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Is this weird?


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my 7 yr old daughter does this, she also growls when meeting someone new if she feels awkward about it. It is silly but seems to be a phase, my older daughter did the same exact thing at 6-7 yrs old. I think it is fine and normal use of their imagination and I do nothing to stop it. It is sometimes embarrassing like when we went to the pediatrician and she refused to speak but found it ok to growl and bark...lol

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It is perfectly normal. My dd has spent much of her young life as a kitten. A very loud one too. Who knew that cats meowed so loudly? She also likes to be a unicorn and a pegasus at times too.


Sometimes the stuffed animals get involved and they have a pet "store" and the children are animals as well.:001_smile:

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Many, many kids do this. If she can and will stop when you tell her, "this is not an appropriate time", then I wouldn't worry about it at all.


I would only be concerned if this appeared to be a necessary coping mechanism for over stimulation (if she does it more in public when she's overwhelmed and can't find other ways of dealing with stress), or if she seems unable of stopping when necessary. ("Necessary" might mean in public where it's inappropriate, or even at home if she's just making one of her parents crazy.)


If it's just part of her pretend play, I think it's a-okay and totally normal.

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OK thanks. I thought it was okay. She has a very active imagination. It drives hubby nuts, and he tells her things like "People are going to think you're weird or crazy." :001_huh: Since when do we care what people think?


Also, she only does it at home, not in public.

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My now 7 yo dd has been doing this since she was 5 or 6 yo. It was cute at first but it drives me crazy now. I get embaressed when she does it in public but deep down I don't think there's anything really wrong with it. My dd will actually stick her tongue out and pant like a dog. It's really bad when she does it in the winter because her lower lip area gets really chapped and it looks bad. (Makes it hard to get a nice Christmas picture for our Christmas card :confused:) At least I've broken her habit of leaving out bowls of water on the kitchen floor for her doggy bowl. They always get knocked over. Oh, and she's teaching my younger dd this doggie thing. They will eventually grow up and become teenagers and young women and I can look back on these sweet, creative playtimes as distant memories. They grow up fast.

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DD4 is a different animal each day. She has been doing this since age 2. She loves animals! She has been a dog, cat, unicorn, dinosaur, mouse, and countless exotic animals that she sees on the discovery channel or Diego. I don't see her growing out of it anytime soon, so I hope it's normal.:lol:

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My DD was a dog for awhile. It was a nice break from her being a dinosaur (her first love). She only did it at home and in front of family.


I wish I could turn back time, because now she acts like a "dog" too much -- and it isn't a puppy, if you get my drift.

Edited by RoughCollie
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My 6yo likes to pretend that she is a dog. Running around on all fours, barking, etc. My husband and I disagree on whether or not this is okay.


My ds will be 9 soon and he still does it. He has been since he was 5 or 6. Drives. dh. absolutely nuts. He doesn't believe any other kids have ever done this. :D


Lots of things drive dhs nuts I notice.

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My dc pretended to do this when they were 5-6 yo. I put a bowl of water and a bowl of cheerios on the floor for their water and dog food. They grew out of this when my dd was 7 and started acting like a horses. I set up intricate jumping patterns for them in the backyard and called it p.e. When she was 10, I took my dd to the local track team and asked if she could try out as a hurdler. They had reservations because she was so tiny. I reassured the coaches that she could clear higher jumps than those (I didn't tell them how I knew) and after moving the jumps to the infield in case she fell they let her try out. Needless to say, she made the team. At the first race my dh leaned over and asked, "so is she going to run like a horse or a human?" :lol:


She is now a very well adjusted college student.

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My 6yo likes to pretend that she is a dog. Running around on all fours, barking, etc. My husband and I disagree on whether or not this is okay.


When my older kids were either 4 and 2 or 5 and 3 yo, they wanted a dog, so the older one trained the younger one to be one. :lol: One day, the younger one wouldn't eat her breakfast unless dh set it on the floor. That's where he drew the line and said no way.

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One day my youngest came into the kitchen to tell me, "Let's pretend you're the mommy kitty and I'm the baby kitty pretending to be a froggy. Ribbit-MEOW! Ribbit-MEOW!" Mostly he was just a froggy, though. That was when he was 5-ish.


To the OP, I'm sorry your husband is embarrassed about this. I hope he can get over it and just enjoy this phase.

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My 6yo likes to pretend that she is a dog. Running around on all fours, barking, etc. My husband and I disagree on whether or not this is okay.


Totally normal. But one word of advice. When you take her to the post office, put her on a leash and keep her next to you so that 'your puppy' does not smell the other customer's butts.


Now ask me how I know to give out that wonderful piece of advice. :D

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When our kids were young we used to pretend they were dogs for play. We had them all able to sit, shake, speak, stay, fetch (socks and stuff) roll over, and play dead. We also put treats on their nose and made them hold it until we snapped our fingers, just like with our real dog. We'd have them do tricks through a hoola hoop. We did this act many times for family.


They stop thinking its fun around age 8.

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