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The Special Occasion Shopping Teachers Lounge 5-21-2018


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Welcome to a new week and to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact dd and I will be Graduation dress shopping today! Woohoo!
Praying we find them today as clothes shopping is the least favorite of ours! ?

What are you up to today? Here: besides shopping, school, calling lawyer, working on writing project, returning library book, and a few other things.

What's your weather like this week? Here: very warm! Just under 100*F all week!?

Where are you visiting this week? Here: PuraTea Water LLC (a local tea shop), Ross Dress for Less, the post office, and a few other places. 

Talk to me! :bigear: 

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No special occasions coming up any time soon.

Today I am looking at spaces to rent for my classes.  We went by one this morning that looks like it would be perfect so we are hoping it will work out.  Another one we looked at, the owner is being really slow getting us information about average utility costs and zoning, plus when we asked for a sample lease they sent us a form from the 1980's!  Makes me worry about how responsive they would be to problems.

I have another place to check out this afternoon, then dd has TKD and that's it for today.  That's pretty much how our week is going to go - school, TKD, a hike/nature walk, and cleaning.

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Toto, I would pass on the one that's dragging their feet and sent you a form from the 1980s! To me that just says there not savvy business folk
and would only create trouble in the long run. At any rate, I pray everything works out for you! What classes will you be teaching?

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18 hours ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Toto, I would pass on the one that's dragging their feet and sent you a form from the 1980s! To me that just says there not savvy business folk
and would only create trouble in the long run. At any rate, I pray everything works out for you! What classes will you be teaching?

I teach science classes to homeschoolers.  Some academic, some enrichment.   I started the business back in October but rented space from a friend that has a classroom that is mostly unused during the day.  We didn't want to get our own space until we had an idea of if there was any actual interest.  Turns out there is lots of interest in my area, so we are looking for our own space.

We did look at a couple more spaces yesterday.  Both of them are now higher on the list than the original one, but we are waiting on some information from the realtors.  It was only yesterday so I'm trying to be patient.  ?  

One is a space I looked at last year and absolutely LOVED.  We just weren't ready to commit to a 3 year lease.  Only disadvantage was it's in an office-type building at the end of a long hallway, so no direct access to outside (so no window or door to put a sign on).  The other is a very nice retail space but the realtor showed it to someone else right before us, so we may lose out on it.

I appreciate any prayers.  I would like to get things resolved so I have a better idea of what I'm doing in September.  I find not knowing very stressful.

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