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2019-2020 11th grade planning

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Is there already a thread for this?  I couldn't find one when I searched.  

This is DD's 11th grade year so far.

Calculus: possibly online through WHA 

Early Modern History or History of Great Britain - she's still deciding: at home with me

Early Modern or British Literature: at home with me

Spanish 2: online provider but not sure which one

Chemistry - possibly online through WHA or WTMA if they offer it


This is as far as we've gotten.  I'd love to hear what other 11th graders will be doing next year.


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Here's my plan so far for next year:

Math: Saxon Algebra 2

Science: Was planning on 1 semester of Anatomy & Physiology and 1 semester of Ecology, but may do a physics course instead (something that only requires Algebra 1)  Looking at signing up for Clover Creek Physics

English: Not sure yet.  She's currently doing a writing class with Open Tent Academy, and she may take another one next year.  Probably continue using Bravewriter Boomerangs. She wants to use The Power in Your Hands for writing next year

History: 20th century, focused on the World Wars.  I'm still pulling together resources for this.

Languages: ASL 4 and Intro to Deaf Culture through Open Tent Academy

                   French 2 through Global Goose Languages

Electives: Psychology. She may do this online through Open Tent Academy

                 Maybe a nutrition course

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DS will be 11th next year. It sounds crazy....  so far the plan is

Teaching textbooks Precalculus 

Government.... 1/2 credit. probably use some Hillsdale College classes.   I have Notgrass Government book too

Economics ... 1/2 credit. Hillsdale College class.  And I have borrowed a high school level book in case the College class is too hard.

English. ... either an actual program.  Or write for government and economics, as well as literature we select.  SAT prep. Possibly Easy Grammar 11 since Grammar is a weakness.  Hoping for a co-op literature class.  

science.... Apologia Physics 

Spanish 2.   Just switched to Easy Peasy for Spanish 1, so will continue with it if it goes well.  Plus, a 2-hour once a week conversational class.

music..... his passion

some other elective.   Maybe criminal justice or forensics.  Or more history.  Personal finance. 

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For my dd who will be in 11th next year, aiming at lower range private U's, for an English major...

<s>Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2 plus Khan Academy SAT practice<s> Teaching math to oneself for an entire year is fine, but with no teacher and no classmates and no grading by said teacher, it can be a pretty lonely endeavor.  DD will be going to the co-op for math🙂

Everything else at the co-op!  DD has really thrived with her co-op classes this year, and in fact last year as well.  Next year she will take everything at the co-op.  🙂 As one of the new leaders (yay me, getting a job!), I will also hopefully be able to ensure we offer the classes she (and other homeschoolers) need.

- Honors English Lit

-Algebra 2

- Chemistry

- Government / Econ

- Student Government

- American SIgn Language 3 (if the co-op offers it)

-Probably 1 semester of piano also at co-op



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So far, we are planning for MUS Algebra 2, German III (teaching this myself), continuing guitar and a variety of unit studies using living books/activities: Anatomy & Physiology...Contemporary Native American Literature...possibly Native American History (still trying to figure out how to put this together)...Home Economics...P.E.  We will probably fit more units in our year - just not sure what they are yet.  He will spend the year studying for the SAT, too.  I will probably put together a college-prep writing course for ds and dd.

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Mine is in her 2nd semester of 11th. I really haven't figured out 12th grade plans yet, but her 11th grade has panned out so far like this. We have done this year all at home except for online math and dance and piano lessons. 

Mr. D;s math Algebra 2

speech: 1/2 credit rhetoric using a Workbook for Arguments 

WTM History/Great Books study for Renaissance World History and English 3 with a little Rod and Staff 9/10- The History of the Renaissance World, selections from English Literature, a Chronological Approach textbook, a couple of books and poetry from WTM grade 11 list a semester with history context page papers and lit responses

Astronomy: WTM recommendations- the Self Teaching Guide as main text, various projects and joined up with an Astronomy Club

Latin IV: Henle 2-4 (not in full,) put together by me with lessons from MP henle 2, review from Third Form and Fourth Form, self study for NLE iii-iv prose exam.

Art: enough for a half credit here 

Music: Piano (don't know what to call this on transcripts yet, but she does enough for a credit plus performances) 

PE: Dance classes, 4 hours a week regularly, plus performances several times a year

Then all of her extras: part time job, volunteering, scouts Busy girl. 

