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2019-2020 4th Grade Planning


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My youngest will be starting 4th. 

Math: Acellus 4th/5th and MLFLE 4th/5th

LA: Writing & Rhetoric, not sure on Grammar, Soaring with Spelling, good books

History: America’s Story 2

Science: Masterbooks Elementary Anatomy

Coding: Acellus Coding

PE: Dance


i’m sure I have forgotten something. 🤷‍♀️

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Language Arts: AAS 4, IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating, Rod & Staff English, various books for reading and literature

Math: Singapore PM 4A & 4B

History: A Child's History of the World

Science: Harcourt grade 4

Faith Formation: Baltimore Catechism, Bible, saint stories, and a few more books

Spanish: La Clase Divertida 2 with siblings

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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Finish Treasured Conversations and move back to ELTL D
Elson Readers
Dictation Day By Day
Spencerian cursive

LoF Fractions
LoF Decimals & Percents


Science: Undecided.  I have stuff.  I just need to use stuff.  Right now it's outsourced.

P.E.: outsourced

private lessons
Practice Monkeys

First Form Latin, second half
Cambridge Unit 2
L'art de Lire 2 / knowitall


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Math: SM 4/BA 3, math circle

LA:  beowulf grammar/fll, AAS 3, W&R fables or narrative, WWE 3, possible Narnia study, Jacob's ladder

Science: not sure yet

History: sotw 2, govenment/civics

Music/art/foreign language: not sure/HAS/not sure

PE: gymnastics, self defense

Bible: discover 4 yourself

Eta: Coding in python and robotics, logic countdown, the detective club, books from the critical thinking company

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I am totally up in the air and completely looking forward to the home school convention this year.


Math...Singapore Math, or BJU, or CLE, or something else that looks good

Spelling...Spelling Workout 1994 edition (already bought that, did not like the 2004 edition)

English....BJU English and CAP W&R ..or something else that looks good


Science.....Mystery Science and Considering God's Creation

History....Story of the World ..and other stuff too

Latin..Getting Started with Latin and likely will add something else in

Recorder. art history, music history

And an outsourced class or two for fun

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10 minutes ago, desertflower said:

Math: SM 4/BA 3, math circle

LA:  beowulf grammar/fll, AAS 3, W&R fables or narrative, WWE 3, possible Narnia study

Science: not sure yet

History: sotw 2, govenment/civics

Music/art/foreign language: not sure/HAS/not sure

PE: gymnastics, self defense

Bible: discover 4 yourself

Eta: Coding in python and robotics

 How have I never heard of the Discover 4 Yourself studies?? Thanks for mentioning it!


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I don't think this in final yet, but for now here's what I've got...


Bible: BSGFAA 


Math: MM4, Xtra Math, Khan Academy


Literature: BYL 4 readers & read alouds

Spelling: AAS4

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4

Writing: Writing & Rhetoric Books 1 & 2

Grammar: IEW Fix It Book 1

Handwriting: Writing for Learning Series Cursive Enrichment Grade 4


Science: Exploration Education


History: Texas History - Our Land Publications "My Texas"

Geography: Draw the USA, continue reviewing states/capitals  


Spanish: Duolingo


Extras: Weekly co-op, MMA class, Hoffmann Academy piano lessons

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I am really thinking about our choices for next year. My 4th grader is learning very well and succeeding with her current curriculum, so I hesitate to change, however, she is complaining that it is "boring" and that it takes too long. She is a very visual and creative child, and I think she just may need more stimulation in that area.  Currently for LA, she is doing FLL 3, which I love but she doesn't like, Spelling WO, which she doesn't mind but I don't like, and W&R 2, which I like, but she doesn't care for. We will finish out our year using what we already have. I'm thinking of making some changes for next school year.

Typing: Continue with typing.com

Latin: Latin for Children A (this will be our first Latin program)

Math: MM4 (this is the program we have always used and will continue to)

LA: TGATB 4 (this will take the place of SWO, FLL, and W&R, and well as Geography [currently we are doing my own States and Capitals thing]).t's very colorful and creative it seems more her speed. She's a natural at language arts so I think she would do well with just about anything.

