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Well-Trained Bodies- May Edition


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Ack- totally forget we're starting a new month today. I posted this am's workout in the April thread (oops). I did my usual workout w/ Mom at Planet Fitness, due to lack of sleep and stress it wasn't my best but I did feel better once we got going. I usually do heavy lifting in the afternoon but it looks like I'm likely going to skip that today because we've just got so much going on. 

Man, I'm missing my own food, I generally rarely eat out but ate out 3x last week with all the busyness. Tomorrow is going to be the worst with visitation and the funeral, it's going to be a long sad day. Dh and I did get in a nap this afternoon and hopefully will finally get a decent nights sleep.

May's Goals:

Continue working on building strength- Weightlifting Goals- 85# Bench-115# Squat-150#Deadlift-55# Military Press-100#Tbar Row- 3 consecutive Chin-ups-10- strict form push-ups

Continue eating good food- especially fruits and veggies but also keeping my protein high enough for muscle gain

I *wouldn't* mind losing a couple of pounds (my goal for last month that I didn't quite reach) but that is really a mental thing- I want to reach my previous range and even numbers are good. BUT I'm happy with how I look now and want to gain strength more than get smaller. So, I'm keeping on, keeping on and we'll see what happens.

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I'm joining in, my baby is 6 months and it's time to spend some time on me again. I worked out today for the first time in about two years.  I need to eat good food, lots of salads, fruits and vegetables. I am planning on exercising and being more active in general. Lots of walks and some weight bearing exercise. I definitely have some pounds to shed, my goal is 20. This month I will be happy if I lose 4 pounds, its slow and steady with me.

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Soror ~ I am so sorry about your FIL. ((Hugs))

I have been MIA since my trip, but it is time to get back. The trip was OK. Surprisingly, I didn't gain any weight despite eating out and not even skipping deserts. In fact, the net result for April is -1.6 lbs, which is the lightest I have been in forever. I am just 7 lbs above my pre-kids weight, and I had about zero muscle then. I am pretty happy with my look, and honestly don't know what my goal in this area should be. I just want to be stronger, I guess. Yet, today I planned to do body weight exercises in the morning but felt pretty blah, plus there are always things to do... I am going to the fence tonight though. I am not sure if I mentioned it here, but I convinced another mom to start fencing, so lately we were putting in about 30 minutes during the kids' class. After that she leaves and I fence the girls, so my average time fencing increased, plus she is left-handed, so I get to practice something different, too. And another mom who used to fence every 2-3 months started to do it more regularly, too. All in all, win.

The competition was fun, but the results were underwhelming. But I did buy myself a new uniform, as a gift from my parents (they sent me some money and really wanted a report about a gift that made me happy, so that was it). It is nice to have clothes that are not three sizes too big. I finally don't look like a giant marshmallow :)

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I'm officially in maintenance at Weight Watchers - onto week 4! I'm down 28 lbs since December.

I'm starting C25K this week (I started at the end of February when it warmed up for a spell, but then decided it was too cold, so now I'm going to start it again).

I guess my goals are to maintain (I have lost 4 lbs since reaching "goal", so I am still figuring this out. AF comes this next week, though, so I should have a gain when I weigh in next!), do C25K three days a week, and keep up with rolling/stretching/exercising my knee three times a week.


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Welcome all!! 

Another bad night of sleep ?For those keeping track I finally had a phone consult over my last labs. I told her I'm doing pretty good except my sleep has been crap lately and my energy could be better. My energy has certainly been much much worse but it's been much better too. My mood has been great, so that's a plus. So, according to my last labs it looked like I need to tweak meds so we're going to retest again in a few weeks. 

Oh, and I picked up a new pair of workout shoes yesterday. My Merrel trail runners were getting a hole in them, I found a pair of low profile Nikes on sale and grabbed them. 

Today is going to be a crazy one, just trying to make it though ?

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@soror my sympathies for the loss of your fil. I had forgotten about your tests, but glad to hear you got to follow up on them!

@Ravin way to go on meeting your step goal! Do you have a tracker or use your phone? My Garmin tracks my steps and then “helpfully” increases it for me when I meet mine. I could turn it off, but let’s face it, I let my device boss me around.

@EmilyGF - congrats on maintenance! C25K is a great way to start running. Which one are you using?

@jen3kids - tomorrow is always another day, so keep on keeing on is my motto. I hope today goes better for you.