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My 11th grader will be taking:

Precalculus- this will be online, hopefully the AOPS class with WTMA but waiting for the schedule. Maybe MPOA for this if not.

AP Physics 1 or 1/2 with PA Homeschoolers

Comp 1/2- dual enrollment at local private university 

Spanish 1/2- dual enrollment 

Probably something else he is interested in but the above is all he really needs to take.

This will be his first de experience but my older boys have had the Comp and Spanish at this college and I’m comfortable ds can handle them. Our de is inexpensive but this kid thinks he is going into STEM and I’m honestly iffy about the math quality if he took the de equivalent of precal. Ds had 7 online classes plus two co-op this year so I think this schedule will actually be a break for him and he can really focus more on fewer classes and if he needs to spend intensive time on ACT prep he can. 

After 11th he’ll have all the requirements met and he can really focus on what he wants senior year. Hopefully he’ll have some idea where he will attend college and we can be strategic with de. My other boys didn’t know what they wanted until March of senior year though so I’m not counting on that.

It feels like he doesn’t have much left but that is nice. We really frontloaded the requirements into 9th and 10th. 

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I have a rising senior (say what???!?!?!? where did the time go!?)

but if this helps anyone, here is our current 11th grade schedule:

Math - AP Calc AB - Derek Owens - LOVES it
Eng - AP Eng Lang - PAH (Walker) great class though he's not my Eng guy
Sci - H Physics - Derek Owens - LOVES it
Hist - AP Comparative Govt - PAH - great class
Lang - Span 3 (HSA)
elec - AP Stats (Edhesive) - learning a ton!

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I have to make two plans as we await word on whether dd will be accepted into a semester boarding school for fall.

Plan 1

At the SS (fall):

1 credit AP Environmental Science

1/2 credit PE

1/2 credit Art

1/2 credit English (more like an elective IMO)

1/2 credit History (more like an elective IMO)

At home (spring):

1 credit DE Pre-Calc* 

1/2 credit World History III

1/2 credit Literature III

1 credit DE US Government*

*Pending university scheduling

Plan 2 (all home):

1 credit Pre-Calc by me at home or online with DO

1 credit physics outsourced, DO or Clover Creek

1 credit World History III at home

1 credit Literature III at home

1 credit DE US Government OR home 1/2 credit split of US Gov and Econ.

1 credit of ??????, likely DE

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Edited 8/14/19

1.  English:  “Chronicles of Narnia for high schoolers” online through Homeschool Connections

2. Chemistry:  Local provider

3. Algebra 2:  Local provider

4.  World History:   “Christ the King, Lord of History” through Homeschool Connections - online

5.  Spanish 2:  through Big River Academy - online

6.  Principles of Information Technology - online 

7.  Advanced Art:  Local provider

8. Cinematography:  3 week hands-on intensive


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I can't believe it....11th grade!!!

For next year:

Calculus - High School Math LIVE

Physics - Homeschool Connections

Foreign lang

Honors English - Excelsior - Dual Enrollment ENG 101

American History - homemade

Creative Novel II

Finally, was able to figure it all out now.

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I'm just starting to think about 11th grade. Here's my plan so far:

Pre-Calculus: Mr D

Physics: Not sure, but thinking about Elemental Science Going to use Apologia Physics

History/Literature: Tapestry of Grace Year 3

English: ? Maybe just lots of writing across the curriculum and using TOG writing assignments; also considering IEW

German: OKstate German online and/or Deutsche Welle. He's very motivated to learn German and uses whatever resources he can find.

Health and Nutrition: Apologia

Government and Economics: Notgrass

Extracurricular: Scouts, Sea Scouts, War Re-enacting, Modeling club, youth group, and I'd like him to have a sport or physical activity, probably swimming

Dual enrollment is also an option, but I'll have to get working on that soon if we decide to do it. I didn't get it together in time to apply for DE and our state is stingy with funding hours for homeschoolers.

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I'm still obsessing over my current senior, so most of this will likely change.

This child is the complete opposite of her older sister. So, she does nothing outsourced and hates math & foreign language. She's my artist and author.

Math: finish Geometry by Thanksgiving?, move onto Alg 2 (probably Foerster) w/me teaching.

History: homemade American History using Bennett, Zinn, Great Courses, and maybe Critical Thinking Co book(s).

English: Patterns in College Writing? & Am. Lit.

