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Modern day Romeo and Juliette Feuds


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I remember reading a short story or poem as a kid about a war between people who put the milk on their cereal after the sugar and those who put it on before the sugar.


My dh and I disagree pretty strongly about whether the butter should be stored in the fridge so it is hard, or out so it is soft.

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So if you were to write a spoof of Romeo and Juliette, what would be some fun feuds.


Like sports rivalries?

Packers vs. the Bears.


Or Trekkies versus Star Wars nerds.


Other ideas?


Texas A&M vs University of Texas

"Colors are all the same" By Bill Pekar


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I remember reading a short story or poem as a kid about a war between people who put the milk on their cereal after the sugar and those who put it on before the sugar.

The correct answer is sugar goes on both before and after the milk. :leaving:


Edited for clarity. It’s important to get this right.

Edited by ikslo
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I remember reading a short story or poem as a kid about a war between people who put the milk on their cereal after the sugar and those who put it on before the sugar.


My dh and I disagree pretty strongly about whether the butter should be stored in the fridge so it is hard, or out so it is soft.

Big feud. No sugar on your cereal! I was always trying to get my kids to eat healthy cereals and found out they were eating things like Lucky Charms for breakfast in the garage! (This happened because they would go to the store with Dad and buy their own junk off and away from Dad).

I didn't teach them to add sugar to their cereal and we did not have a sugar bowl on the table, ever. 

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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Android vs. apple


coffee vs. tea


vegan vs. paleo :lol:


But . . . how do you make a fun spoof of a tragedy? Does everyone still die at the end?

Well vaxxers versus anti could end dramatically with either an epidemic or a compromised vaccine dose../ or a government conspiracy 😆

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Body Hair: Natural vs. Removed


Chili: Beans vs. No Beans


Pet Names: People names are ok vs. People names are for people


(Car) Blinkers: Always Use Them vs. Rarely Use Them


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Plane Passengers: Obey seat belt sign vs. Ignore seat belt sign


PIN numbers: I Use a Birthday/Anniversary Date vs. Nope, I Use Something Else


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Santa & Kids: harmless myth vs  scarring lie


Flossing: Daily vs. Crap, today is my dental appointment


Dishwasher Loading: Pre-rinse vs. Stick right in


Laundry: Thorough Sorting vs. All in one load


Texting: All hours (it's like email) vs. Awake hours (it's like phone calls)

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