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Dealing with School Refusal

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1 minute ago, PeterPan said:

Oh no, don't buy it! Seriously, you don't need the book. It's just a concept and they let it out as a story with one sentence on each page. You don't need the book. Just take the concept and simplify and apply it to him. 

Phew!!! ok, I was freaking out there for a moment.  

I gotta go buy some groceries before lunchtime.  Thank-you for providing so many ideas. 

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10 minutes ago, NorthernBeth said:

Yeah, I saw you mention this in another thread and have just been sniffing around the idea wondering if I am crazy for thinking about taking it.  

Same thing here for tokens.  Right now our big motivators for school are that if he gets up early he can play video games before school ( which I would normally not allow in the mornings!) and we go pick up his best friend who would normally take the bus and we drive the both of them over to school together, so he has someone to walk onto the playground with.  

Ok, but think about how brilliant this is! Like on the one hand, you feel horrible that he's playing video games. But is he playing them ALONE or WITH SOMEONE? There's a huge difference there. If you get yourself ready, you can go play with him or sit with him and watch and talk. You can turn it into valuable time and therapy!!! Seriously. I paid my ABA workers to play video games with my ds, absolutely. If my ds is having a hard time, we'll play nintendo and then slowly start weaving in compliance work (single worksheets, a task I have him do that is super brief, etc.). It's really good for snapping him back.

What I'm doing there is taking something that is CALMING to him (which it sounds like gaming might be for your ds) and making it more social and making it high value to have me along. I buy games for it that are more fun if he has me along, so now I'm made pleasing me and being with me really high value, because I'm getting him something he wants!! Buy games that are better two-person than alone. Right now GameStop has their Snipperclips as a download for only $10 for the Switch! What a great price! Mario Kart is another one that is better together. I look for games like that. I totally, totally suck at Mario Bros, so I'm wanting to get this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HCZ7LPW/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_6?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1  I think it might have simplified paths or something, lol. We'll see.

So make it work FOR you instead of feeling like it's a problem and a failure. I can do that nintendo alternated with compliance work with my ds for 1-2 hours and he's gonna be WAY more calm, easy to work with, and compliant than he was when we started. You're rebuilding connections, building rapport, helping him come out of the aut of autism. It's a good thing!

And how cool is that to have a way to bring in social and something he enjoys on his way to school! You know what you might do, just to up the ante a bit, is have them each have days when they bringing a morning treat for the ride. Is the ride kind of sucky or long? It could be a thing to work with, like M/W boy A brings a small treat (mini muffin, cookie, something little) and Tues/Thurs boy B brings a mini treat. And maybe on Fri it's something crazy different. But then you have this path, where going on time and riding with our friend means we get our treat and make him happy and have fun and path B is we miss the treat and have to ride separately and then our friend is sad too and then maybe he won't be as motivated to keep riding with us and sharing treats... 

Well have fun at the grocery. Hopefully you're going to get some great ideas at your next meeting and get things going better! :)

Edited by PeterPan
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