Science?? Thinking Earth Science w/Holt book

Foreign Language: French 2 w/me (3rd year but have only gone half speed so far). Start italki for convo practice.

No idea on electives yet. Photography? 

She'll continue her oil painting lessons, volunteering at the local thrift store, running, maybe continue tumbling, and working on her cat TNR non-profit startup.

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updated science 5/2/19
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Heres my plan for DD's 11th grade next year:


Finish Saxon Alg II and start Advanced Math


IEW Research Papers

Excellence in Literature American History


Apologia Physics with Lab


The mystery of History IV

WTM Reading recommendations


Beginning Drawing (at the community college)

Sign Language 1 (at the community college)





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Here's a rough outline of DD's plan.  

These are definite:  

Math - St Pete College (Dual Enrollment)

Science - St Pete College (DE)

Research Writing - Ms Eva (Open Tent Academy)

And the rest . . . we're not sure yet: 

US Government (Thinkwell, FundaFunda) fall

Economics (Thinkwell, FundaFunda) spring 

Spanish I (Homeschool Spanish Academy)

English III Honors (FLVS)

DD wanted to add in an AP class, but I feel the two DE classes will need most of her attention. She's taking AP Calc this year so we can at least put one AP class on her transcript.  Plus, writing is her weakness so Ms Eva's class will take up tons of time. She also volunteers at a local hospital, tap dances and belongs to an acting studio.  


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I think it will look like this for dad:

Pre-calc: probably Teaching Textbooks

English: AP English Language with Walker

Ancient History: Tapestry of Grace


French 3:AIM

Ap Psych using Sonlight’s plan

Physics:probably Apologia

1/2 credit PE-required 

Extra currics: theater, praise band, piano, organ, TKD, youth group, seasonal work at a farm and assisting at the local theater. 

I am hoping she gets her license this summer as she likes to be busy and social!

we also do a twice a month co-op. 

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I just signed up for T's junior year classes at MPOA:


Latin III: Cicero

Material Logic/Classical Rhetoric

The Divine Comedy

Austen & Shakespeare

She'll take Calc and either American history or government at the CC.

She was admitted to UDallas' Summer Latin Program so she'll be doing a reading class with them in Rome this summer. She's so excited!

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On 1/25/2019 at 11:12 PM, Evanthe said:

So far, we are planning for MUS Algebra 2, German III (teaching this myself), continuing guitar and a variety of unit studies using living books/activities: Anatomy & Physiology...Contemporary Native American Literature...possibly Native American History (still trying to figure out how to put this together)...Home Economics...P.E.  We will probably fit more units in our year - just not sure what they are yet.  He will spend the year studying for the SAT, too.  I will probably put together a college-prep writing course for ds and dd.

If you're interested in looking at contemporary issues with Native American history, I can recommend the Repatriation Reader, also the book on Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits is quite good. 

Here's some information on NAGPRA as well. https://www.nps.gov/nagpra/

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I have no idea what to do with Dd15 next year. She is competent but has no particular (academic) interests.

Math: Calculus, but at home? a local college? online? She has been almost 100% self-taught in math. Occasionally, I have to work with her to get her through a tough spot. I can't help her with calculus. I need a curriculum that has *excellent* explanations or a college class/online class that she can be successful in.

Science: Physics, probably Apologia

History: Ancients, I have TOG but she doesn't love it, so I'm willing to consider something else if she has an opinion.

Spanish: Spanish IV a homegrown literature class

Latin: Possibly Lukeion's Latin III She hasn't decided whether she will continue with Latin or not.

English: TOG if we go that route

Perhaps a finance course? She is looking at a semester Shakespeare class with Lukeion.


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Pre-Calculus/Trig or whatever AOPS calls that level. He does it on his own. 
AP Latin with Lukeion 
?Shakespeare semester class with Lukeion, something else for English other semester 

That’s about all I know. I’m impressed (and a little scared) by all the planning people. 

We usually do History at home, not sure what he’ll want to cover. 

Either Physics or Biology but not sure of provider. If Bio I might just do it myself. 

Electives...? Psychology ? Some other Math ? something else 

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I'll play.  We did front load DD2's more accademic work and now she will be filling in the gaps and exploring interests.  We go year round and do better with about 3-4 classes at once, so she won't take all of these at one time. Edited to add:  Dd decided she does not want a career where she is required to sit in front of a computer all day working on art. Previously she was thinking about animation or visual effects.  Now she is planning on going to OTA school possibly on a four year campus. ( of course things can change as only a month ago, we were planning a visit to Savanah School of Art and Design for April).

