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Workbook to combine with AAS?


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Has anyone ever combined AAS with a spelling workbook? I know the whole point of AAS is to keep it simple and not to have to use a workbook and instead use the tiles and writing on whiteboard, etc but I think if I added in a few fun workbook type pages with AAS it would make the words/concept “stick” better for my 7 year old. We also add in a day of working on the spelling review card while playing catch where I say the word and throw her the ball, and then she spells it orally and throws it back.  She really likes it but I think she would also enjoy some type of fun spelling worksheets as another dimension to learning the words where the words could be used in some type of context.  Any thoughts or suggestions? It seems like there must be another curriculum that separates the spelling words in a similar manner that could work but impossible to tell by just looking at sample pages online. I definitely am not up for creating my own worksheets bc husband is deployed and it’s just me with my 2 kids 24/7 so I need something already done for me.  Thank you! 

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