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Abeka Life Science


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Abeka just released the life science. It’s s new textbook and new teacher. They’ve expanded some chapters and added a few new ones.

I’m deciding between the two as well. Abeka spends much more time on body, animals and plants compared to Bju. Bju has more on cells/microscopic.

I am not a fan of the new Bju videos as the teacher is basically reading words and definitions from the text. She’s not adding explaination or engaging. The video is very short, so the cost seems too high. I’ve watched just about all of the Bju videos, and most of the old Abeka. (Content is very similar, teacher is very different)

I can’t get more of the new Abeka to trial. :(

Topics covered are very different.

I’m on the fence too. Would love to hear what you think and your choice. :)

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Well, I went ahead and ordered BJU since I am already familiar with it. I felt like even if the teacher isn't as engaging as some of the previous ones, the videos are only approximately 13 minutes in length, so it's quick. I know BJU science and I absolutely love it. Well, the materials arrived today and let me just say that after looking through the text, I am SOLD!! I think it does an awesome job with human anatomy and physiology. I was a pre-pharmacy and then a nursing major in college and there is definitely upper-level coursework in this book! I know I made the right decision. I can't say anything about Abeka since I only saw the online samples. 


I know I would want to continue with BJU through high school so that was another factor in deciding to go ahead and order the 7th grade materials. I haven't watched the DVDs yet, but would be happy to come back and update after watching them. 

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Yes, please update after using the course. many of us are considering it as well. I never even thought of ABeka. I have this gut reaction to run far away from ABeka materials. No idea why. Glad to hear they are FINALLY updating some of their materials.


Question: are the new videos like the old ones with a teacher teaching an actual class? UGG!

I have this clear division between BJU and Abeka when it comes to science. I love Abeka early phonics but I run screaming in terror from their attempt at science. It isn't the worst thing out there by any means but it is in no way at the depth of BJU. I love BJU because from young grades they teach deep, inquisitive science that uses the scientific method. Abeka feels surfacey to me and they randomly throw in their own biblical slants. I love how BJU slowly builds on concepts each year layering a deep and solid science foundation. We have done many science programs here but we are going back to BJU next year. I find it superior.


I always think of BJU shining at science and math while Abeka has more strengths in language arts than math and science.

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The comment about bacteria is probably going to be made in A Beka as well. So, I wouldn’t run to A Beka simply because of that. ABeka and BJU are both Young Earth, Literal 6 day and so would both espouse those views. In my past experience, A Beka is more hardline in their comments.

You can check out Novare Science if you’d rather not deal with that, but I don’t know that they have Life Science. A friend of mine is writing their Biology book now. She’s definitely qualified to do it and I look forward to seeing what she’s done.


I don’t have experience with ABeka’s new Life Science. I’m glad to see they are finally becoming more serious about science in middle school.


One of my kids is using the BJU Life Science this year in a small group setting. I had heard BJU’s science texts were well done and rigorous (in the sense that it prepares well for a future in science). We are using the videos, and the instruction is adequate, though the teacher is not especially engaging. There are “field trips†(with someone other than the teacher), occasional cartoon clips, and “Science News†( two college students acting as news anchors and giving “updates†with more information.) Almost every lesson is different in length, some shorter (when there is a lab or dissection), some almost 30 minutes. But almost every class there is reading, study questions, and/or a lab study page. So, I think the idea is to give the students more time to work on those things.

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