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Picture books for older students?

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Depends on ages and interests, I think.

maybe the Carl the Dog series , which is funny even for adults

Mirror by Jeannie someone with parallel societies in two cultures that shows a typical day in each?

is the child advanced enough / old enough for graphic novels?


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A favorite of mine, with a solid story that could be narrated: 

City Dog, Country Frog https://www.amazon.com/dp/1423103009/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_W3MZCb986XP3H


A Drop Around the World https://www.amazon.com/dp/1883220726/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_yaNZCb3C0GAN3

(if that’s appealing, its publisher Dawn Publications has a lot of science and environment oriented picture books — they have their own catalog)

Harder yet: 

Mesmerized: How Ben Franklin Solved a Mystery that Baffled All of France https://www.amazon.com/dp/0763695157/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Q6MZCb0N22PV9


harder yet would be Neil Gaiman graphic Books—think adults might find some hard to narrate


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22 hours ago, bluebonnetgirl said:

Can anyone recommend picture books for older students where the illustrations and contract are not so childish?

Looking to develop narration skills in an older learner 


What age etc is your child?

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You might also want to look at things like Hi/Lo readers and graphic books such as from Highnoon  or elsewhere.  https://www.highnoonbooks.com/detailHNB.tpl?action=search&cart=15571055289883458&eqskudatarq=DDD-2636&eqTitledatarq=Life Skills in Action%3A Living Skills&eqvendordatarq=ATP&bobby=[bobby]&bob=[bob]&TBL=[tbl]


and at very visual Books from National Geographic and similar sources       There was a visual photograph book of Lincoln and Civil War which won a Newberry medal    Titled Something like “Lincoln a Photohistory “ 

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https://mindwingconcepts.com/blogs/news/46846209-expository-my-research-cut-and-fold-booklet  Very nice, free

https://mindwingconcepts.com/products/thememaker-expository-text-structures-poster-mini-poster Chart shows how narrative (fiction) and expository writing structures relate. The symbols they use for expository are the SAME as the symbols for narrative. So beginning narration with NON-FICTION can actually be more successful for kids with ASD.

https://mindwingconcepts.com/blogs/news/46666305-writing-expository-informational-descriptive-map-to-paragraphs  An example of the detailed graphic organizers they include in the ASD curriculum and shows you how, even at a really basic level, BASIC SKILLS can turn into quality writing.

So for that descriptive paragraph, what syntax and grammar did you really HAVE to have? Only the most basic. (adjectives, prepositions, etc.) But you're doing solid academic writing at that point by taking the simple thing he CAN do and doing it well. And then look back at link 2, the mini poster, and see the developmental order you can work through, teaching the structures. 

If you do it with fiction, you get bogged down with the social thinking, the need to get more steps to get anywhere. You also have the cockamamie problem that the way we teach narrative (story grammar parts) DOES NOT MATCH the way writers actually write!!! Very seldom will the structures be that tight and tidy, so then you're jumping through hoops with someone who maybe doesn't give a rip about fiction, who doesn't engage with the social narrative, whatever. At that point expository writing, which means orally being able to argue a point, to say why you like a particular football team better, etc. etc. would be much more functional. Strongly consider beginning your narrative work with non-fiction, with expository.

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