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Transcript Question - combining public and homeschool

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We are enrolling dd in public school for 11th and 12th grades so she can get funding for DE (free for public school students but almost nothing for homeschooled students).  The plan is that she will attend DE full time and graduate with a diploma from the public school.

I'm confused about what happens when she applies to colleges.  Her public school transcript will combine her homeschool grades/courses and her DE courses.  But the dates of attendance will start in 11th grade.  So I assume the applications will ask what schools she attended and she will put homeschool for 8-10 (she has early high school courses) and then public school for 11th and 12th?  But she won't need a separate transcript since all grades/courses will be on her public school transcript?  I don't know if I'll have to submit anything for the years she homeschooled or not.

Just wondering if anyone has been through this or has any knowledge of how it all will work.  Hope this makes sense!  

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My kids didn't do public school but did do DE. I did a master transcript that noted all homeschool courses plus all DE courses, so they had everything in one place, and then also had the university send a transcript for their classes only. 

You will have to submit a transcript for 9th and 10th, most definitely, so I would personally include the DE courses. They will know to look for a separate transcript for that. i do think that having everything on one master transcript highlights areas of strength more easily and cuts down on confusion. 

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How does the high school handle transfer students?  If your child is getting a diploma from the high school they must be counting the homeschool classes toward graduation requirements.  Typically, the school where the student graduated from is the one who issued the transcript and any courses that they accepted toward requirements should be listed.  However, like others mentioned, you would want to send a transcript from all schools attended, including  your homeschool.  I don't think the master transcript of homeschool, high school and college classes from your homeschool is what should be done since the homeschool is not graduating her.  

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