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The Rocky Mountain 2-step Teachers Lounge 5-22-2019


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Happy Wednesday and welcome to the Lounge!

For refreshments today we have a banana, grapes, clementines and lunchables for snacking. Plus, coffee, tea, and water of course!

Today's theme stems from the fact that I live within the Rocky Mountain climate zone and pretty much once a week since I've been here
(beginning of April) it has snowed, followed by high temps in the high 60s/low 70s a few days later. This week is no exception. AND I moved up here,
as some of you know, for a job that didn't work out, and now I'm considering my next move(s).

What has you feeling like you're doing a dance to figure things out? Here: see above.

What's going RIGHT in your world? Here: I hosted an Herb Circle ( a gathering of friends to learn about herbal remedies ) this past Sunday and 
tomorrow, I'm hosting an online class for Homeschoolers called "There's a medicine cabinet in my Pizza!", and Intro to Herbology, via Zoom. (Shameless 
plug: let me know if you want in on it. It's free and is at 2pm MST.)

Obviously, this post is not really about dancing, but any of you have experience in social dancing? Here: it was actually part of my PE two years in a row
in high school. Plus, years ago, dh and I took a few ballroom dance lessons.

Talk to me!



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You can only jinx something if you believe that you will unless, of course, you say something like, "what could go wrong?" or "This is a piece of cake" in regards to how seemingly easy something is. Yeah, don't do that. Glad you have things going right in your life and that you've enjoyed Zumba!

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