@OlgaLA - clothes that fit are the best! Glad to hear the trip and the competition went well.

@Stibalfamily - welcome! Slow and steady all the way!

@peacelovehomeschooling - you and me both!

@wintermom - not being more sore is a win in my book!

We seem to have skipped spring and went straight to summer. Ran 5 miles yesterday, but couldn’t go until late afternoon so it was *hot*! I don’t think I’m ready for summer running just yet. We’re running 6 miles today. It is not going to be any cooler.

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@mamaraby, I have a Gear S3 Frontier that tracks for me. I have been increasing my own goal on a weekly basis, if I make the goal every day for a week. I increase it by 500 steps, or to the average, whichever is less. I started at my preceding week's average when I decided to start paying attention, because I had such a hard time making the default 6000 steps that I had given up for a long while. This slow build-up seems to be working for me. My plantar fasciitis is resolving, and while it kicked my butt a little more than I'd like, I kept up with DS on a three mile hike last weekend, so there's hope for me yet.

Now, if I can just resist the urge to walk to Dollar General and buy snacks to reward myself for my step count, I might be able to get the scale to cooperate too. I had a bit of backsliding there the last couple of weeks.

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7 hours ago, mamaraby said:


We seem to have skipped spring and went straight to summer. Ran 5 miles yesterday, but couldn’t go until late afternoon so it was *hot*! I don’t think I’m ready for summer running just yet. We’re running 6 miles today. It is not going to be any cooler.

Send some summer up north. We got a taste of spring, then plunged back into winter. My body and head are so confused; it's warm one day (or one hour) and cold the next! 

Great job getting in your runs!

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Soror, I'm sorry for your loss. Hugs. 

I am working to get back on track after a lot of travel to help my Dad move.  I met my Monday goal of doing "something" since I've been on a Monday slump for some weeks now. I got in a 40 min walk with 15 min of embedded jogging intervals.  I also worked in the garden for about an hour. Yesterday, I did a minimal strength training workout, but I did one! Today was Zumba. Tomorrow should be strength training again. I will hopefully do some gardening as well. 

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Yesterday was a very long and hard day, it was a mentally exhausting but we made it through.

My goal the next 2 days is to lay around as much as possible .

I did go workout this morning, I'm not sure about this evening.

I had leftover gf cheesecake for breakfast, WAY too much sugar for breakfast but it was tasty.

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Well, I made it to the gym yesterday and today and I plan to go tomorrow and possibly Saturday morning too!  I'm still struggling with my DeadLift form.  I used to have it, but now I've changed something.  Thankfully my coach is awesome and watches me closely and gives guidance.  I'll stick with the 145lbs for now and slowly move up.  I'm continuing to improve my Bench Press and am up to 72lbs!  I swear when I started I could barely do the 15lb bar ?



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Found a new workout on beach body on demand I love it's core de force an mma workout.  That combined with running and some upper body weight work is my workout of choice for this week.  Oh and the shorts I purchased last summer are all to big.  Time to go shopping again....

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5 hours ago, jen3kids said:

Well, I made it to the gym yesterday and today and I plan to go tomorrow and possibly Saturday morning too!  I'm still struggling with my DeadLift form.  I used to have it, but now I've changed something.  Thankfully my coach is awesome and watches me closely and gives guidance.  I'll stick with the 145lbs for now and slowly move up.  I'm continuing to improve my Bench Press and am up to 72lbs!  I swear when I started I could barely do the 15lb bar ?



That is awesome progress. My deadlift progress has been soooo very slow, like I've been stuck FOREVER, my last few sessions were good and I was hoping to do well again today and maybe move up, nope, UGH! I just moved up to 75# on bench, I barely got 1 rep last time but 3 reps today.

1 hour ago, lynn said:

Found a new workout on beach body on demand I love it's core de force an mma workout.  That combined with running and some upper body weight work is my workout of choice for this week.  Oh and the shorts I purchased last summer are all to big.  Time to go shopping again....


Ya for needing a new size!!!

2 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

Many many hugs. 

You know, sometimes you just need cheesecake, and it is okay.  Take care of yourself and listen to your body (which we should all always do, but let's face it, we don't. esp when stressed/sad/overwhelmed).


