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US History in World Context

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Hi, I'm a high school homeschool novice with a rising 9th grader.  We have vague ideas about everything he'll do for next year, except history.  We are not on the typical history schedule.  7th grade (the first homeschooling year) was ancients through the the Middle Ages, and this year should end somewhere in the mid- 1800's.  We want to continue chronologically.  One idea is to spread out the FundaFunda US history course schedule over two years and coordinate it with... some awesome world history resources (suggestions?)..., doubling back to revisit early US history after we are through the modern period.  He might then take the APUSH as a sophomore.  Each year would count as approximately 1/2 credit US history + 1/2 credit world history.


Looking for advice/validation from anyone who has done something similar... or to shake me and scream, "Are you crazy, woman?!?"  Yes, yes I am.  I have NO idea what I'm doing.

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Well I am new to high school with a rising 9th grader next year too, and I am planning something similar. We did Ancients in 7th, Middle Ages in 8th, and I am continuing with Early Modern and Modern through 9th and the 10th. I am planning to do US History within those 2 years and will do half a credit of world history and 1/2 credit of US history each year.


Not sure that will make you feel better though! We might just be the blind leading the blind, lol...

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