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The Coffee Shop Teachers Lounge 5-13-2019


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Come in, one and all, and take a load off for awhile. Teachers Only!

Today's theme stems from the fact that I only have decaf in the house, and I don't care for the landlords' full caff coffee brand.
I'll be scooting out here in a minute to get my own.

What's on your schedule today? Here: I have to prep for some more training later this morning, and then coffee with a new friend this afternoon.
At which point I may have decaf or switch to tea. One full caff brew a day is good enought for me.

What's your weather supposed to be today: Here: right now in the low 50s but should be in low 70s for the high.

Anyone been hiking lately? Here: not yet. The weather has finally calmed down enough (I hope) that I may get out there tomorrow or later in the week.

Talk to me!

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Morning, Scrap!

Today is a pretty easy schedule.  DS is just doing review work now that he's done with school for the year, so that's a relatively short amount of time each morning.  This afternoon I'll take him to his P.E. class, and then when that's done I'll start making sure all his paperwork is ready to turn in tomorrow to the school district (progress report, Letter of Intent and course list for next year).  I'm slowly working on the schedule next year, trying to keep a balance of teaching from rest and getting in all the things ds wants to do.  I figure if I get the minimum amount of coursework planned out, then I'll have no problem being flexible if he wants to move ahead.  I just don't want to ignore a subject.  That means organizing all the supplies by the week so I have no excuse to skip something because I didn't get the right materials.  It's school-in-a-box, just tailored for my kid.

As far as hiking, we are part of a hiking club but the weather has been miserable.  It's 46 degrees right now with a high of 50 today, and rain off and on throughout the week.  I would really appreciate summer showing itself sometime soon!  We took advantage of Saturday's nice weather and went out to clean the beach, so I'm guessing that counts as a hike at this point! 😄

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37 minutes ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Nice to see you, HomeAgain! I hope you enjoyed the beach, too, while you cleaned it.


We did!  It was a very rocky beach so there weren't many shells, but my youngest decided to collect rocks of every color while we were working.  He did, too, lining them up from red to violet, and black and white at the end.  It looked like he painted them with Crayola.

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