English:  Screenwriting - Excelsior Classes and lit with Mom/ Romeo and Juliet from Roy Speed first semester , maybe DE second college English course 2nd semester? Not sure yet

Math:  complete College Algebra through ASU Assured Admission -start in summer and use for dual credit hopefully done by Dec.  This is the last Math class for her.

 Science:  Complete Conceptual  Physics using community college text and Conceptual Academy videos ect. Done by Dec . Homemade labs... slowly.  We started this year and may not finish for a year.  Adding Human Anatomy and Physiology through Excelsior Classes.

Art: restart working with local artist, try for 3-4 mornings a week. Maybe one time a week.

 Photoshop 101 and 201 through Excelsior Classes 

Adobe Xd and Illustrator classes through Excelsior Classes


World history: slowly working through with Mom using Homeschool Connections Allison Stanley videos and a bunch of resources from book shelves.  Possibly adding a review of American History and clepping American Histroy 1&2.

Psychology :  over summer:using Meyers book ( very little) , and the wonderful program another boardie ( sorry I can't find the name) shared made of abnormal psycholgy movies with discussion , some stress management techniques.   Dual credit first semester, Psychology of Lifespan second semester

Spanish:using younger kiddo sources like the Fun Class and learning some basic nouns, followed by conversational class.      Decided on sign language. 

She will continue to actively be part of  church activities 2-3 nights a week, and  has now added scouts.  I don't think she will stay in long enough to Eagle but she is really enjoying it.






Edited by SilverBrook
DD changed mind on future career
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This is DD's tentative plan:

Math: MUS Geometry

Science: Anatomy and Physiology (for Artists)

English: Clear Water Press Byline for English

History of Western Liberties (1 semester)

Japanese 2, PE, SAT Prep course

Art: Art Class & Art Projects DVDs (maybe), Storyboarding


Edited by Mona
history change
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32 minutes ago, bluebonnetgirl said:

What is Anatomy and Physiology for artists?  That sound interesting!

My dd is interested in a career in animation, so I am doing my best to add art into her science to encourage her end goals. We will be learning A&P from various resources, but then she'll also have to draw the body from different angles/positions, and sketch parts of the body and label them. Her style is more cartoon like right now which she prefers, but if she goes on to art school, she may need more life like drawings. This is all new to me since we are more of a math and science family than art. It used to be the first thing to be dropped, but I'm trying to make it more of a priority for her now.

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I already changed my mind from what I said upthread. Lol. 

Today I registered ds for WTMA Precalculus (AOPS) and Intro to Statistics (Fall semester). He will do the rest of his classes de at the local private Christian U. So he will have:


Precalculus (WTMA), Statistics (WTMA), Comp 1, Spanish 1, and Earth and Space Science (all de)


Precalculus (WTMA), Comp 2, Spanish 2, Introduction to Statistics (all de), possibly something else light. 

The reason he is taking both the WTMA stats and de is basically just to have an intro before the college class. Both my older boys had the de stats class and it was a good class but pretty challenging. 

I feel like this will be a light schedule compared to what ds has this year in 10th grade but he will enjoy the de experience and he can dedicate some time to ACT prep if necessary as well as his extracurriculars or a part time job. This will complete his high school requirements and he’ll really be free to take whatever he is interested in his senior year. I’m content with the situation and interested to see what he ends up doing for 12th grade and beyond. Feels strange to be so close to the end with him. 




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On 2/6/2019 at 10:05 PM, h2bh said:

My rising 11th grader is planning to take

From Wilson Hill:

GC 5

Advanced Latin Readings


AP Art History

From Integritas Academy:

AP Lit

At Home:

Chemistry (Wile's Discovering Design)

Do you know anything about the AP Art History class at WHA? If I remember correctly, it is a newer course. I’d love to hear feedback or see any reviews you’ve come across.

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Math:  Precalculus: myhomeschoolmathclass.com.  It’s run by a boardie here.  🙂

Science:  Physics: Derekowens.com

Language:  ASL I and II:  Lifeprint.com

English:  He will read 8 British Literature books that I have assigned and will write papers for 4 of them.  We’ll use Windows to the World at the end of the year for literary analysis.  One small research paper.

