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books about slavery


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I used The Middle Passage by Tom Feelings around 13-14 yrs old with my oldest.  It is wordless except for the introduction (and perhaps some explanatory notes - not sure) but the art is powerful.  I also had a 10 year old at the time and decided not to use it with her at that age so ymmv.  It is a powerful book that really allows the reader to imagine some of the horrors of the slave trade.  I don't remember what I used with the younger child at that age, but I think we had a book similar to a DK book about the exploration of Africa that had a few pages on the slave trade that was more appropriate for my more sensitive dd.  I can look for the exact title in my books later if that will help, but I couldn't find the one I was thinking of by looking on Amazon.  



I'm fairly certain this is the book I used for my younger dd, but I can't see inside it to make certain. 



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