Thank you! I've just been sooo hungry today, GAH, I haven't eaten this much in months.  I got a nap too it was great. No more weight workouts until Tuesday. We've got our Challenge Course Training Sat. & Sun. which I think is going to be quite enough and I'll be gone until late Sunday anyway, I'm thinking all the climbing, crawling, hiking and everything else will kick my butt! Monday I've got a 10 mi. bike ride scheduled with our Troop, I was not thinking scheduling right after our training. Looking back at my log I got in 20 strength training workouts in April, pretty darn good! That's not counting any walking or biking which I've not been tracking. 

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Picked up race packets today for Saturday’s 20k. I am ridiculosly excited as this is my favorite not quite half marathon. The race shirt is amazing as always. We picked up at a local running store and they just happened to have the Oiselle shorts I had been eyeing online. Not only did I get a $10 discount, but they fit amazingly. And there are pockets! Five of them! Including one that fits my phone. Pockets! In women’s running shorts! They just had the one pair, but I have since ordered a second pair directly from Oiselle. Long live useful pockets!

5 miles became 3.85 miles because life and kids who needed dropping off places by the time I got around to running. Dh was not feeling well today. I’m hoping he feels better tomorrow and that it stays with him because I’d be beyond bummed to miss Saturday’s race.

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I had to stick to fencing only for the last three days. I either didn't have time or energy for anything else. Today is evening fencing, and tomorrow is a rest day. A local competition on Sunday. Sometimes I wonder why I go to those competitions, as the only result is getting beaten, but then I do have fun there. Today I booked the flight and hotel for the Summer Nationals. I am going with my DD, and it is the first time in many years that I will be traveling without DH. Plus, last time I did, I was going to my parents, so at least the stay was covered. This time it is a whole week in an unfamiliar city, pretty much alone, so I feel anxious. 

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Ugg went to the pool today just to discover my goggles had fallen out and were not in my bag. I tried to swim, but I could not do while sharing a lane with a lady who was reading a book while walking in the pool! 

I came home and did my normal weight stuff and went for a long walk. It is a beautiful day. 

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21 hours ago, soror said:

That is awesome progress. My deadlift progress has been soooo very slow, like I've been stuck FOREVER, my last few sessions were good and I was hoping to do well again today and maybe move up, nope, UGH! I just moved up to 75# on bench, I barely got 1 rep last time but 3 reps today.




Thanks!  We're working on 5 sets of 5 and then 2 sets of max reps at 90% of that.  It was tough, but fulfilling!

For some reason I did 72lbs again on Bench Press- I should have gone up a half or whole pound, but I read my logbook wrong.  I guess next week I'll move up.

I tried the Dead Lift again and did 1 set of 5 in good form at 155lbs, but couldn't do more than that.  I dropped way down to 125, which is less than earlier this week, but I was so annoyed with myself that I just did what was easy weight but keeping my hamstrings engaged.  I wonder if my sore hamstring/glute might have something to do with my poor DL form; I'll mention it to him tomorrow.  

I'm going in tomorrow at 9.  I don't usually do the Saturday workout, but since I missed Monday and Tuesday, I figured I should.  It's a partner work-out, so it should be fun.


Your weekend sounds exciting - so much going on.  Have fun!

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Hi Ladies!  

I got my April summary email from Strava for running and I'm really happy, I'm moving in the right direction: I had 17 runs, totaling 66 miles, which was double what I did in March.  

This week I've done well so far with running, though most of my exercise has come from transporting (with a wagon and public transport, so it counts as exercise!) and assembling %4@&!! IKEA furniture.  LOL.  

I still haven't gotten my butt in gear with Simple & Sinister Kettlebell routine... I can't figure out what my mental block is.  

Diet/Weight:  I'm still going strong with Keto and occasional intermittent fasting, no off-plan eating and frankly, no temptation at all since making myself a freezer full of single-portion peanut butter cheesecake mousse.  ?  I have lost 9lbs in the last two months and am now at my between-kids-one-and-two-weight, which was my comfortably-sedentary-adult weight.  From this point forward, I'll be moving towards my active adult weight, and I'm excited to see that!  




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On 5/3/2018 at 10:38 PM, mamaraby said:

Picked up race packets today for Saturday’s 20k. I am ridiculosly excited as this is my favorite not quite half marathon. The race shirt is amazing as always. We picked up at a local running store and they just happened to have the Oiselle shorts I had been eyeing online. Not only did I get a $10 discount, but they fit amazingly. And there are pockets! Five of them! Including one that fits my phone. Pockets! In women’s running shorts! They just had the one pair, but I have since ordered a second pair directly from Oiselle. Long live useful pockets!