Social Studies:  Economics/Government:  Notgrass textbooks.

Elective:  Computer Applications:  fundafunda.com

SAT prep:  Prepscholar.com

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5 hours ago, fourisenough said:

Do you know anything about the AP Art History class at WHA? If I remember correctly, it is a newer course. I’d love to hear feedback or see any reviews you’ve come across.


None of my kids have taken AP Art History but my daughter picked the class for two reasons.  One is that she is enjoying rhetoric with Mr. Colvin.  He is a very knowledgable teacher who brings a lot to the class.  He also seems to genuinely care for the students and care about their success.  The other reason she picked the class is because she has friends taking it this year who are really enjoying it.  These friends tend to share her opinions on their favorite teachers and classes so she is trusting them. The class apparently does more than just prepare for the AP exam.  He covers some works of art he thinks are significant and worth discussing but won't be on the test.  The homework load according to her friends sounds reasonable and not on the high end for AP classes (certainly not like AP Latin).  

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11th Grade 

Dd may be jumping into dual enrollment with CC in which she would most likely take ENG 111 fall (1.0 each), Intro to Computers, spring(1.0). 

Modern American Literature (mix of genres), if not taking ENG 111 & 112, Bravewriter’s Exploratory Essay RC&A & Literary Analysis  or possibly Essentials in Writing 11,
Fall ENG 111 CC, Marie’s Words vocabulary
Khan SAT prep

TT Algebra II / Pre-Cal.(first 5 chapters) or back to Mr. D live class for Alg.II (1.0)

Anatomy & Physiology (no idea what we’ll use) Most likely use Apologia or PAC Anatomy (1.0)

History/Social Science:  
2nd half of American History (1.0) & possibly local AP Economics class depending on CC enrollment (0.5)

Spanish II:  
Easy Peasy (1.0)

Masterpiece Society Painting/Acrylics & oils (0.5) 

PE:  Track & Field / Cross Country (0.5 each semester)

 Nutrition….. (0.5)
Loves animals….thinking of volunteering at Vet or Animal Shelter…. Outschool Intro to Veterinary Science possibly ?(0.5) 

Part-time job at Chick-Fil-A

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On 2/6/2019 at 7:05 PM, h2bh said:

My rising 11th grader is planning to take

From Wilson Hill:

GC 5

Advanced Latin Readings


AP Art History

From Integritas Academy:

AP Lit

At Home:

Chemistry (Wile's Discovering Design)

Is WHA Advanced Latin Readings a live class? We did a semester of post AP Latin at Lukeion, and I'm sure DD would oppose this, but I'm hoping for a live advanced reading class. I know CLRC has one, but looking for other options as well.

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3 hours ago, crazyforlatin said:

Is WHA Advanced Latin Readings a live class? We did a semester of post AP Latin at Lukeion, and I'm sure DD would oppose this, but I'm hoping for a live advanced reading class. I know CLRC has one, but looking for other options as well.

Yes, they have a live class. I was looking into it for DS who will be in grade 12. I asked about the timing of the live class. The reply was that at the end of summer, they will work with the enrolled students and find a day and time that works for everyone.

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My rising junior has been asking from time to time to be allowed to graduate a year later. She's doing well with her learning, I think she just sometimes feel like she would like to stay home a bit longer. Technically, it would be possible since her b-day is only a couple of days after our former school disctrict's cutoff, and I chose when she was in Gr. 1 to "advance" her one year. So she could be a 10 grader instead. I'm not sure what to do really, so if anyone has thoughts about what to do with a child that is born a few days after the school district's cut-off, please share.

Anyway, here's tentatively what we're planning:

Derek Owens Precalc - she's doing well with DO in Algebra 2, so DO is a keeper

AP Chem - PA Homeschoolers or Chem Advantage?

Eng 4/5 Adv. Comp or an Eng Lit 4 with TPS?

AP Latin online, not sure with which provider

Homemade modern history?

Home music appreciation course using a video series from the Great Courses? or Economics online?

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10 hours ago, Joyful said:

Yes, they have a live class. I was looking into it for DS who will be in grade 12. I asked about the timing of the live class. The reply was that at the end of summer, they will work with the enrolled students and find a day and time that works for everyone.

Did the teacher mention how many lines per week? Lukeion does 60-100 lines plus 2 papers each semester. I'm hoping for less intense class especially when there is no teacher interaction. 