Music: Continue with Piano Lessons

Co-op: Continue with 1-day Charlotte Mason drop-off program.

Spanish: Continue with Duolingo

SCIENCE: TGATB Water and our World, Marine Biology, and Kingdoms and Classification Units. This would replace Apologia. We are currently doing Apologia Astronomy and will finish that but the others in the series haven't been updated and aren't as visually appealing, and we've found we have't enjoyed the notebooking journal as well as we thought we would.

I still haven't decided. I think what we are using is good and works well, but may not be a great fit for her creative and visual personality. We are definitely changing science for next year.


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I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about next year yet, but DD9 will be mostly doing the next thing or using stuff I already own anyhow.

Language Arts:

Writing and Rhetoric Books 3 & 4
Veritas Press 4th grade literature
Possibly some TOG Year 1 UG level literature, too.
Classically Cursive, I think.
Rod and Staff 4

Math & Science:

Science In The Beginning
Saxon 6/5 - possibly starting it in the fall or finishing it in January and moving on to something else, depending on whether we start it soon or do other things this spring
Maybe some TOPS science or Beast Academy - I'm too old and busy to add much these days, though.
Probably Fog Stone Isle again since it is cheap, she likes it, and it doesn't take much time from me.


We'll be studying Ancients. I have TOG Year 1, Veritas Press, and SOTW. My older kids, who studied history with VP at elementary age retained a whole lot more than the next two, who used TOG. Both sets used some SOTW. This makes me think I should use VP with Dd9 until she ages out instead of TOG. We'll see. I have so many resources for Ancients that I could do my own thing with her.
Veritas Press Bible Old Testament


Latin for Children A - probably
So You Really Want to Learn Spanish - maybe? I wasn't thrilled with it when I used it with my boys.
Duolingo - Spanish, for sure. Maybe another language of her choice.

Fine Arts:

Piano and dulcimer lessons
At least one Opal Wheeler book
At least one Artist Portfolio from Simply Charlotte Mason



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Math- CLE 4

Literature: Lots of Books- Read alouds and independent reading

Spelling- Spelling Workout E

Grammar- Well-Ordered Language 1 & 2A

Writing- Treasured Conversations Parts 1 & 2

Science-Interest Led w/ Funschooling Books on Animals and the Library

Geography and World Cultures- Mom made

Religion- Faith and Life 4 and Story of the Bible

Cursive- TGaB 5

Typing- Dancemat Typing and Typing Club when finished with Dancemat



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My rising 4th grader is very unbalanced and next years big goal will be shoring up his weaknesses.

Math will be finishing up Beast 4 and moving into 5.  He's just started 4b so wherever he is in September.

Language Arts will be Writing and Rhetoric Narrative and the 2nd/3rd sections of Treasured Conversations.  Plus Sequential Spelling level 1.  And lots and lots of oral narrations, that get outlined by mom, and then written by ds.

Latin marches on, this one joins his olders for Latin for Children but mom scribes the writing.  

Plus content with the group.  SOTW 2, Science in the Ancient World, tons of good read alouds, some poetry, some art appreciation, some shakespesre, ect.

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Updated Dec, 2019   

LA/Grammar: fall:Abeka language A, Spring: TGTB Level 4 

Writing Comp: IEW ATF&F

Ind Spelling Practice: sporadically: Building Spelling Skills by Christian Liberty Press  

Penmanship/copywork: TGTB Cursive Level 5/6 

History:  History Through the ages Passport Middle Ages & Reformation with TGTB History year 2 

Science: Fall: Student Lead - Nature Studies, Spring: SL D biology, taxonomy, human anatomy 

