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Homeschool consultation

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I was wondering if there are any homeschool consultants on here or that you know of that use Well Trained Mind. I have found consultants for Classical Conversations and Charlotte Mason but no luck yet for Well Trained Mind. Thanks in advance for any leads.

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I do appreciate that ? I guess I'm just new to all this. I need help, advice, or just to hear from others with experience doing WTM with large families, many littles (I have 6, ages 10mo-8), twin dynamics, and special needs. I've talked to a few others and they suggest public school and or using a curriculum that teaches them in a group. Group teaching is usually not the most productive methods in my house. I guess at this point I'm willing to pay someone for answers. ? I am willing to do anything for my kids and make sure that each one gets the education they need.

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37 minutes ago, MamaRED6 said:

I do appreciate that ? I guess I'm just new to all this. I need help, advice, or just to hear from others with experience doing WTM with large families, many littles (I have 6, ages 10mo-8), twin dynamics, and special needs. I've talked to a few others and they suggest public school and or using a curriculum that teaches them in a group. Group teaching is usually not the most productive methods in my house. I guess at this point I'm willing to pay someone for answers. ? I am willing to do anything for my kids and make sure that each one gets the education they need.

 Definitely post your questions here, then!  I know some moms stagger start times or rotate through the kids during the day, using independent curriculum when they can and touching base instead of teaching 5 subjects 6 times a day.   But I'm sure that at least one other person will have faced the same specific struggle you have and they can talk about what they do and how it works for them. ?

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Well I only have 3 left at home but they are 7 and 8. I too am dealing with twin dynamics and special needs. Group lessons never work for us and because one twin is advanced by 2 to 3 grades depending upon the subject, I have to keep them in separate curriculums so they don't notice the huge gap as much. The other twin not as advanced but still ahead has ASD/ADHD/gifted as a diagnosis. His twin has blindness in one eye due to amblyopia and apraxia.

We are classical homeschoolers but we don't adhere perfectly to WTM. We started out following it more closely but once I got comfortable we branched. 

I do history, bible, geography, science and read alouds for literature together. We start off the morning with me reading aloud in the above areas. We then branch off for independent work. I make sure the curriculum I choose is a solid mix of teacher dependent and independent. This way I can put two kids on independent work and work with the other and then I rotate. Sometimes oldest helps her brothers if I need her in a pinch. Sometimes I send two off to play and do longer lessons with one and then switch. If we have science experiments or history activities, geography maps etc we do those after lunch typically. 

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Rachel- This is actually my 4th year but I'm trying to get serious about following WTM. My oldest are in 3rd grade.

HomeAgain- Thank you for the encouragement. ?

Nixpix5- Yes! My twins are the same. One twin (1B) is a major overachiever and the other (1A) struggles with focusing. I just switch 1A to Teaching Textbooks because she was comparing herself to her sister so much, before I was using Saxon with both of them.  Thank you so very much for all your tips. One question though, how do you deal with attention seeking behavior when you are working with another child?

Jean in Newcastle- I live in Michigan. It is a great place to homeschool without any regulations pretty much. Still I want to make sure we are getting our core in Bible, English, Math, Science, and History on a regular basis.

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