Sweet!! I'm always on the look out for ladies shorts with pockets for tennis. They are so hard to find. 

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20k race is in the books! I finished about 7 minutes faster this year and managed negative splits. I underestimated just how hard it would be to hold back while everyone else ran out ahead of us at the start. I had planned to run a nice easy pace for the first half, but struggled and ended up 20-30 seconds faster than I should have been. I paid for it during the last 5k, but still finished strong. I’m definitely going to have to watch it at the half marathon in two weeks. Practice, right?

I’d really like to take a nap, but dinner and then I need to do some meal prepping for dh for the week ahead. I also have no idea what the kids and I are going to eat this week since dh is off to school for work for the last time. I feel uninspired. It feels like I’m cheating to just plan PB&J, but man is it tempting. ? 

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13 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Hi Ladies!  

I got my April summary email from Strava for running and I'm really happy, I'm moving in the right direction: I had 17 runs, totaling 66 miles, which was double what I did in March.  

This week I've done well so far with running, though most of my exercise has come from transporting (with a wagon and public transport, so it counts as exercise!) and assembling %4@&!! IKEA furniture.  LOL.  

I still haven't gotten my butt in gear with Simple & Sinister Kettlebell routine... I can't figure out what my mental block is.  

Diet/Weight:  I'm still going strong with Keto and occasional intermittent fasting, no off-plan eating and frankly, no temptation at all since making myself a freezer full of single-portion peanut butter cheesecake mousse.  ?  I have lost 9lbs in the last two months and am now at my between-kids-one-and-two-weight, which was my comfortably-sedentary-adult weight.  From this point forward, I'll be moving towards my active adult weight, and I'm excited to see that!  




Awesome progress! Nice that you're out of the temptation zone. I had a sugar relapse and went almost a week with sugar every day - I know moderation works well for some people, but I really just can't do moderation. Any amount of sugar makes me crave more - and it's all I can think about until get it. So, I asked my trainer for some help with accountability and now I'm emailing him my food logs at the end of each day. It's funny how such a small thing can make a world of difference. I made it through yesterday and today without any issues. 

My workout on Friday was tough. A lot of rear leg elevated split squats with weights. I also did some pull-ups with my foot in a band. I always feel like I'm going to slingshot myself across the room when I do those. Today I ran 13 km with my group - most of it was uphill. My legs are actually sore now. Planning a rest day tomorrow and then I'm back at the gym on Monday.

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49 minutes ago, mamaraby said:

20k race is in the books! I finished about 7 minutes faster this year and managed negative splits. I underestimated just how hard it would be to hold back while everyone else ran out ahead of us at the start. I had planned to run a nice easy pace for the first half, but struggled and ended up 20-30 seconds faster than I should have been. I paid for it during the last 5k, but still finished strong. I’m definitely going to have to watch it at the half marathon in two weeks. Practice, right?

I’d really like to take a nap, but dinner and then I need to do some meal prepping for dh for the week ahead. I also have no idea what the kids and I are going to eat this week since dh is off to school for work for the last time. I feel uninspired. It feels like I’m cheating to just plan PB&J, but man is it tempting. ? 

That's fantastic! I'm jealous. I was reading a running magazine today that listed a bunch of different half-marathons. I want to do another. It's such a great distance. 

PB&J is definitely not cheating! I take full advantage when my dh isn't home. When the kids were smaller we'd have muffins and yogurt for dinner. Now I let them make their own dinner ? 

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11 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

Thankfully I have been losing weigh steadily over the last few days.  It makes me happy!  Exercise has been going well.  Food is mostly good as well.  I love reading what you all are doing.  I have said it before and will say it again, you are an impressive bunch! It is inspiring to see what you are doing.

You're pretty inspiring, too! Nice work on a steady loss. And with keeping up with the exercise and food. It's so nice when hard work pays off, right?

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2 hours ago, SarahCB said:


PB&J is definitely not cheating! I take full advantage when my dh isn't home. When the kids were smaller we'd have muffins and yogurt for dinner. Now I let them make their own dinner ? 

We called that "Every man for himself night" when my guys were home. (The youngest are in college now so only home occasionally.)  Life skills, y'all. 

