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The Gearing UP! Teachers Lounge 8/19/2019


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Morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's refreshments include: coffee, tea, soda, gluten-free banana muffins, and possibly bacon!

The theme stems from the fact that although we have already technically started back to school with a light schedule, we will now be gearing up
towards our full schedule. I WAS going to wait and throw it all in on one day but because we're starting with a NEW curriculum AND a new method (Charlotte-Mason-style),
etc, I've decided to introduce little bits at a time. So I'm introducing one or two books per week. This week's introduction: Mere Christianity by CS Lewis and a 
How to Read a Book. Sounds funny, I know, but it's actually quite practical!

Who's gearing up this week? Here: slowly starting the ascent before the roller coaster ride fully engages! 😉

Anyone planning any trips? Here: my brother wants us to come south for the winter and visit him for Thanksgiving. Haven't told dh yet but I think I'm going to plan a drive with the
kids to go do that. DH can drive with us, take a plane ride, or not come. Entirely up to him!

Anyone's weather changing for the better? Here: sort of. Mornings are getting cooler, which is nice. Also strange as that usually doesn't happen until September. But I'll take it!
Afternoons just seem to be getting hotter and hotter. Blah.

Talk to me! 🌽

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I guess everyone is knee-deep in first days back 🙂

Melting here today too. It's not as hot as it was in Tucson, but still hot enough (mid 90s), and I don't have AC or anything except a ceiling fan to help out (and the ceiling fan is rusted to "slow", so it doesn't really make a breeze lol). But, we're acclimating to the constant heat and has the upshoot that the kids want to go outside because it's cooler outside than in, especially once I start dinner, lol. But, we haven't had any monsoon rain for almost a week and I'm getting worried for some of our seedlings that are made for the rainy season. I'm having people go out and "rain" for them two or three times a day. Hope they make it. 

We started back a couple weeks ago but I just started a few new programs today. Overall going well, but DD10 just had a little tantrum because she doesn't like the new Spanish we're doing. She says she knows it all already. But she doesn't, and it'll just hopefully take a few days for her to get into it. Just wish it was easier on both of us. So, I jumped on here to look busy and give her space; DH already had a heart to heart with her this morning (after a different new-curriculum anger) that SUPER helped, but she doesn't want anything to do with me right now so hopefully she can reset to the herself of an hour ago. We've never had this resistance to new programs before so it's interesting to see how she is expressing herself this time around. (Everyone else, it should be noted, is happy with all choices, and when she forgot she was angry in the middle of the lesson she was laughing and enjoying it too). 

Re: travel. We don't have any trips planned. My parents have offered to help with a vacation for us, but my problem is when?? We are in the middle of setting up a new business (and we really need to get this going), just finished moving into this house (so behind on everything else) and school just started and we are finally getting a groove in this new place. Pausing for even just 3 or 4 days seems like a bad idea in so many ways, but on the other hand....

And update: she is back to her regular self in the middle of the next lesson, yay!

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Moonhawk, where are you now? I'd love high temps in the 90s at this point! As for the monsoon, I heard of a newscaster who's calling this a non-soon,
which seems about right. We've had, I think, two instances of spit, and one occasion of massive drool, as far as precipitation goes up here in North Phoenix. And nothing on the horizon. But maybe God will bless us this fall like He did last and we'll get rains in September and October instead. It sure has been a weird weather year here!

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Hey Scrap, we are down around Bisbee now. A bit hotter in our actual location than the weather service says, but overall cooler than the valleys: in the winter it is fully expected to have snow. We can see the border from our front yard, it's an interesting place to live. We've had a few hard rains, but definitely not as much as it should have been. The weeds, though, don't seem to mind... 😉

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