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The Grief Recurrent Teachers Lounge 6-19-2018 (a bit heavy)


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Good morning, all, and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme comes from the fact that in the first 6 months of 2018, there have been three deaths in my family.
My mom in January, my stepbrother's wife in Feb or March (don't remember) and my brother's wife (SIL) last week.
I'd like to be done with all of that now, thank you.

To all of you who have had loved ones pass, especially in 2018, know that you are not alone and I understand completely.
I've processed the sadness of my mom's passing almost completely - although it's never truly gone, the grief, is it? But for the most
part, I'm no longer sad that she's gone, because I KNOW she is fully restored in Heaven. I was driving somewhere yesterday, and I saw
sunflowers in a garden. I instantly thought of Mom and said, "Mom, you would love this garden." ?
I did not know my stepbrother's wife really. Met her once or twice, briefly. But I know she really helped out my mom and stepdad when my
Mom needed lots of care at the end. I knew my brother's wife only slightly better - had only met and spoken with her a few times. They'd only 
been married about 5 years or so. I think I have a harder time with this one for several reasons: 1) none of our family really got to know her well;
2) part of the reason for that is she was an MD, so really busy, but we all thought she was amazing; and 3) she took her own life. We're all kind of
reeling and trying to process it all.

So to you that have had loved ones commit suicide, my heart is with you, as well. Such a hard thing to process!

And to you who are dealing with loved ones who are close to passing, I understand that, too. 

So today in the Lounge, to help us all through this, I will have a Winter Cedar candle lit. Because candles are calming, and I love the smell of this one.
Hope you will, too!

I also have chocolate, coffee, and tea. What's your pleasure?

What this has also "brought into stark relief" for me is that we (my family) needs to be closer, geographically, to the majority of mine and my husband's family.
My brother has decided to move from CO back to FL, where his network of people is. This will put the majority of our families east of the Mississippi. Thus, we 
are talking about what we can do to make that move happen. I pray you make the right decisions for all of your families as well.

Sorry for the heavy note this morning. I know some of you will understand. In the meantime, help yourself to chocolate, coffee, or tea!


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Lots of (((Hugs)))) Scrap.  That's a lot in a short period of time.   

My aunt and uncle died within a week of each other in April.  I wasn't very close to them but it was very rough on my cousins to lose both their parents within a week, and on my mother to lose her sister and BIL.   

We are basically just waiting for FIL to go.  We were told over a year ago that he had about 6 months.  His heart is bad and he didn't want surgery.   MIL, FIL and my dad are all in their 80's so there's an awareness there that time is probably running down.

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Thanks, all, for your virtual hugs and support today. I find it strange that my SIL's death hit me seemingly as hard as my mom's did.
I only knew my SIL for about 5 years, and in that had only talked to her a handful of times. And yet, the grief hits hard. 

May you ALL know that you ARE loved! That someone most definitely DOES love you and is very grateful you are in their lives!

Go hug your kids, spouses, siblings, and spouses, friends. You never know when it will be your last chance to do so!

Sweet dreams! See you later ( may or may not be tomorrow )!

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