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6 minutes ago, crazyforlatin said:

Did the teacher mention how many lines per week? Lukeion does 60-100 lines plus 2 papers each semester. I'm hoping for less intense class especially when there is no teacher interaction. 

I only know that they meet once a week. They didn't mention how many lines per week or how much work is expected. I suppose I should ask these questions before committing DS. 😅  I'll let you know when I find out.

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4 hours ago, Tess in the Burbs said:

we are contemplating letting DD graduate early.  With next year she will be at 32 credits.  She's mature for her age, and ready to go off into the world.  Her current next year plan:

SL Lit 330, advanced math, anatomy, gov't/econ, ASL 4 somewhere, personal finance, psychology, Bible


Open Tent Academy is offering ASL 4 as well as Intro to Deaf Culture.  My daughter is in their ASL 3 class right now.  

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Still all over the place for dd next year.

Spanish 1 & 2 -- dual enrollment @ local CC -- We may even have a bunch of homeschool buddies taking this together (I hope).

MUS pre-calculus at home -- she could take math @ CC but I don't want to combine that with Spanish, which will be weighty.

US History -- I have American Odyssey for this and may add in some SL reading

American Lit -- looking @ Lightning Lit for this, 2 semesters

Health -- we must tick the box....

PE -- maybe something @ CC

Art -- entering contests for fun -- we already have too much of this on the transcript, LOL.

Bible -- we need another semester's worth to meet our PSP's requirement for graduation. Any ideas for something enjoyable?


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On 2/20/2019 at 1:48 AM, crazyforlatin said:

Did the teacher mention how many lines per week? Lukeion does 60-100 lines plus 2 papers each semester. I'm hoping for less intense class especially when there is no teacher interaction. 

So, WHA wrote back. This is a directed study class, so the students give input on what they'd like to study and how much they will do. This year, they translate 3-5 chapters of Augustine's Confessions per week, and several chapters of the Vulgate each week. Exams and independent research/textual criticism projects are up to the students.

How does that compare with Lukeion's independent reading course?

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We are back to rotating through Unit Studies (after trying SL for a year).  SL was great, but I can't afford curriculum this year.  So, back to the library we go!

This is my 2nd high school junior.  Here are the unit studies/course for the year:

  • Mathusee Algebra 2
  • Fantasy Literature
  • Home Economics (no one teaches this anymore, I realize)
  • P.E.
  • Native American History
  • Contemporary Native American Literature (from several different genres)
  • Psychology
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • German III
  • SAT Prep
  • Guitar

And, of course, track & field, track club and he plays competitive high school football (ugh).  1-2 more college visits and we've made our choice, too.  He plans to go into nursing.  

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16 hours ago, Joyful said:

So, WHA wrote back. This is a directed study class, so the students give input on what they'd like to study and how much they will do. This year, they translate 3-5 chapters of Augustine's Confessions per week, and several chapters of the Vulgate each week. Exams and independent research/textual criticism projects are up to the students.

How does that compare with Lukeion's independent reading course?

It all depends how many lines in those chapters lol. I'll look them up. Thanks for getting back to this thread.

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Next year's 11th grader...

Algebra 2:  either Lial's (since I have it) or Holt (since I have it) or MUS (if I can find it for a decent price).

Science: Conceptual Physics using Hewitt's text, mom taught

History/LIt:  either my mish mash of SL 300 (20th Century) and Ambleside Onine's Year 11 that his older brother is doing this year, OR a World History part one/Lit couse using ? as a spine and reading Illiad, Odyssey, Sophocles, and other stuff through Medieval times.  I'll also add in Reading Like a Historian. 

Writing across history and lit, and Abeka's Spelling/Vocab/Poetry (which is really more vocab and word study than anything else).

Architectural Design at local high school

Digital Photography at local high school

edit-- he has applied to do 1/2 day of work (either welding or diesel tech) at a local tech school; if he is accepted there, that will change some things....

Cross Country at local high school

SAT prep



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On 1/25/2019 at 6:22 PM, FarmingMomma said:

Here's my plan so far for next year:

Math: Saxon Algebra 2

Science: Was planning on 1 semester of Anatomy & Physiology and 1 semester of Ecology, but may do a physics course instead (something that only requires Algebra 1)  Looking at signing up for Clover Creek Physics

English: Not sure yet.  She's currently doing a writing class with Open Tent Academy, and she may take another one next year.  Probably continue using Bravewriter Boomerangs. She wants to use The Power in Your Hands for writing next year

History: 20th century, focused on the World Wars.  I'm still pulling together resources for this.

