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Diets for weight loss


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It's hard to say which one is really the most effective because the weight loss in general is a very individual thing and not all popular diets will be helpful for you too.
Besides only dieting isn't enough for the really effective weight loss and even if you lose your kilos with it, there's a great chance that you gain the same weight later again. That's why it's recommended to combine always diets with physical exercises and continue later to make them for keeping balance between calories you get and the ones which your body burns https://mintconditionfitness.com/blog/94633/Why-Diet-Alone-is-Not-Enough-for-Weight-Loss . With such approach you'll be in a good shape after finishing the weight loss programm too.
Also if all natural weight loss methods aren't effective for you for a long time, it can be a sign of some diseases which make it so hard. One of the most widespread among them is hormonal imbalance and there's often a need to treat it medically. For example, benefits of progesterone replacement therapy include reducing the general amount of bodyfat and improving the weight loss in general.

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I lost 25 pounds without exercising. I kept all 3 meals a day around 20-25 carbs and ate one snack in the afternoon. I avoided sugar and other white carbs. It kept my total carbs under 90 or so. I didn't want to go extreme like some of the keto diets. That just didn't seem healthy to me. And it was very simple to do. 


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