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I didn't get in my lower body workout today, but I did get in my cardio: combo of walking, jogging, and dancing. I also spent the rest of the day either painting or gardening. I was too wiped to do a strength-training workout by the end of the day and had I done it earlier, I know I would have been too tired to do the painting and gardening, which had to get done. 

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22 hours ago, mamaraby said:

20k race is in the books! I finished about 7 minutes faster this year and managed negative splits. I underestimated just how hard it would be to hold back while everyone else ran out ahead of us at the start. I had planned to run a nice easy pace for the first half, but struggled and ended up 20-30 seconds faster than I should have been. I paid for it during the last 5k, but still finished strong. I’m definitely going to have to watch it at the half marathon in two weeks. Practice, right?

I’d really like to take a nap, but dinner and then I need to do some meal prepping for dh for the week ahead. I also have no idea what the kids and I are going to eat this week since dh is off to school for work for the last time. I feel uninspired. It feels like I’m cheating to just plan PB&J, but man is it tempting. ? 

Congratulations!!! It's so hard to get the pacing just right on the longer distance races. All the best on your next half!

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I've been outside walking and playing tennis over the last few days. I also got to the gym. We had a crazy wind storm here on Friday night. Lots of free branches blown away, and some whole trees blown over. I went for a hike in the woods Saturday morning, and was afraid a tree half down was going to plunge down the rest of the way. 

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Trying to catch up ladies-

@mamaraby I'm so proud of you for your 20k, that is awesome, I hope your getting in some rest now!

@Sarah CB glad to hear things are on track for you and those split squats, gah, no fun at all! 

@peacelovehomeschooling way to go keep up with everything, as Sarah said that is inspiring, we're all inspiring each other to keep on, keeping on, one day at a time!

@Monica_in_Switzerland Doubling your mileage is awesome.  Congrats on reaching a new milestone w/ your weight, that's VERY exciting!!!

@jen3kids I do that too some time, forgetting what I've done and the last 2 wks I've not been doing good remembering my book w/ everything going on. I've been stuck on 115-125 on my deadlift, I did 135 at least 2 months ago but can't seem to do it again, I don't understand. BUT I guess we all have strengths and weaknesses and if we keep working on it we'll move up, even if it is super slow.

@wintermom I hope you didn't have any damage from the storm ?


Ladies, this weekend kicked my butt 10 ways to Sunday. They were not kidding when they said it was physically demanding. We had to backpack in to start w/ all our gear, we went from 8am to 6pm w/ no breaks, we had to eat while walking. Being the smallest person on my team and pretty agile I ended up climbing up all kinds of stuff, people, huge poles, pushed into the air. I was the fastest of our crew on the ropes course (20 to 30 ft in the air in the trees were attached to harnesses and have to go through obstacles). I made it up the ladder like a spider monkey, even skipping steps. Swung from tires to tires. It was awesome, my chin-up and weight training seriously paid off. We did a ton of games too, I ended up on the ground so many times I've got bruises all over. At the gas station on the way home, I got a king size butter finger and it was delicious, supper was cookies and chips and salsa ? I thought I packed enough food but I didn't expect it to be that active so I was about to chew my arm off by the time we made it out. I cannot even believe I've got a 10 mile bike ride scheduled for tomorrow. I'm thinking I'm going to take the max dose ibuprofen and hope for the best there are so many parts of my body that are sore.

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8 minutes ago, soror said:

Trying to catch up ladies-

@mamaraby I'm so proud of you for your 20k, that is awesome, I hope your getting in some rest now!

@Sarah CB glad to hear things are on track for you and those split squats, gah, no fun at all! 

@peacelovehomeschooling way to go keep up with everything, as Sarah said that is inspiring, we're all inspiring each other to keep on, keeping on, one day at a time!

@Monica_in_Switzerland Doubling your mileage is awesome.  Congrats on reaching a new milestone w/ your weight, that's VERY exciting!!!

@jen3kids I do that too some time, forgetting what I've done and the last 2 wks I've not been doing good remembering my book w/ everything going on. I've been stuck on 115-125 on my deadlift, I did 135 at least 2 months ago but can't seem to do it again, I don't understand. BUT I guess we all have strengths and weaknesses and if we keep working on it we'll move up, even if it is super slow.

@wintermom I hope you didn't have any damage from the storm ?


