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Grandbaby #7 has arrived!!


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I'm now Granny to the Spectacular Seven!! My oldest had baby #3 (her first son), Wednesday morning, after a fast and furious labor where she was right on the verge of being unable to stay at the birth center due to prolonged rupture of her membranes. She sure knows how to work under pressure!

Little guy was pretty teeny - 6.2, as he had a marginal placement of his cord on the placenta (her first baby had this also, and was also very small - second baby didn't, and was 1+ pounds heavier, even though she was born early). 

All is well though, and little guy is nursing like a champ - sure he'll catch up quickly!

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Thank you all, and congratulations Gardenmom!

Our excitement has been a little dampened by a raging stomach bug that has hit most of the family, including the siblings of the new baby. Dd is trying to just nurse the little one a ton, and keep her distance as best she can. 

I know I’ve never seen so much vomit as I have these last few days, and I’m certainly feeling like my turn is coming...

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