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I don't know if this is enough...

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Seems like every year I kind of go through the same thing - wondering if we are doing enough! The kids are 11 (almost 12) and in 6th grade. We start school around 9 and are done around 1. Sometimes sooner. Looking at everything we do in my signature, I feel like it looks like a lot but our days go so fast.

We do school 4 days a week and they go to a co op all day on Tuesdays where they do enrichment classes: Spanish, science, art, music, PE, computers, & writing. So we have about 135 days at home to do our lessons.

When I was making our lessons plans, I saw that even if we did a lesson every day, there were a few subjects that we wouldn't be able to get through in a year, so I decided to split them into two years instead:

Uncle Sam and You - many people here agreed that doing this in two years was reasonable. We can do more of the extra activities at the end, watch videos, get supplemental books, etc. We read two lessons a week, but we stretch the activities so we're working on it every day.

Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind - I guess I justify taking this slowly because some people feel like formal grammar isn't even really needed. We did all four years of FLL and two years of Latin (which I feel really helped with grammar) so we have a great foundation. I enjoy grammar so I'm liking GWTM but I don't feel like it's something we need to do so intensely that we do it every day. I guess how it works is you just go through it again every year for four years, then you're good. I feel like maybe stretching it out and just doing it for two years might be reasonable, especially since we have a good foundation and do a foreign language. Am I wrong?? Stretching it into two years only puts us doing it twice a week.

Getting Started with Spanish - The lessons in this are short enough that doing it every day is reasonable, but we just don't have enough days to complete the book in one year. We do this three times a week.

We could do them every day and "almost" finish them in a year, but things like that drive me crazy. We like a good summer break so we wouldn't finish them during the summer.

Mondays we do grammar, introduce the new lesson for Writing & Rhetoric, introduce the new spelling words, Uncle Sam, math, history, and part of a lesson from book 6 of Vocabulary from Classical Roots (which is a subject that is so short that we could do a lesson every day but I'm trying to stretch it out so we do just a little of each lesson twice a week).

Tuesdays they are at co op.

Wednesdays we do grammar, more of the W&R lesson, spelling, Spanish, Uncle Sam, math, history, read some of the book of bad arguments, and finish up vocab.

Thursdays we do W&R, spelling, Uncle Sam, math, history, talk about a new debate topic.

Fridays we do more W&R, spelling, Uncle Sam, math, history, Spanish, write a paragraph supporting their stance on our debate topic, and my dad comes to town to do science with them, which takes a while since he only comes once a week. 

So again, it's just that everything seems to go so quickly! I guess I'm looking for reassurance. Does this look like enough? Are we ok doing those certain subjects over two years? 



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Read through Getting Started With Spanish.  We have GSWL,and doing it 3-4 times a week and finishing was doable because some of the lessons were grammar.  We'd read through the grammar lesson and immediately apply it to the next lesson.

Other than that, I don't think your list and time look bad.

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It's hard to know if it's enough or not.  I'd suggest asking yourself where you want the kids to be for entering high school (whether you plan to homeschool HS or not, I just mean what level at that point in time).  Then work your way backwards, knowing many of your items are planned for two years instead of one.  If things line up, perfect, if not, adjust.  Sixth grade is considered middle school in many places, so it may be a good time to look forward to HS, then work backwards from there.  

Also, what are you using for debate?  Sounds interesting!  

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t's hard to know if it's enough or not.  I'd suggest asking yourself where you want the kids to be for entering high school (whether you plan to homeschool HS or not, I just mean what level at that point in time).  Then work your way backwards, knowing many of your items are planned for two years instead of one.  If things line up, perfect, if not, adjust.  Sixth grade is considered middle school in many places, so it may be a good time to look forward to HS, then work backwards from there.  

Also, what are you using for debate?  Sounds interesting!  

https://www.ebookdestination.com/samples/DDTr/sch0439051797is.pdf - We use this for debate. It's new for us this year but so far it's been fun ?

How do you decide where you want them to be for high school? I feel like math is an easy one - maybe you want them to have Algebra 1 done, or something like that. Maybe you want them to know how to do a research paper? What else? 

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