Languages: ASL 4 and Intro to Deaf Culture through Open Tent Academy

                   French 2 through Global Goose Languages

Electives: Psychology. She may do this online through Open Tent Academy

                 Maybe a nutrition course


I think we now have this ironed out:

 Math: Saxon Algebra 2

Science: Clover Creek Physics

English: WTMA Creative Nonfiction Writing (Fall Semester), Literary Analysis using Windows to the World (Spring)

History: 20th century, focused on World Wars 1 and 2, Korea, and Vietnam.  Will use Gilbert's History of the Twentieth Century, the applicable chapters from A Patriot's History of the United States, All Quiet on the Western Front, The Worst Hard TimeCitizen Soldiers, The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War, It doesn't Take a Hero, etc.  We'll also use plenty of movies and documentaries.  

Languages: French 2 through Global Goose Languages

Electives: Foods and Nutrition, Agriculture (probably focused on Livestock Science), Psychology (Sonlight AP Psychology)

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My 11th grader will be using MP's Ninth Grade program.

Latin: 2nd/3rd Form --I'm hoping to have her finish the forms series by graduation.  Henle would have been better, but this was her choice. 

Math: Prentice Hall Algebra II

Literature: Middle ages (Beowulf, Sir Gawain, Henry V, Canterbury Tales, Poetry book)

Composition: We're doing 2 levels per year of the Classical Composition, so we'll be on books 3-4

History: Book of the Ancient Romans, The Aeneid, A Concise History of the American Republic

Bible: Story of Christianity

Traditional Logic 1 & 2

Novare Science: Not sure which book yet, Physical Science is scheduled, but I worry it's a bit light for 11th.  On the other hand, this is my artsy student and she isn't strong on math and science, so part of me thinks we should go with it.

We will read an additional 3 Shakespeare plays TBD with our co-op.  She also spends lots of time on art, which will be another credit. 

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On 2/5/2019 at 7:58 PM, RootAnn said:


Math: finish Geometry by Thanksgiving?, move onto Alg 2 (probably Foerster) w/me teaching.

History: homemade American History using Bennett, Zinn, Great Courses, and maybe Critical Thinking Co book(s).

English: Patterns in College Writing? & Am. Lit.


Foreign Language: French 2 w/me (3rd year but have only gone half speed so far). Start italki for convo practice.

No idea on electives yet. Photography? 

She'll continue her oil painting lessons, volunteering at the local thrift store, running, maybe continue tumbling, and working on her cat TNR non-profit startup.

I've decided on Earth Science. Will make my 8th grader do it, too. Twill be fun.

Everything else is still the same.

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Ds isn't sure what he wants to do at all. He doesn't love school, but he likes math. So I'm focusing on meeting our state requirements right now and try to help him enjoy it more. I'm trying not to put pressure on him because I'm seeing so many of his peers who are stressed to decide what to do. Some of them have done a lot of dual enrollment, and it's time to start major classes when they graduate, yet they don't know what they want to be. So we aren't even talking DE yet. He may not do much or any. 

At co-op:

  • Apologia Biology (mainly labs; will do Virtual Homeschool Group AYOP course here)
  • Literature (When Worlds Collide by Sharon Watson)
  • Career Explorations class (job skills, career tests, guest speakers, etc.)

At home:

  • Algebra 2/Pre-Calculus
  • World History using Oak Meadow's latest guide (research, writing, project-based course)
  • Health (Glencoe textbook)
  • Art (using Drew's Art Box sets')


  • swim team (not very competitive, more fun and exercise)
  • drama ministry team and church
  • possibly get a part-time job
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I can not believe that I am planning for my sweet baby girl's 11th grade year.  Does not seem possible.  

But here is what we have so far:

AP English Language/Comp (Blue Tent Online)

Pre Calc (Derek Owens)

Chemistry (Local Co-op class-Already had Clover Creek Physics this year....."Hi, Jetta!!)

US History  (Biblioplan year 3)

Band/ piano (Local homeschool band)

Bible: ( BJU book E plus Proverbs study from Biblioplan)


She may start Notgrass Government over the summer.  We shall see.....



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