Bible:  Kids Small Group Bible Study 

Math: CLE 4 

PE: Wed Co-op Fit Kids Boot Camp, Circus Trix, rec play

Extras: Wed Co-op cooking class, field trips, Adventure Guides camping 




Edited by Hallyv
Changed course mid year
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Math: TT5, XtraMath

Language Arts: CAP W&R, AAS5, grammar tbd

Latin: Latin for Children A

History: unschooled, reading list

Science: unschooled, Mystery Science, reading list, kits

Typing: Typing Club

Piano: Hoffman Academy

Religion: Book of Mormon independently, Come Follow Me for New Testament as a family


This dd is my special need, most difficult child to figure out. I'm considering adding some logic, but I'm not sure yet. It is a huge weakness area for her and I'm already pushing her in a lot of other areas, so we'll see. Also, I'm considering doing GWTM for grammar, but I'm concerned it might be too much. We'll probably start with the sample once she finishes FLL4 and see if it's a good fit. Grammar is a strength and I definitely want a rigorous program with diagramming, but I'd prefer something a little less parent-intensive.

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My oldest will be a 4th grader this year.

Bible: MP Christian Studies & Luther's Small Catechism

Math: R&S 4

Language Arts: R&S English 4 for grammar orally, Classical Comp Fable

Spelling: Apples and Pears

Literature: MP 3rd grade literature list and guides, D'Aulaire's Greek Myths

History: Early American biographies

Geography: MP States and Capitals

Science: MP Astronomy

Latin: Latina Christiana 

Enrichment Fridays: Rotate poetry, music appreciation and art


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I don't think we will be changing much as everything is going so well this year in 3rd. The plan is:

Saxon 65

Classical Writing Aesops B

Fix It! Grammar Robin Hood

Mosdos Ruby

Spelling Wisdom

TG&TB language arts 4

Sonlight grade 5 readers (to support US History) and then alot of free choice. She reads a ton already.

Latina Christiana

Everything else she does with her siblings:

History: Biblioplan 3 + SOTW 3 as the spine and we will roll geography in using multiple resources as we always do.

Science: BJU Science 4 with a couple TGTB science units (probably physiology and the other energy)

Art/music: she will take classes at her umbrella school 

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My plan is super tentative at this point:

Bible: VP Self Paced or BSGFAA

History: VP Ancients or BP Ancients -- either with SL books from Core 1&2

Apologia Anatomy and ASK human body kit

Language Arts: IEW fix it, Traditional Spelling from MP (wherever we are), CAP W&R books 1-2, TC parts 1 & 2, cursive copywork. Reading & Reasoning

Math Mammoth 4

Spanish by kids 4 kids

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/7/2019 at 5:19 AM, soror said:

Math- CLE 4

Spelling- Spelling Workout E

Grammar- Well-Ordered Language 1 & 2A

Writing- Treasured Conversations Parts 1 & 2

Typing- Dancemat Typing

Literature: BW- Stuart Little; Nim's Island;

Family Studies:

Guest Hollow World Geography and Cultures (with some books from BYL)-;

Exploration Education Reg; 

Lit: Blue Fairy& Harry Potter

I might add in TGaTB Handwriting 4 or 5 (which ever is next), not sure, her cursive is decent now but another level might be good for her

Have you used Well-ordered language? I would love to get some insight on how it works & what you like about it! Does it teach any punctuation along with analyzing sentences?? I am not seeing how it works from the samples. We Love W&R and will continue on with it but I cannot figure out what grammar to pair with it. 

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4 hours ago, Hallyv said:

Have you used Well-ordered language? I would love to get some insight on how it works & what you like about it! Does it teach any punctuation along with analyzing sentences?? I am not seeing how it works from the samples. We Love W&R and will continue on with it but I cannot figure out what grammar to pair with it. 

I have not used it, I bought it the year before last and then backed out of using it. This year we have used Beowulf's Grammar and the girls have loved it but there is only one level. After combing through everything out there yet again I decided it was the closest to feel of Beowulf's, a bit whimsical but teaches solid grammar and diagramming. I really had to look at the book several times to get a feel for it and that is why we ultimately didn't use it when I first bought it.

