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ideas for moving during school year


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I feel like we're just beginning to get the hang of the logic stage with my oldest of 4 and now we're moving 3 time zones away. My kids are 10, 8, 5 (I'll be pulling her out of K and making her part of the homeschool again) and 22 months. Any tips for how to keep my sanity? Should we try to subsist academically on worksheets, games, and audio books until we settle? Or should all hands go on deck toward the moving project? Any good or bad experiences? Any threads that have already hashed all this out?

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For us, we always tried to stress two things: continuity comfort and being aware of the new.
Continuity: we scaled school down, but kept it up.  I put everything needed for X number of weeks in a binder and added that and the reading books/etc to a bag of its own.  That meant the math worksheets were ripped out of the book and put in the binder.  The history work was put in the binder.  Science went online, and language arts was kept down to one major book that year.  I put two readers and a read aloud in the bag along with the dvd for math and the history book.  It was less than a backpack, but having it all prepped made it open and go.

New: We did a project together on the new area before we moved: stats (population, location, weather..), foods, language, things to see..it was nice when we did make the leap for my oldest to feel like he knew what to expect.

For day to day stuff, making time each morning to do school as a matter of routine was comforting.  Since it was scaled down, the rest of the day could be spent on moving tasks without feeling like it was taking the place of an education.

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1 hour ago, buoyant said:

I feel like we're just beginning to get the hang of the logic stage with my oldest of 4 and now we're moving 3 time zones away. My kids are 10, 8, 5 (I'll be pulling her out of K and making her part of the homeschool again) and 22 months. Any tips for how to keep my sanity? Should we try to subsist academically on worksheets, games, and audio books until we settle? Or should all hands go on deck toward the moving project? Any good or bad experiences? Any threads that have already hashed all this out?

Just get settled. Don't worry about the worksheets and the games and all that stuff.

There are 365 days in a year, which goes from January 1 to December 31. As a homeschooler, it doesn't matter when you move during those 365 days. When you're feeling more at home, start with your Official School Stuff again.

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