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The Surviving a 15yo Teachers Lounge 8-16-2019


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Does today's theme even need explaining?? LOL Ugh. LOL When my daughter was 15, I mostly understood because I had been that way as a 15yo too, so I bode my time. 
Now that my son is 15, oh.my.goodness. First, his voice has deepened quite a bit. Second, he's always had good enunciation and projection. Third, combine that with his
angst, coupled with when he's hangry or in pain, and GOOD GRIEF! One of us may not last until he is 16...I know, I know. The days are long and the years are short. All too 
aware of that! Because where is my sweet young boy who used to tell me if my hands were cold I could use his pockets? Or who told me almost daily about a new superhero
he made up? This big Viking who's literally been on a never-ending growing spurt for the past 5 years is a new concept for me as a mother. Plus, since I am the youngest in my
family and my brother is 6 years older than I am, I don't really remember when my brother went through this stage.

Anyone else in the throes of teenage angst in your house, specifically those filled with testosterone? Here: see above!

Anyone have any good snack ideas for the perpetually hungry Viking? (We're really Dutch, but still!) Here: I asked this on a facebook group the other day and got some GREAT ideas!
I'll share them with you when I'm more awake!

Who needs Happy Hour already? (And that can be any drink - alcoholic/non-alcholic - of your choice) Here: Just had coffee. may need a second cuppa. If today is anything like yesterday, 
then come late afternoon, I may have that appletini! Or go see a late matinee. Not sure yet.


Talk to me! 👂 

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1 hour ago, mom@shiloh said:

I agree that boys benefit from physical activity.

As an aside, I had a family member tell me recently that he thought that his 14 yo dd was bi-polar. With all due respect to those who do suffer from mental illness, ummm, that's kinda normal for a 14 yo girl.

I would LOVE to get him physically active. The challenge is: he is not sports inclined and it's too d*mn hot out here to do anything outside (temp is over 105*F pretty much every day, and lately over 110 daily!). He DID mention recently he'd like to join a gym. So we'll look into that. There is one that is close enough he can walk or ride his bike to when it gets cooler.

And as for 14yo girls, oh.my. YES. From about 12 - 18 years old, girls will be laughing and happy one moment and in tears or full out rage the next. That's called HORMONES.

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I'm dealing with the same thing. While my older son has a milder voice, my 13yo Viking woke me up last night at 11:30pm when he bumped into his sister in the bathroom and they struck up a conversation.  His booming voice brought me instantly awake.  Seriously, just BE QUIET.  We have been having to review whisper voices.

I keep my fridge stocked with no fewer than 3 dozen hardboiled eggs, 2# blocks of cheese (cubed), and leftover cooked chicken. While my older son craved carbs, this kid seems to need protein and fat to be satiated.  I find food to be good leverage in accomplishing what I want now that I am one of the shortest people in the house.  It's a conversational opener. It's a bribe for doing yucky chores. It's an apology when we've both had hormonal days and had relationship breakdown. 

I grew up with no brothers--this whole parenting boys thing is interesting. I wish I could tell my teenage self about what boys are really like.  Dd came home from camp yesterday telling me about how all of the girls were asking about her brothers. She gave a big eye roll in response.  Yep.  Nothing super magical about them.  Feed them, water them, pat them on the head and they are generally manageable. I remember, though, being a teen girl asking my friend about her brothers. *sigh*  

 I try to stick to water or a bit of herbal tea and treat myself with food instead.  My current treat is chocolate hummus dip.  It's delicious with strawberries and pretzels.

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2 hours ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

I would LOVE to get him physically active. The challenge is: he is not sports inclined and it's too d*mn hot out here to do anything outside (temp is over 105*F pretty much every day, and lately over 110 daily!). He DID mention recently he'd like to join a gym. So we'll look into that. There is one that is close enough he can walk or ride his bike to when it gets cooler.

And as for 14yo girls, oh.my. YES. From about 12 - 18 years old, girls will be laughing and happy one moment and in tears or full out rage the next. That's called HORMONES.

My non athletic almost 12 yo loves tae kwon do. And it’s done indoors.

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