There are 2 books for each level. There is a teacher's book and student book. Each book has 7-8 chapters. The chapters introduce a topic and then they have worksheets to go along with that topic to be used over 5-8 lessons (1-2 weeks). There are the introductory pages you do on the first day of the lesson and then A,B, and C worksheets you can do on subsequent days-for practice and lessons to review. There are also "lessons to enjoy" that use poems and fables that you can use for extension at the end of the lessons. Depending on what you are looking for and what your students need you can use as much or little as your students need. 

There is a lot of teaching through discussion, memory with using songs to help it stick. The book is centered around a family with a dog but uses great literature at well in the extension. I just ordered the workbook but will be ordering the pdf in the future so I have the student sheets and quizzes we can use each week as review. Each level has songs to help them remember what they are learning. We will start with doing a lesson a week and see how it goes as a lot will be review (although who knows what will fall out of their head in the summer). 

The whole program is 4 levels to be started around 3 or 4 grade so they are finished w/ grammar by highschool. I like that it doesn't last forever and has solid grammar with some whimsy. Although, all the sheets intimidated me at first I now appreciate that there are so many b/c we can use more if we need it. The extension looks great but others may find it an unnecessary addition to their school.

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2 hours ago, soror said:

I have not used it, I bought it the year before last and then backed out of using it. This year we have used Beowulf's Grammar and the girls have loved it but there is only one level. After combing through everything out there yet again I decided it was the closest to feel of Beowulf's, a bit whimsical but teaches solid grammar and diagramming. I really had to look at the book several times to get a feel for it and that is why we ultimately didn't use it when I first bought it.

There are 2 books for each level. There is a teacher's book and student book. Each book has 7-8 chapters. The chapters introduce a topic and then they have worksheets to go along with that topic to be used over 5-8 lessons (1-2 weeks). There are the introductory pages you do on the first day of the lesson and then A,B, and C worksheets you can do on subsequent days-for practice and lessons to review. There are also "lessons to enjoy" that use poems and fables that you can use for extension at the end of the lessons. Depending on what you are looking for and what your students need you can use as much or little as your students need. 

There is a lot of teaching through discussion, memory with using songs to help it stick. The book is centered around a family with a dog but uses great literature at well in the extension. I just ordered the workbook but will be ordering the pdf in the future so I have the student sheets and quizzes we can use each week as review. Each level has songs to help them remember what they are learning. We will start with doing a lesson a week and see how it goes as a lot will be review (although who knows what will fall out of their head in the summer). 

The whole program is 4 levels to be started around 3 or 4 grade so they are finished w/ grammar by highschool. I like that it doesn't last forever and has solid grammar with some whimsy. Although, all the sheets intimidated me at first I now appreciate that there are so many b/c we can use more if we need it. The extension looks great but others may find it an unnecessary addition to their school.

Thank you so much for  all of this info! The songs sound really fun too.  Do you know of the levels cover punctuation as well? 

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13 minutes ago, Hallyv said:

Thank you so much for  all of this info! The songs sound really fun too.  Do you know of the levels cover punctuation as well? 

Sorry forgot to cover that, I was typing between classes this morning and kept forgetting what I had already said. I only have the first level, I'm not seeing much punctuation work in it. Fwiw I bought Jr. Ag Mechanics for us to do at some point, maybe in the second half of the year next year or the year after, I'm not sure, it really depends how we find it as we go. 

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We're only just now being able to purchase the curriculum we wanted for 3rd grade so we're basically starting everything halfway through the year for 3rd. But we've also decided to school year round so it's not too big of a deal and just continue with what we're doing until we finish it, even if that means using it going into 4th grade for our new year starting in August. 

Language Arts:

Grammar & Writing - Start working on Essentials in Writing Level 3 soon and hopefully finish it then begin Level 4 in August. Spectrum Language Arts grade 4 workbook. Practicing cursive and better penmanship as well.