Ladies, this weekend kicked my butt 10 ways to Sunday. They were not kidding when they said it was physically demanding. We had to backpack in to start w/ all our gear, we went from 8am to 6pm w/ no breaks, we had to eat while walking. Being the smallest person on my team and pretty agile I ended up climbing up all kinds of stuff, people, huge poles, pushed into the air. I was the fastest of our crew on the ropes course (20 to 30 ft in the air in the trees were attached to harnesses and have to go through obstacles). I made it up the ladder like a spider monkey, even skipping steps. Swung from tires to tires. It was awesome. We did a ton of games too, I ended up on the ground so many times I've got bruises all over. At the gas station on the way home, I got a king size butter finger and it was delicious, supper was cookies and chips and salsa ? I thought I packed enough food but I didn't expect it to be that active so I was about to chew my arm off by the time we made it out. I cannot even believe I've got a 10 mile bike ride scheduled for tomorrow. I'm thinking I'm going to take the max dose ibuprofen and hope for the best there are so many parts of my body that are sore.


Oh my gosh, Soror.  That sounds like so much fun!   What was it for?

I know exactly how you feel about being so hungry after such an intense physical workout.  It's a little frightening!

 I'm sure you'll ace that 10mile ride too.  The ibuprofen should take the edge off and the ride might even work out the soreness for you!



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4 hours ago, soror said:

Trying to catch up ladies-

@mamaraby I'm so proud of you for your 20k, that is awesome, I hope your getting in some rest now!

@Sarah CB glad to hear things are on track for you and those split squats, gah, no fun at all! 

@peacelovehomeschooling way to go keep up with everything, as Sarah said that is inspiring, we're all inspiring each other to keep on, keeping on, one day at a time!

@Monica_in_Switzerland Doubling your mileage is awesome.  Congrats on reaching a new milestone w/ your weight, that's VERY exciting!!!

@jen3kids I do that too some time, forgetting what I've done and the last 2 wks I've not been doing good remembering my book w/ everything going on. I've been stuck on 115-125 on my deadlift, I did 135 at least 2 months ago but can't seem to do it again, I don't understand. BUT I guess we all have strengths and weaknesses and if we keep working on it we'll move up, even if it is super slow.

@wintermom I hope you didn't have any damage from the storm ?


Ladies, this weekend kicked my butt 10 ways to Sunday. They were not kidding when they said it was physically demanding. We had to backpack in to start w/ all our gear, we went from 8am to 6pm w/ no breaks, we had to eat while walking. Being the smallest person on my team and pretty agile I ended up climbing up all kinds of stuff, people, huge poles, pushed into the air. I was the fastest of our crew on the ropes course (20 to 30 ft in the air in the trees were attached to harnesses and have to go through obstacles). I made it up the ladder like a spider monkey, even skipping steps. Swung from tires to tires. It was awesome, my chin-up and weight training seriously paid off. We did a ton of games too, I ended up on the ground so many times I've got bruises all over. At the gas station on the way home, I got a king size butter finger and it was delicious, supper was cookies and chips and salsa ? I thought I packed enough food but I didn't expect it to be that active so I was about to chew my arm off by the time we made it out. I cannot even believe I've got a 10 mile bike ride scheduled for tomorrow. I'm thinking I'm going to take the max dose ibuprofen and hope for the best there are so many parts of my body that are sore.

 That sounds amazing! Good luck on your bike ride!

We had a party on Saturday, where I may have had a glass or two of wine too many, especially given that I had a competition in the morning. But it all worked out - I got a medal (fencing competition often give medals to the top 8, so I managed to get 8th place) and, more importantly, a rating. So now I will have a letter next to my name and maybe slightly better pool placements. I still feel it was mostly luck though, even though I have been training a lot. I don't know how to deal with it.

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9 hours ago, jen3kids said:


Oh my gosh, Soror.  That sounds like so much fun!   What was it for?

I know exactly how you feel about being so hungry after such an intense physical workout.  It's a little frightening!

 I'm sure you'll ace that 10mile ride too.  The ibuprofen should take the edge off and the ride might even work out the soreness for you!



