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Transcript Question regarding homeschooling after a b&m school

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My son went to a b&m school for 9th and 10th grade and we're planning on homeschooling him for 11th and 12th grades (mainly to take advantage of free DE classes). My question is on how to write his transcript.  Do I write one that includes the 9th and 10th grade classes that he took or do I write one for only the grades I homeschool (knowing I will send in his b&m transcript to colleges)? 

Thanks for your help!

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I've seen it done both ways. But I've had admissions counselors say to only do the homeschool years - they want to be the ones to translate each transcript/experience separately. They are very accustomed to making sense of a variety of transcripts from applicants, so don't stress too much about it. 

When you try to combine both schools into one transcript, it can sometimes be confusing in weighting grades and giving the same kinds of credits. Oh - and know that a 3 credit DE class would be a 1 credit high school class.

As far as GPA, you could provide two - one with the four years combined (If all else is equal; sometimes this can be tricky) or the two separate GPAs.

Everyone's situation is so unique; there isn't one way to do it. 

Welcome to the board, btw! Enjoy!

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I am an admissions counselor and at my university, we would ask you to provide an official transcript from the B&M school in addition to the homeschool transcript. You could still list the B&M coursework on your transcript, just notate it as such.

As far as GPA... I'm not really sure how we'd handle that, to be honest. It's possible someone would calculate a cumulative GPA, but it's also possible that whoever processed the application would just choose a transcript and enter that GPA into the database... so if I were you, I'd list three GPA's on the transcript: the B&M, the homeschool only, and cumulative. Then the college can choose which one they want to use or they may have their own method of calculating GPA. 

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For my older son, who did high school math in 7th and 8th, all high school level classes in 8th, 9th and half of 10th at home (with foreign language at an online high school); the other half of 10th and half of 11th at a b&m school; a bit of 11th at home; and then the rest at the CC (whew--sorry that was so complicated!), I put it all on one transcript and also sent transcripts from all of the other institutions.  I did one GPA.


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