Reading - Reading various books for History and Science and whatever we choose for fun read alouds. Currently working through the Guardians of Ga-Hoole series ( currently on book 6) on audiobook and reading through The Series of Unfortunate Events (currently on book 6 as well). We watch the two corresponding episodes from the TV series after we finish a book and that's been fun.

Spelling & Vocabulary - Using Kids Discover Online vocabulary words from what we use in history and science.

Math - Finish Math Mammoth LBS Grade 3, Begin Grade 4. Finish Mathematical Reasoning Level D, begin Level E.

History & Geography - Doing our own thing. Starting Ancient Egypt unit study/lesson block soon then then moving on to Ancient Greece and possibly Ancient Rome. Adding in lots of books, Timeline videos, and using Kids Discover Online. Also lots of projects/hands on stuff, games, kits etc.

Science - Doing our own thing. Doing a unit study/lesson block on Geology and Astronomy starting this Spring. Using various books, hands on resources, outside exploring and observing, maybe some videos, kids discover online, kits, games etc.

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I love seeing everyone’s plans! I’m mostly just doing what I did for older brother, besides the arts/P.E. additions. Here’s my plan for my next-year-fourth-grader:

History, combination of:

  • Tapestry of Grace Year 4 Upper Grammar
  • Story of the World 4
  • America’s History: Land of Liberty
  • At Home in South Carolina

Language Arts:

  • Kolbe Academy Elementary Literature
  • Killgallon Paragraphs for Elementary School
  • Classical Academic Press: Writing and Rhetoric 1 & 2
  • Michael Clay Thompson Voyage Level
  • All About Spelling Levels 6 and 7


  • Singapore Standards: 5A and 5B


  • Critical Thinking Company Building Thinking Skills Level 2
  • Critical Thinking Company Mind Benders Book 4


  • Elemental Science Physics for the Grammar Stage

Foreign Language: 

  • Getting Started With Latin


  • Typing Instructor Platinum


  • Law of God by Seraphim Slobodskoi


  • Art classes at co-op
  • Violin lessons

P. E.:

  • Soccer
  • TaeKwonDo


  • Cub Scouts
  • Other co-op classes
  • Field trips
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Tentative plans. 

  • Math - Singapore 5 / Beast 3
  • Classical Composition Fable
  • Kidnapped / Robinson Crusoe / Incredible Journey / Rip van Winkle / Paul Revere (Ambleside year 4 literature)
  • Spelling Wisdom
  • copywork daily / written narration weekly 
  • Gymnastics / PE at Co-op, family hikes, family running program (we set goals with a family prize when we everyone achieves x number of miles)
  • History / Geography: SOTW Medieval (World History) / This Country of Ours (US History), history co-op 
  • Science: BFSU (we do this in the summer as a family), David Macaulay's Castle, Cathedral and either Ship or Mosque and / or How Things Work
  • Biographies: Thomas Edison, others undecided
  • Other: he wants to continue learning HTML / CSS and making movies
  • Cursive with New American Cursive. He only does 3 lines a day 🙂
  • Art: pictures studies, Creating A Masterpiece
  • Continue Chinese school


FLL 3 forgrammar

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Still in the process of deciding a lot of these:

Math: TT4 (this is the one I’m sure of since it’s been working for us)

Spelling: AAS4 & 5

Writing: Still working on this... He is not at all a writer and IEW is not doing it for us!!

Grammar: hoping to find a writing program that also includes this...

Latin: Hoping to start MP LC or something basic. (My older DD is using FIrst Form and we both like it.)

History: MOH Ancients as a family

Science: Also deciding.. Maybe Gods Design for the Physicals world or Science in the Ancient World

taekwando, baseball, church stuff...

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*We homeschool all year and roll into the next curriculum

Math - MUS Delta (starts July), Epsilon (January) *fav class

LA - WOL 2b, 3a *fav class

AAS 3, 4

Editor in Chief 1 (currently in beginning series and used mostly for punctuation)

WR 2a/b (does not enjoy fable/narrative 1 but if we can’t come up with a writing program we will continue) 

Social Studies: ? 

