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I am totally appalled!

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I just turned on the TV to find Wedding Crashers playing on the local CBS station. It is only 8pm here. Kids are still up (not mine) watching TV at this hour. Women in their undies are being thrown on the bed and what happens next is pretty clear. :eek: Now, I found this movie entertaining in an idiotic, adult, mind-numbing way. But at this hour on regular TV! Yikes! What are these TV executives thinking? :rant:

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I have a problem with crime show commercials coming on at 8:30 p.m. We'll be watching one of the few family shows on tv and I have to watch the commercials like a hawk. My 10yob is extremely sensitive and high anxiety. Seeing a person play a dead person makes him too scared to sleep. I know it's our problem but I don't appreciate it.

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I don't know the show you're referring to, but then I rarely watch TV except for all the PBS shows on Saturday night. When I do catch a show on TV, I'm usually appalled.
I feel this way about local news. I would never want my children to get so unrealistic impression of the place they live.
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We don't let the boys watch much besides blue's clues, dora, diego, and backyardigans.


I hate some of the commercials that come on tv. The first two that come to mind are the "male enhancement" ones (especially the santa one) and Eclipse (?) gum commercial where the lady "drinks" from the guy's mouth instead of the water cooler because the gum is 'mouthwatering'. That is just disgusting.


I don't see how they allow somethings on tv. I really wonder who sets the guidelines and who enforces them.

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I agree with this rant! I like tv, but enough is enough! Especially when it's during kid-awake hours. There was a movie on in the middle of the day a few Saturdays ago that was disturbingly violent. How does that stuff get through? How do all those words get through? I can't stand that people use the B word constantly anymore. People call each other that as a joke, but it still bothers me and I still find it degrading.

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You wouldn't believe what I was told by our cable company when I called to RAGE about what I saw when I turned on the TV one night. I think it was called Robot Chicken and it was on Cartoon Network or Comedy Central, I can't remember which now. It was cartoon porn with fuzzy spots where it counted! I was in complete and utter shock and even disbelief! In my naivety I thought there had to have been a mistake. The program had no rating assigned to it in our cable box guide, so our parental controls didn't catch it. (If you block every program with no rating, you're entering your password nearly every time to tune a new show.)


Here's the most unbelievable part. I called the cable company, who blamed it on the network, who blamed it on the cable company. When I demanded to know why this type of programming was airing at such an early hour (7:00 p.m!), they told me it was 10:00 on the East coast!

Edited by BabyBre
I spelled naivety wrong, and I can't let that go.
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I've already given up on cable stations, they'll play anything anytime. What we don't understand are the crime show commercials, half naked girl beer commercials, male enhancement commercials during sports events. If they want to draw the next generation of viewers why do they do that. During last Superbowl, we spent most commercial breaks with it on pause. Now my dh pauses the commercials, waits few minutes then jumps over them. We rarely watch TV unless its sports and he always gets mad at the commercials. He'd just have a cow if he saw the commercials that come on other channels.


In fact, I get so mad at what is being shown that I told my husband the Satellite TV was gone after the NCAA championship. THe blocks don't work!. Half of the really bad shows are NR. Or, they are mature, but my block only address things that are rated (G, PG, R, etc.) No, if it wasn't for football season, the DirectTV would be gone and we'd just stick to NetFlix and things we can borrow from the library.



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The response people usually get when they object to t.v. is "If you don't like it, turn the channel." Well, I do that. I am more than happy to turn the channel. That doesn't solve the problem when you find a show that is acceptable but the commercials are disgusting.


You decide a show isn't appropriate for your kids and smack in the middle of a show you approve of they show ads for the show you blocked! Repeatedly. And always the parts you object to most.


Perhaps there is a device that blocks commercials. Something else to try to figure out, hook up, and stack on top of my dvd player, t.v. guardian, cable box, and dh's game player- all of which we've purchased to give us more control over what we watch.


I personally don't think it's worth the hassle very often. We usually skip it and are unaware of 98% of t.v. sitcoms and dramas.

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What are these TV executives thinking?


That it makes money.


I've been disgusted with TV since the 70's and find much of it such a blight on humanity, I get physically miserable if I'm subjected to it (gritted teeth, antsy, sweaty, angry).



"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

-- Henry Mencken


I would broaden it, considering the popularity of Bay Watch worldwide. I also think that much of the world knows "us" through the medium of TV, and that shows like Jerry Springer are dangerous for our national security. Who wouldn't think us inane, stupid, indulgent, and not worthy of preservation if that is what you know of the US? [paranoia off]

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The response people usually get when they object to t.v. is "If you don't like it, turn the channel." Well, I do that. I am more than happy to turn the channel. That doesn't solve the problem when you find a show that is acceptable but the commercials are disgusting.


You decide a show isn't appropriate for your kids and smack in the middle of a show you approve of they show ads for the show you blocked! Repeatedly. And always the parts you object to most.



Yes! That drives me *insane*.


As far as programs go, I wish stations would be more considerate about their time slots, but I don't think they're *obligated to adhere to the bed time rules I have in my home. I'm the parent, it's my job to keep tabs on programming. But the commercials... those are just wrong.

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I just turned on the TV to find Wedding Crashers playing on the local CBS station. It is only 8pm here. Kids are still up (not mine) watching TV at this hour. Women in their undies are being thrown on the bed and what happens next is pretty clear. :eek: Now, I found this movie entertaining in an idiotic, adult, mind-numbing way. But at this hour on regular TV! Yikes! What are these TV executives thinking? :rant:


Have you thought about getting one of those tivo things? You can tape the shows you like and fast forward through the commercials, thus skipping both those and any unwanted shows, like the above. I knew a gal who did nothing but tivo all the shows she wanted her kids to watch; no other tv viewing was allowed. Seemed to work well for them.

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This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm no prude, but some of the things my husband and I have seen clicking through the channels on cable TV are unbelievable. It's like the HBO of my youth. My children rarely watch TV but I so resent the fact that I have to stand with my clicker in hand ready to change channels if something inappropriate comes on (like commercials). My husband and I don't even watch much TV, but I'm not sure we'll be able to watch at all once my kids are staying up past 8 o'clock. Also, my parents and in-laws seem oblivious to what's on "kids" channels these days. I've told them both to please not allow my kids to watch TV when they're there and invariably I find out they watched Cartoon Network or something. Cartoon Network is NOT for kids IMO. Arrgghh.

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Have you thought about getting one of those tivo things? You can tape the shows you like and fast forward through the commercials, thus skipping both those and any unwanted shows, like the above. I knew a gal who did nothing but tivo all the shows she wanted her kids to watch; no other tv viewing was allowed. Seemed to work well for them.




This is what we do. We also watch things On Demand, and make sure to turn it off right away.

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This is what we do. We also watch things On Demand, and make sure to turn it off right away.


On Demand isn't fool-proof though, so watch out. I used to let my 10yo scan the program lists for Discovery/History/HGTV etc., and we've seen random porn titles find their way into those listings on more than one occasion.


Sure, he didn't *see anything, but the titles are bad enough!

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