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Recommendation for Music Student


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I am hoping some of you with music admissions experience can help me. I am trying to figure out who to use as recommenders for my child. Due to high spending on private lessons (voice, music comp, piano, violin, clarinet, guitar), we have not done any outside non-music classes. So, the best recommenders my daughter has are her choir teachers and her music comp teacher. (She plans to major in composition.) I had been thinking we would use the music comp teacher as an academic teacher, since I gave her credit for music comp on her transcript. But now I see that some schools also ask for recommendations on the supplemental music application. Could I use the same teacher on both applications? I assume different people read the general application and the music supplement.

By the end of December, my daughter will have done an academic dual enrollment class, but they don't let professors recommend until the class is complete. I'm thinking we should get most applications in by December 1 at the latest, though, which means we couldn't use the dual enrollment teacher.

Were any of you in the situation we are in? How did you handle it? I appreciate any advice and help.

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We used our private viola teacher for one. I don't remember, exactly, but I think she had two other academic teachers who wrote rec's, but she was in brick and mortar school. One was an English teacher and one was her orchestra teacher. Could you use the choir teacher?

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My kid is hopefully majoring in music and will be auditioning for music programs.  He does have a dual enroll teacher writing a reference letter for him (he did DE last year too), but will also be using a music teacher (or 2 or 3 or 4).  He actually talked to one music teacher yesterday who said he would be happy to write an academic reference AND a music reference so my son could use him for both purposes.   I am writing the counselor letter for the common app.  Which seems like the right thing to do, but writing a reference beyond that seems dicey.  My counselor reference letter actually includes a scan from another music teacher and directly refers to things I suspect his other recommenders will mention.  

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