Currently in History Odyssey and GeoMatters US Geography (dislikes both). 

Science: My Pals are Here -We decided on exposure vs mastery for bookwork (Nov-April). During months with light we spend time outside learning native plants and wildlife, being able to identify the salmon and fish we catch, identify rocks as we beach comb as well as types of aquatic plants and life. 

Foreign Language: currently in Latin but has requested Spanish.

Sports: Basketball and Native Youth Olympics. 

Music:  needs to choose an instrument 

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My DD will be using mostly Memoria Press' 4th Grade accelerated classical core, with a few changes.

Math: R&S Math 4

Latin: First Form Latin

Spelling: Spelling Workout D (E is actually scheduled)

Writing: IEW Student Writing Intensive B (with some level A passages, as recommended for her grade level), Copybook Cursive II

Grammar: IEW Fix-It Grammar, possibly some of the MP grammar, but it hasn't been a hit this year

Literature: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Heidi, and Lassie Come Home plus Poetry for the Grammar Stage

History/Geography: Famous Men of Rome, Geography I, American Supplemental Readers

Bible: Christian Studies II (2nd half of Old Testament)

Science:  Book of Insects, Home Science Adventures Insects kit, we might also add a butterfly or ladybug kit

Art: Artistic Pursuits, MP's Art Appreciation, nature journal

Morning Basket/Family Studies: MP's Music Appreciation, Singing Made Easy, Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization, Lingua Angelica, MP's 4th Grade Read Alouds

Edited by Holly
Updated plans
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  • 2 weeks later...

My twins will be in 4th next year...sniff sniff. That sounds so much older than third for some reason. "Upper Elementary School" and I'm not digging it! 🙂 

Okay so here is what we plan on doing:

WriteShop D (this is new, for my reluctant writers, so we'll see how it goes)
Wordly Wise 4
Spelling You See D
Zaner Bloser Cursive 4
I'm hoping to add in a literature study unit as well, for my reluctant readers, but still thinking this one through

CLE Math 4

The Good and the Beautiful History Year 1 (we are secular so we'll see how this goes!)
Big Book of Maps and Geography (continuation)
The Good and the Beautiful Science Units (we love these)

Artistic Pursuits for Art

Evan-Moor Critical Thinking Grade 4
Reading Skills workbook Grade 4
Continue to work on keyboarding

I usually sign them up for homeschool PE and an Outdoor Education Class through our local YMCA


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i remember 4th grade...not as much fun as DD will have (I hope!).

Math: CLE

History: Story of the World

Science: MP Mammals

Reading: Center for Lit

Spelling: Rod and Staff

Writing: IEW Ancients

Grammar: FLL

Latin: MP Latina Christiana 

Classical Studies: MP Greek Myths

Fine Arts: Barry Stebbings and SQUILT, piano

Geography, Logic, Duolingo

PE: so far we just run around, bike, and exercise...gotta find something more regular

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I had mine done  and almost everything was purchased.   I was continuing on from this year with almost eveyrthing the same but now I'm second guessing myself because I know there are areas like writing where we are lacking like writing and geography.  Mine will be going into 4th grade.

Art- Art classes and various projects in house

LA:  I already have FLL and some writing stuff but I'm considering switching to TGATB since it will cover so much more.  In her 5th grade year I planned to add IEW, but again TGATB might cover it. 

Spelling:  Old school list and old school drilling.

History:  Story of the World 2.  Also, considering TGATB

Science:  TGATB - Water, Meteorology, Space, 4H (horticulture and bees)

Math:  MUS-Gamma and Delta   We are patching from public so we are a bit behind and will be doing Gamma through the summer so we can get both in.  

