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July 1-7 Photo Prompts


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1 minute ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

Are you enjoying this book?  I haven't read it. Do you recommend it?

I am enjoying it. I am not far in. It is my (IRL) Book Club book for this month. The author is Carol Rifka Brunt. I believe it is the author’s debut novel. 

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Getting a jump on tomorrow so I don’t forget. The rest of the week is going to be busy. 


This photo is old. So old lol. My neighbor and I were trick or treating in our homemade felt and polyester costumes. In many places kids have to worry they’ll need a costume-ruining overcoat. In South Florida we had to worry our candy would melt before we got home. 

Pompano Beach, Halloween 1974


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I was going to post a picture of my DH for "hot" -- LOL!!!  But...I decided to use a picture of my son who caught 5 innings in a baseball tournament last Saturday.  It was in the middle of the day, in the sun, and the heat index was over 105 degrees.  He was miserably "hot" in the gear, but was a real trooper.  And...the kid was out ?!

6-30-18 266a.jpg

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I know many parts of the U. S. are experiencing much hotter weather than here in Florida. However this is our normal. Notice the time in the lower left - it's not even noon. Unless there's a tropical storm or hurricane our forecast is pretty much the same every day from May to early October. Highs in the 90s, humidity 70+%, and afternoon thunderstorms. Summer is hot and there's no such thing as a cooling rain or cool summer nights. 



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Posting two:

1. another "cheat" of a photo taken and texted to me by DS#2 the wildland firefighter. Yes, they actually walk through the flames as they burn off the grass for "back burning" to create a fire line. It just looks super nifty at night. ; )

2. 40˚C or 103˚F -- yesterday's temperature, registered on the thermometer on our back porch; today it's scheduled to hit 110˚F (:0 No, I'm not going back out there to take a photo of it. (:P

night fire.jpg


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3 minutes ago, Barb_ said:

Is anyone going to be brave enough for self portrait? Farmhand? It’s your prompt...

I'm thinking of using filters or some kind of special effects. It will have to be later though because I have an appointment soon. It's not that I''m hiding the real me, after all my avatar is a photo of me. I just hate 99% of photos of me. 

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5 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

I'm thinking of using filters or some kind of special effects. It will have to be later though because I have an appointment soon. It's not that I''m hiding the real me, after all my avatar is a photo of me. I just hate 99% of photos of me. 

Especially the front facing camera ::shudder::



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1 hour ago, Barb_ said:

Is anyone going to be brave enough for self portrait? Farmhand? It’s your prompt...

Probably not -- LOL.  Unless I can do it with lights and shadow and I can't really be seen.  I dislike pics of myself these days!

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Photography is my hobby and I was wanting to try a new self-portrait with my new light but my friend who is in her 60s fell last night and I need to visit with her and I didn’t have a chance to do my hair this morning (running around getting stuff done until I go to see her).  

If I have time this afternoon, I’ll try to fix up my rat’s nest hair and see if my new lighting gives me a decent picture.  Or maybe I’ll break the ice and send a picture right now of me on the treadmill with my headphones on (am squeezing in exercise today.).  Yes, that’s what I’ll do.  BRB with a picture from my ipad for you. 

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Ok guys—unedited picture taken while on the treadmill, so you don’t feel like you have to do anything fancy. No makeup, hair not done, wearing headphones, no camera filter, first attempt.  (No I’m not walking very fast because I’m trying to solve a homeschool problem via a bunch of emails while I walk and needed a break to clear my head so came here to look at your pictures.)


((*Homeschool problem: apparently PA state universities don’t accept a PA homeschooler’s diploma unless they go through a PA diploma agency, or unless the student gets a GED.  I’m not going to try to fight city hall, so I’m looking for a diploma agency to sign up with.  I was told back in 9th grade we wouldn’t need this, but I’m finding out we do.  At least for PA state Uni’s.)




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9 minutes ago, Garga said:

...((*Homeschool problem: apparently PA state universities don’t accept a PA homeschooler’s diploma unless they go through a PA diploma agency, or unless the student gets a GED.  I’m not going to try to fight city hall, so I’m looking for a diploma agency to sign up with.  I was told back in 9th grade we wouldn’t need this, but I’m finding out we do.  At least for PA state Uni’s.)


Oh that’s infuriating! We left PA back in 2007 and I miss it so much except for the PA Homeschoolers monopoly. I can’t believe you’re still having the same issues. So stupid. So they don’t take out of state homeschoolers either then?

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I'm going to do two - but they are not selfies.  They are just pictures of me depicting the "essence" of me - ie a portrait of what I am about.  And neither show my full face because internet.


And my dd's favorite of me:  (she thinks it is funny)


I spend a lot of time walking Juliet in lots of places including the nearby woods. 

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17 hours ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

Title: Naked Man on Mower 


I kept nagging Dh to wear a hat while mowing, as it’s been extra hot and muggy this week. I did a double take while checking on him,  then realized he’d only removed his shirt, the shorts are just skin-colored.


This is awesome!!!

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2 hours ago, Barb_ said:


Oh that’s infuriating! We left PA back in 2007 and I miss it so much except for the PA Homeschoolers monopoly. I can’t believe you’re still having the same issues. So stupid. So they don’t take out of state homeschoolers either then?

I don't know what they do with out-of-staters.  I wonder if they require them to get the GED testing done, because they told me either a diploma agency or GED testing.  

I'm not going with PA Homeschoolers. I'm probably going with Erie diploma agency, just because their criteria is the easiest to meet and right now this is a pointless (to me) hoop to jump through, so I want the easiest hoop to jump.  The colleges said they didn't care which agency we used (there are about 10 or so), as long as we use one.  But of course, all of this took hours and hours of calling colleges, emailing evaluators, searching for and reading 5000 websites, and contacting two diploma agencies.  Things like this take up so much time and there's more to come since I'll need to get information/paperwork to the diploma agency showing what we've done so far so they can say, "Yup.  You've done what you said you did."  


Ok--rant over.  This is a picture thread.  Back to pictures.

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Funnily enough I think I'm wearing the same shirt I wore when my avatar photo was taken.

What makes this a self portrait as opposed to just a selfie? I'm in the car. I thought once ds started driving but for sure once we finished homeschooling that I wouldn't be driving as much. While it did slow down I still feel like I'm always driving somewhere - to appointments, running errands, or even visiting. As Rosanne Rosannadanna used to say, "It's always something" 



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Because my thought about portraits (self or otherwise) is that they are but a shadow, a very incomplete image of the fullness of the actual living breathing person: "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." — I Corinthians 13:12


thru a glass dimly.jpg

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44 minutes ago, snickerplum said:

So, if (IF) I ever get the chance to go shopping by myself I send selfies to my mom for opinions. It sounds silly, but 1)I value her opinion and 2)I distrust sales ladies that work on commission. ? 


Haha! My girls do the same thing. My 24yo even sends me pictures of outfits she’s put together for work to get a second opinion. 

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13 hours ago, Lori D. said:


Because my thought about portraits (self or otherwise) is that they are but a shadow, a very incomplete image of the fullness of the actual living breathing person: "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." — I Corinthians 13:12


thru a glass dimly.jpg


Love this!

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