science Fusion which included astronomy, meteorology, and the like.  We had a year of open exploration in life sciences, where I had them choose topics that interested them, research, and report back what they learned (often with lapbook elements).  

This year we did Pandia Press's Science Odyssey Physics for Elementary.  It was below my son's level, but I was targeting all four kiddos and needed a happy medium.  They all really disliked the program but honestly?  It wasn't the program, it was my teaching.  Physics is one of my weakest areas.  

I'm kind of lost for this year.  For high school, I'm planning on:

9th: Biology
10th: Chemistry (hopefully DE at the local CC)
11th: Physics (DE at the local CC)
12th: Elective/AP/???

Thoughts or suggestions for 8th grade though?  This is a solid student overall.  Math is very strong.  He will need something that is pretty independent, but it doesn't have to be completely independent.  We are Christians but after our experience with Apologia, I have tended to stay away from science courses that attempt to infuse apologetics into the curriculum.  I don't mind a faith-based science curriculum, if the arguments that support Creation are solid and well done.  

Please share!  Thanks so much!  

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We also have been all over the place with Science, but this year we're trying Exploration Education for my 7th grader (The advanced level is for 7th and up, so I figure we'll go as slow as we need and it'll probably take over a year, but older kids might do better.)

It's where you read information online or via CD (kind of like a book), then there are hands on activities for them to do. I'm really looking forward to it, we start on Monday.\

Just something to look into...

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If you don't require a lab, maybe look at Tiner's science books (i.e. The World of Medicine, The World of Chemstry).  We did all but the physics and math one.  They read and did the supplemental guide from Memoria Press.  I did the grading.

Several people have mentioned Bite-Sized Physics on here.  He may be able to do that himself, but there are some demonstration/experimentation type things to do.

My boys are managing to do well so far in their Honors Biology with lab class despite the hodgepodge of science I threw at them over the years.  Mine did a lot of extra science reading too (i.e. Scientists in the Field).  

Maybe look at some of Ellen McHenry's stuff - Cells, Brain, Botany, etc.

Edited by mlktwins
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RSO Chemistry is a good intro.  I used it last year and it was pretty good IMO.   My oldest was doing high school chem  (Zumdahl), but she often ended up listening in to our lessons, too.  It does not sound like you've had a good chemistry year yet, so that's why I suggest this.  

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The Good and the Beautiful has various science units - some are longer than others, and they are labeled for age ranges. 

Noeo Science maybe?

Also, the Apologia upper level books are totally different from the lower level ones - might be worth looking at the physical science text. My agnostic son didn't mind them too much. 

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I agree with the Physical Science recommendation. Derek Owens' class is fabulous if you want to start a gentle introduction to outsourcing. I have the Novare book (I came down to these same two choices.) If you decide to go that way, PM me and I'll send the book.

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