PE-Obstacle courses, running, biking, nothing concrete

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3 minutes ago, A.J. said:

I thought I had mine done  and almost everything was purchased.   I was continuing on from this year with almost eveyrthing the same but now I'm second guessing myself because I know there are areas like writing where we are lacking like writing and geography.  Mine will be going into 4th grade.


Sounds like my thoughts. 😄  Ds came up with some of his own ideas, and when I started plotting the work I had decided on in my master lesson plans I realized, I don't want to go this direction with him.  We are tweaking all over the place now so that I can teach more restfully in the fall.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Math:  R& S 4

Grammar:  R&S 4

Spelling: R&S 4

Ambleside Online year 4/  Adding SCM Visits to Europe and North America

Music: Continue Hoffman Academy and try Miss Mason's Music

Writing:  Copy in cursive all memory work (3 NT passages, 3 OT Passages, 3 Poems, 3 Psalms, 3 Hymns, and possibly a scene from shakespeare).  Write one narration a day of at least 4 sentences based on an A.O. reading

Latin: Latina Christiana

Spanish: Getting Started with Spanish/ Cherrydale Press/ and Spanish stories and songs

Handicrats:  Knitting, Sewing, Painting, Sloyd.. One of these daily


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So, I've gone from homeschooling full time to just homeschooling during summer, since he's in school now. 

My son loves marine biology so in addition to a week camp, we're doing marine biology from library books and other books we have and I have some experiments I found planned out.

I really want to try to do a little bit more of SOTW...we ended right after the Crusades in Volume II so I'll keep going in but probably won't  get too far. 

Well also just continue in All About Spelling...just do a lesson a week, so however much of that gets done.

Will review Multiplication/Division with the "Facts that Stick" books.   He's still iffy on those.

Reading will be a mix of progressive phonics/ and a little Explode the Code to help with multisyllable words.

Not doing any writing...I'll let him take a break from that.  




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  • 2 weeks later...

My twins will be in 4th/5th grade next year. Long story, but basically they are old enough for 5th grade if in public school, but I delayed Kg due to speaking skills, etc. And now they are catching up.

So, with that being said:

Math : Beast Academy online with the books (hope to finish level 4)

English: AAS, FLL3, WWE3, Just Write book 2, reading challenge with my lit list 

History: SOTW finish through book 2 (book 3 in 6th, book 4 in 7th, amer hist 8th)

Minecraft Journals like these

Cursive workbook

Critical Thinking Company Vocab and Logic puzzles

Meet the Masters Level 3

Evan Moor Daily Geography

Mr Q Chemistry (coop I will teach 1x a week)

Outside Classes/Activities: Archery, Drama Class, Painting class, 4-H


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Math: Math Mammoth 6

LA: Sonlight D (maybe) or Writing and Rhetoric and Rod and Staff; Spelling Workout D; a Reason for Handwriting cursive ( maybe)

History: Sonlight D and VP Self Paced Reformation

Science: Sonlight D he really liked this science (C) this year so hoping this works again.

Language: Duolingo Spanish

Starting a new Coop this year.  Hopefully that works out.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Math: CLE 4 with some Singapore word problems

Grammar: Rod & Staff 4

Composition: Writing & Rhetoric 1 class w/ Schole

Spelling: AAS 4 & 5

Bible: Unsure, I have VPSP, but am unsure about it

History: Unsure, but I have CHOW with workbook that I'd like to use. I also have VPSP which he loved last year

Science: Marine Bio & Zoology with fun online class

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Thanks everyone for posting!  So helpful to see what others are doing. Here are my plans for next year’s 4th grader-

LA - rod and staff 4, Sonlight D readers for lit, spelling workout e, had planned on continuing with IEW- but may change 

math- RIght start E

science - RSO physics and apologia astronomy?

