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Latin...do I HAVE to?

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OK, I got Prima Latina this year for my 2nd and 3rd graders, but I haven't started it yet. What I would like to know from the Hive Mind is this: how important is it to start this year vs. next? Is there any particular reason why I have to do so? Any advantage gained? Is it okay to wait till DD is in 4th to start? I'd prefer to wait a year unless there is a pressing reason why I should be doing it now.


At the beginning of the year, we put it off as DD gained reading skills after completing vision therapy. She's now reading great and working on catching up in math, but is still struggling with an anxiety disorder she developed while dealing with her vision issues. DS is gifted and can handle it intellectually, but is still so much of a goof-ball socially that school often becomes the "Charlie comedy hour" (and he ends up with a pile of chores after school to make up for the wasted time! ;)). It could be done with him, but I'm not sure if he'll retain or just play with it.


So, yes I intend to teach Latin but I'm thinking that for my kids, next year might be better than this year. Another year for my comedian to mature and another year for DD to relax and focus on reading. Thoughts?

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Thanks. I feel pressure to do it this year since DD is in 3rd grade, since both the WTM and her previous classical private school recommend 3rd. I'm just not sure it's right for her or for DS due to the circumstances.


I might try a lesson or two just to see how it goes, though. It might not hurt to get our feet wet...

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I would definately wait. We just started PL with my DS10/5th grade, only because I just learned about it. At his level, he is finding it very easy. This is a GOOD thing, because there is no fighting/complaining/stress. Since he has a solid base in grammar, the grammar parts of PL are simply review, not new ideas. Which means he can simply focus on the Latin. He can easily see the deritative association. So overall, he has a positive thought of Latin. He did not have the same thoughts with Spanish attempts a few years ago.


I have come to find that there are some things that a younger student CAN learn/do but sometimes it just comes a bit easier if you wait a few years.


The beauty of HSing is you can do your own schedule. There is no harm in doing it when you think your child is truly READY for it. Some schools might be doing Latin at a early age, but they don't tell how many students may struggle with it.


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I'd wait. In fact, I intended on starting latin in 4th grade, but I put it off. And then 5th grade, but we moved and I put it off. We're just starting in 6th grade and REALLY enjoying it. I'm so glad I waited until we could really commit to getting it done.



OK, I got Prima Latina this year for my 2nd and 3rd graders, but I haven't started it yet. What I would like to know from the Hive Mind is this: how important is it to start this year vs. next? Is there any particular reason why I have to do so? Any advantage gained? Is it okay to wait till DD is in 4th to start? I'd prefer to wait a year unless there is a pressing reason why I should be doing it now.


At the beginning of the year, we put it off as DD gained reading skills after completing vision therapy. She's now reading great and working on catching up in math, but is still struggling with an anxiety disorder she developed while dealing with her vision issues. DS is gifted and can handle it intellectually, but is still so much of a goof-ball socially that school often becomes the "Charlie comedy hour" (and he ends up with a pile of chores after school to make up for the wasted time! ;)). It could be done with him, but I'm not sure if he'll retain or just play with it.


So, yes I intend to teach Latin but I'm thinking that for my kids, next year might be better than this year. Another year for my comedian to mature and another year for DD to relax and focus on reading. Thoughts?

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We are doing 5th grade and just started. I do wish we had started earlier, but I don't see a big hindrance in starting at this age.


I'll still speak to you if you don't start yet, although I won't speak to you in Latin.


(okay, I'm just being goofy, I hope you know that, don't want to sound snarky).

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My 14 yo dd's online Latin teacher says that Latin is best learned when a student is well into the abstract thinking stage, and that it's not necessary to spend time or money on Latin when they're young. Her teacher says that the "early learning" model that is often applied to foreign language does not apply to Latin. I know this goes against conventional homeschool world wisdom, but I have seen this played out in my dd's life, for what it's worth. Based on my current experience and advice, I'm going to wait until my younger dd is about my older dd's age before she starts Latin, with no apology!


I say all this not to discourage you if you really WANT to do Latin right this minute, but your title would seem to indicate otherwise. :D Don't start just because you think you have to or because someone is telling you to. I am thrilled with how much my dd has learned in just this first semester, using a high school text in an online class, and so is she. We trudged along with Latin for almost 2 years before we both got frustrated and decided not to continue at that time, even though she really wanted to learn (we started in the first place at her request, not because I had even been considering it!) Fast forward to this year and this class - she says she learned more in the first three class sessions than she had in all the time we'd done Latin before. Now, part of that was because she's being taught by a real Latin teacher, of course, rather than me. :tongue_smilie: But I wasn't doing too bad a job, honestly. It's just that Latin really is a complex language, and dd has found that to learn it to a satisfying degree, even at this stage in the game, your brain has to be ready. Hers is, and she has learned a tremendous amount in a short time, retained it, enjoyed it, and been willing to put in the intensive study time to treat it like the discipline it is. She was not ready to do this even a year ago.


So, take heart. You don't HAVE to. :001_smile: Feel free to PM me if you want to hear more rambling.



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