Thanks! You are probably right by this evening it will hopefully be good to work it out. It is High and Low Ropes Training for Boy Scouts, we do it as participants and then they teach us how to lead others to go through it. The low ropes is all about team building working through various obstacles. The high ropes is more about fun but you need to be adept at it in case you end up needing to rescue someone. We had to go forward and backward without touching anything on the log hanging 20+ ft in the air, now, of course, we have a tether on us, then we had to purposely fall off and climb up the rescue ladder to practice that. Then there is all the harnessing and tying people in, belaying, and repelling people. My husband and I had done a bit of rock climbing stuff before so that wasn't all new, there is just a lot to practice and you have to get it absolutely right because someone's life depends on it. Now we're trained but the first time we do the course they will be watching us to certify us. We've scheduled to do rock climbing training in 4 wks too but dh wants to cancel now because this training will allow us to do climbing towers too but I kind of want to go, we'll see. I've got to get some down time in this week after so much stress last week then the very physical weekend, Mom has cancelled workout Tues am and I'm glad.

4 hours ago, OlgaLA said:

 That sounds amazing! Good luck on your bike ride!

We had a party on Saturday, where I may have had a glass or two of wine too many, especially given that I had a competition in the morning. But it all worked out - I got a medal (fencing competition often give medals to the top 8, so I managed to get 8th place) and, more importantly, a rating. So now I will have a letter next to my name and maybe slightly better pool placements. I still feel it was mostly luck though, even though I have been training a lot. I don't know how to deal with it.


Congrats on placing, I think it was your training, any time you improve at something it is easy to doubt it was accidental but you didn't place as well the other times, did you? Be proud!!!

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1 hour ago, soror said:

Thanks! You are probably right by this evening it will hopefully be good to work it out. It is High and Low Ropes Training for Boy Scouts, we do it as participants and then they teach us how to lead others to go through it. The low ropes is all about team building working through various obstacles. The high ropes is more about fun but you need to be adept at it in case you end up needing to rescue someone. We had to go forward and backward without touching anything on the log hanging 20+ ft in the air, now, of course, we have a tether on us, then we had to purposely fall off and climb up the rescue ladder to practice that. Then there is all the harnessing and tying people in, belaying, and repelling people. My husband and I had done a bit of rock climbing stuff before so that wasn't all new, there is just a lot to practice and you have to get it absolutely right because someone's life depends on it. Now we're trained but the first time we do the course they will be watching us to certify us. We've scheduled to do rock climbing training in 4 wks too but dh wants to cancel now because this training will allow us to do climbing towers too but I kind of want to go, we'll see. I've got to get some down time in this week after so much stress last week then the very physical weekend, Mom has cancelled workout Tues am and I'm glad.

You sound like a lady who enjoys climbing! All the best with whatever climbing comes your way in the future! 

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12 hours ago, soror said:


Ladies, this weekend kicked my butt 10 ways to Sunday. They were not kidding when they said it was physically demanding. We had to backpack in to start w/ all our gear, we went from 8am to 6pm w/ no breaks, we had to eat while walking. Being the smallest person on my team and pretty agile I ended up climbing up all kinds of stuff, people, huge poles, pushed into the air. I was the fastest of our crew on the ropes course (20 to 30 ft in the air in the trees were attached to harnesses and have to go through obstacles). I made it up the ladder like a spider monkey, even skipping steps. Swung from tires to tires. It was awesome, my chin-up and weight training seriously paid off. We did a ton of games too, I ended up on the ground so many times I've got bruises all over. At the gas station on the way home, I got a king size butter finger and it was delicious, supper was cookies and chips and salsa ? I thought I packed enough food but I didn't expect it to be that active so I was about to chew my arm off by the time we made it out. I cannot even believe I've got a 10 mile bike ride scheduled for tomorrow. I'm thinking I'm going to take the max dose ibuprofen and hope for the best there are so many parts of my body that are sore.


I can't believe you did all that! I'm seriously impressed.

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Yesterday was a much needed rest day and today I had a great workout at the gym. I am getting better at pull-ups. Except that the bar is so high I have to jump and I'm still scared I'm going to grab the bars wrong and end up falling. 

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@Monica_in_Switzerland - I like YOYO night, but at the time I was thinking more like PB&J every night for the week, lol. I ended up taking the kids out to eat and meeting dh for dinner that night during his dinner break. Then I postponed thinking about the week ahead until yesterday afternoon. I managed to come up with some easy(er) meals. Turns out we’re eating a lot of sandwiches this week anyway per the request of my kids. Just not PB&J. Ds even volunteered to make his specialty - spaghetti. I need to teach that kid more meals.

