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Probably Changing Math


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My 3rd grade son is doing Math Mammoth 4a. He's always been about 1/2 to 1 year ahead, as we started MM 1 in Kindergarten. We try to go his pace, only do a page or two a day, (usually less than an entire "lesson"), and never do all the problems, most of the time we don't even do half the problems, just what's needed for him to show me he understands.

However, lately, math has become a battle. And I'm thinking he needs a little more spiral program. As most of his issues begin when he realizes he has to do the "same type of problem again". 

So, I've been looking at samples and trying to decide what would be best for him to move into soon. What are your thoughts and opinions of curriculum that might work for us? I don't really want a seperate teacher manual, I'd rather have the workbook teach. Don't know what other information to give you so ask your questions and throw out some ideas. Thanks!

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If MM is otherwise working can you add the spiral in yourself? We only have a few MM units but DS will do one topic for a couple weeks and rotate through them depending on interest. If you have a printed workbook can you flip through to the beginning of new topics then flip back to go further on the old topics? That's what DS often does (in BA though) and it works well.

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Thanks, Sarah000! That's a great idea-we tried that once, when we went and did the graphing chapter, then we went back to the multi-digit multiplication and it was "too hard" because he felt like he was starting in the middle of the section and therefore hadn't had the work up from simple to harder. But the workup starting at simple, was rather long-hence thee need to take a break.

HomeAgain: He says: "There would be only 1 or 2 problems of each type with lots of space to write. There would be a section for you'/the teacher to read. It would start simple and get harder (from start of the year to end-he clarified)." Ha, Ha, that last one pretty much describes any math program, but....

I'm looking at Math Lessons for a Living Education and Horizons, but it's so hard to get an idea from the small amount of sample pages online. Others I should consider? Thanks!

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