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Beowulf’s Grammar? Thoughts?


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I'm starting to look at options for next year for my rising 2nd grader. For 1st grade we are using ELTL. I like  ELTL but it is so gentle and slow moving that DS7 is not being challenged and that is really what he thrives on. I am terrible at grammar so I need a lot of hand holding. 

Has anyone used Beowulf's? I couldn't find any reviews online since it is newer. 

If you have other suggestions I am all ears. I thought I was going to go more Charlotte Mason and leave grammar instruction until later (which I still might) but I want to make sure I am not leaving gaps I'm going to regret later. 

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ELTL A/1 deliberately doesn't cover much grammar. Level B/2 introduces parts of speech. Level C/3 starts in with diagramming. 

Beowulf covers parts of speech and diagramming in the one level that is available. It's a colorful and playful program. 

My older kids have done ELTL A-D and most of Beowulf. There is a lot of overlap in what they cover. I love the grammar instruction and coverage of ELTL, but the writing instruction wasn't a good fit for my family. So I'm moving away from ELTL and now I have to find a grammar that will fit my needs. I'm debating doing just Beowulf with my youngest when she's in either 2nd or 3rd grade.

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22 hours ago, Paradox5 said:

I looked at it but decided not to give it a go for the main reason that to print that HUGE book in color would be astromonically expensive! Using things on an electronic device is not an option here, either.


That was one of my concerns. Would you mind sharing what you used instead?

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