@SarahCB - the half-marathon is a great distance! I’ve been playing around with some shorter distances, too, but if you look at the number of races I’ve run, the half-marathon is a clear favorite. 20k is nice, too because you get the similar amount of effort, but a slightly shorter distance (12.4 miles vs 13.1). Way to go on the pull ups!

@wintermom - did you get spring up there yet? The trees around here seem to have gotten the message that winter is over. Some of our spring plants are mighty confused by the summer like weather, though. Thanks for the well wishes, I’m going to carry that with me through this next race. ?

@soror - I’m tired for you and it’s not just post-weekend running fatigue on my part. I am well acquainted with that after workout hunger that makes you want to eat all the food! Hopefully you get a little time to recover before tackling the next big thing. Dh convinced me to take yesterday off and then today was a scheduled rest day anyway.

@OlgaLA - way to go!!! Woohoo!!!

@Ravin - the slow and steady increase is the way to go! It can be difficult not to reward yourself for meeting goals. Maybe a non-food based reward? Books or flowers or goal pants? 

I usually taper a couple of weeks before a goal race. I may have messed a bit since I ran so well on Saturday. The plan is to taper anyway and see how the half goes. It’s one of the races on dh’s race bucket list so PR or not, it will be fun. Now that soccer practices and games aren’t routinely cancelled for snow, it’s getting challenging to fit everything in.

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Books cost more than candy, so do flowers. Maybe I should make myself a sticker chart, lol. Or put the cash in a jar and save up for a bigger non-food reward later.

I have a sinus infection and feel blah this week. I won't have time to go to the doctor until Saturday, or maybe Wednesday if I'm miserable enough to want to spend the sick time and gas money to drive 90 min. each way to the nearest urgent care to my work site. I'm not going to increase my goal for that reason, but I'm going to try and still meet it.

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@Sarah CB WTG on the pull-ups!!! Jumping to the bar makes me nervous sometimes too, I get psyched out sometimes!!

@mamaraby does tapering mean shortening your runs before the race??

@Ravin Get well soon ?

@peacelovehomeschooling WTG on your good days!

I took a nap today and ate too much supper, wanted to make sure I had plenty of energy for our bike ride and I did, it went really, really well. I was so proud of the girls. We got our 10 miles in!!! It felt so good out there, the weather was perfect. 

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I went to the Saturday class and had a lot of fun in the partner work out.  Today's class was another partner work out, but a bit different - tougher, but still fun.  Both felt great.  

Today I increased my DB Bent Over Row to 40lbs and cut 4 seconds off my 500m row time.  Tomorrow is DeadLift and Bench Press Day again and I'm excited to see what I can lift in each of those.

Soror, I'm glad to hear your ride went well.  It is such a relief when the weather cooperates and everyone succeeds! 

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@soror - an over all decrease in mileage, but not necessarily shorter runs. It varies based upon how many miles you were running a week while training. I can run 30-40 miles a week spread out over five days at the peak without getting injured so I cut back into the high 20s or low 30s depending on what I was running before. Last long run for me is usually 8 miles compared to between 10-12 miles. I run a lot of 5-6 mile runs during the week and I’ll do that this week, but won’t next week. I also still have some high intensity workouts this week, but won’t next week. The week of the race I’ll run just about the same miles as this week, but a greater percentage will be on race day.

Glad to hear your bike ride went well!

@jen3kids - Good to hear the workout went well!

@Ravin - a big jar to stash the candy money in works, too. Then you can save up for something bigger. I’m not a sticker chart kind of gal myself, but if that appeals to you, I say go for it!

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Woohoo!  I Bench-pressed 75lbs today!  We were doing 5 reps of 5 and I started at 73, and worked up to 75.  I'm not sure I could do the full 5 sets at 75lbs, but it's a start.

The Deadlift continues to vex me.  I tried a slightly different stance today to make it easier on my sore right hamstring and it worked better, but I'm still not where I'm supposed to be - slow and steady though!

I hope everybody has had a great day.  

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Yesterday I did a private lesson in the morning and about an hour of open fencing at night. So, almost 2 hours. Still, feel like I am getting beaten by anyone who puts at least half of their energy into it. Today, fencing in the evening. I may take a private lesson while I am waiting for the kids' class to finish. We'll see.

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