History- sotw3/American history focus, read alouds from sonlight D

Bible - VPSP Gospels

Languages - Latina Christiana 1, Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek level 3

Morning Time - rotating through - grapevine Bible, poetry memorization, renaissance artists, mindbenders, fairy tales, kings/queens of England, and whatever else we want to do

Extras - violin private lessons, swimming, cooking and geography at co-op


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Math: Singapore Standards 5 

Grammar: BJU English 4

Spelling: AAS 6 or maybe switch to Spelling Wisdom

Writing: Some of BJU English 4, Jump In 

History/Literature: TOG Year 2 at co-op 

Science: Nature study, Science in the Beginning + lots of library books

Spanish: Duolingo, Espanol para Chicos y Grandes, Knowitall.org 'Next Step Espanol' videos

Bible: Old Story New + personal reading, scripture memory as a family

Geography:  Not sure about this... Stack the States, Stack the Countries, SCM 'Visits to..." ?

Art: co-op

Music: Piano lessons, choir

PE: co-op, rock climbing, biking and jogging with dad, tennis?

Morning basket (only one of these/day): poetry, picture study/artist study, hymns, composer studies 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks to everyone who post on this board. It's been really helpful as we navigate homeschooling for the first time. This is the schedule we have for our 9 year old. We also have a soon to be 5 year old. 

Math: Right Start Math Level E, IXL, XtraMath

Science: Horizon Health, Along Came Galileo (Family), Learning about Birds (Family)

Language Arts: Writing With Ease 3, First Language Lesson 4, Using Language Well Book 1, Spelling Wisdom Book 1

Reading: Various books

Social Studies: StudiesWeekly

Handwriting: Cursive Handwriting Workbook

Extras: Art Class (YMCA), Basketball (YMCA), Field Trips, Events at the Library

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8 hours ago, Dad_Germ said:

Thanks to everyone who post on this board. It's been really helpful as we navigate homeschooling for the first time. This is the schedule we have for our 9 year old. We also have a soon to be 5 year old. 

Math: Right Start Math Level E, IXL, XtraMath

Science: Horizon Health, Along Came Galileo (Family), Learning about Birds (Family)

Language Arts: Writing With Ease 3, First Language Lesson 4, Using Language Well Book 1, Spelling Wisdom Book 1

Reading: Various books

Social Studies: StudiesWeekly

Handwriting: Cursive Handwriting Workbook

Extras: Art Class (YMCA), Basketball (YMCA), Field Trips, Events at the Library

Welcome to the wonderful world of homeschooling!! I have been homeschooling for over 25 yrs and our youngest of 8 is a4th grader this yr. 4th grade is one of my absolute favorite grades to teach.

I would just like to offer a word of caution about your list. More does not mean better. Less allows more time to think and master. More many times just means spreading thin without depth of either content or understanding.

As a general rule of thumb, my kids spend/have spent 1 hr/grade/day on focused academics (until middle school=6-8 hrs per day and high school=7-10 hrs/day depending on the student and how many cr hrs they are taking).  IOW, I would suggest targeting 4 hrs for schoolwork. In that 4 hrs, I would include 45-60 mins of literature reading. (My 4th grader is reading the Chronicles of Narnia this yr and is currently spending about that much time reading The Magician's Nephew.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2019 at 9:33 AM, Janeway said:

I am totally up in the air and completely looking forward to the home school convention this year.


Math...Singapore Math, or BJU, or CLE, or something else that looks good Still using Singapore Math but will try the BJU Math 5 I already have on hand when done

Spelling...Spelling Workout 1994 edition (already bought that, did not like the 2004 edition) still using

English....BJU English and CAP W&R ..or something else that looks good Switched to The Good and The Beautiful

Handwriting...Zaner-Bloser  Switched to Handwriting Without Tears, not because I like it better, but because I had it already. 

Science.....Mystery Science and Considering God's Creation Still doing this and loving it

History....Story of the World ..and other stuff too Still doing this and loving it

Latin..Getting Started with Latin and likely will add something else in Song School Latin

Recorder. art history, music history

And an outsourced class or two for fun Ninja Warrior class as well as open gyms

We changed some things but I do not know how to do the colorful cross outs to show the changes.

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