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How do you schedule Beast Academy?


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I set a timer. However much my girls complete in that time is good for me. It might be one problem or it might be a few pages. I also make them spend a certain amount of time on a problem before they are allowed to ask me for help. I'm happy to help after they've tried though.

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Most days I have them do 2 pages in the practice book. Some days they are particularly challenging (or my girls' brains are just particularly worn out!) and I cut it down to 1 page. Some days, especially at the beginning of a chapter, the problems are particularly easy so I have them do 3 pages.


They read the guide books all the way through when we first get them. I don't make a point of going back to the guides unless they're struggling with a concept and I think it would be helpful.


Edit: I should probably add that we use BA as our only math program. I think our scheduling would look a lot different if we supplemented it with something else, or if we were using BA as the supplement to something else.

Edited by purpleowl
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My 4th grade DD is doing Saxon 6/5 three days per week and BA 3B two days per week. I need to order 3C soon! She generally does 4 pages of practice at a time but not all the problems. I circle the ones I want her to do. She isn't really mathy (tested ahead in Saxon only because she use ABEKA through 3rd) so I like the combo.

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We just open up where we left off and work until our brains are fried. Some days that's longer than others. It's really hard to schedule by number of pages because some pages go fast and sometimes there are just a few problems on the page but they take a long time. Planning it out for more than a few days at a time would just be an exercise in frustration here because we'd never be where we were meant to be according to some arbitrary schedule. I also don't worry if we are still in a 4th grade book when 5th grade rolls around. The books came out too slowly for my oldest to use them at "grade level" but she always tested ahead in math anyway and in the 95+%.

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We usually do two pages in the practice book and occasionally he wants to do more. The stories are read when we reach that page. This is for a 1st grader finishing up 2A. (We've alternated with some other materials to make it last longer.)




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Do the next thing. I think we usually did 3 pages of the practice book or a set time (whichever came first - if they finished 3 pages with time leftover they did DreamBox). At level 3 our goal was 40 min, level 4 we were 50, and level 5 an hour. The guide book reading was so quick I didn’t change requirements even if they had guidebook pages to read. Our goal was mastery, so we were flexible even with these requirements- I prefer to approach skills based learning this way. Some days it clicks, some days it’s doesnt, and my goal is for them to get the skills (not get through the book in a certain time frame). We did BA 4 day’s a week, the 5th day was either co-op, or Life of Fred while at OT/VT/SLP depending on the year. I think with 4D we didn’t finish before our July break with DS so we picked it back up in August and he finished then moved to 5A, and I think with middle DD she started 4A after 3D and before July break. We just do the next thing :-)

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We use BA as a supplement behind Singapore, which is our primary program. DD9 just picks up wherever she left off the last time whenever she does it. Typically she does BA on Mondays for about 30 minutes, for 10 minutes or so anytime our Singapore lesson is short, and any day we have a lot of errands or appointments so she can do math in the car/waiting room without a lesson from me.

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DD does Beast Academy for 25-30 minutes per school day, however many problems that may be. Sometimes, when she’s been more distractible, I will eyeball how many problems I think she could reasonably do in that time and tell her if she can do that many in less than 30 minutes, she can be done early.

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For DD we settled on 10 pages per week.   Some weeks she's done by Thursday, and some we are doing math on Saturdays with like one page, then a fun break, then another page, etc..  The differences (so far) between the weeks is based on her effort and outside business, Any 10-page grouping has evened out so far.  Since she knows that doing more one day doesn't mean that she'll get extra, she is willing to do more when it is 'easy'.   She bragged the first time she was done early.  


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Yep I don't schedule it. My son is only technically in K so I let him float between the new 2A and 3A-D. He as able to do any of the problems so I let him work where he's happy to work and leave the other stuff alone. I have been testing him quarterly this year so that I'm sure he's not hiding gaps. I'm ok with this self-directed approach to math because he has highly structured work to do in music and writing.

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My 4th grader does 3-4 pages a day at the beginning of the chapter, and 1-2 pages a day towards the end because the concepts build on each other and get harder throughout the chapter. This is his main curriculum and that takes him about 30 min per day. He's in 4D.


My 2nd grader is doing 2A as an occasional supplement. She does at most 1 page a day.

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My 2nd grader does 15-30 minutes, basically coming to the first natural stopping point we reach during that time. Sometimes that's 1 page and sometimes it's 3-4.


With my 4th grader I divided it up, as he's VERY goal and deadline oriented. My goal for him was finishing Beast 5 at the end of 6th grade. So he needed to do 3 books a year, which is 1 per trimester, which is 1 section a month. Sometimes a section is longer or harder or a month is shorter (like December!) so he will slow down or speed up or end up ahead or behind. But he knows when that 3rd book is done, it's summer break and Life of Fred 😎


It looked like this:

3rd- 3A, 3B, 3C

4th- 3D, 4A, 4B

5th- 4C, 4D, 5A

6th- 5B, 5C, 5D

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