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:grouphug: I am so, so sorry.  I can sense the love in your words.  I wish there were a way to change the past, and having a lad with epilepsy, yes, I shudder at the thought of what you are going through - more than just her passing (which is absolutely bad enough) - then add the "what ifs."  Honestly?  You don't know that anything you could have done differently would have changed anything. I'm glad there's comfort in knowing she's waiting for you in heaven, but I wish you'd had more time here too.  :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry. I can't imagine. I know you may not ever feel this, but it doesn't sounds to me like you failed her at all. It sounds like you gave her a rich, wonderful life for the time that she was here. It's so unfair she is gone now. Too young. I'm so sorry.

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:grouphug:  You did not fail her. By what you wrote, I can tell you poured a lot of life into hers. She was so very blessed to be in your family. Sounds like everyone in your family was a blessing to her and vice versa. Grieve now. It really is okay. Your heart has been torn to pieces, we get that. Grieve. It's not going to be an easy path. And you're right, she is in a much better place now. Find joy in that. And know that she loves you and smiles over you, even now.


I'm so, so sorry, mama. You did not fail your beautiful girl. I can't find any words that sound sufficient, so I'm going to let scrapbookbuzz's eloquent words speak for me as well, because I agree with every one. 

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I am so sorry for your loss.  My extended family lost one of our precious children to epilepsy this fall.  It is truly heartbreaking although not your fault at all.  I know from reading your post that your daughter felt your love every day.  That is the best gift we can give our children whether their lives are too short or long-lived.  

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I am so sorry. I want to say it's not your fault, but I know as a mother--I cannot tell you what is true and what is not for your own daughter. But you are right that she is in heaven. It's impossible that she is not. And I fervently hope that you can understand that you too will be there with her someday.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. Words can't express the sorrow that I feel. 


I helped care for my nephew with severe epilepsy. I often feared that this would happen while I had him. He passed away almost a year ago from a different illness. Losing those we love dearly is so difficult. 


Peace be with you all. 

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Regrets. They are can be soooo painful even when you did do your best. No matter how great a mom you were or maybe the greater the mom you were, the more you cared, the harder they hit.



I pray that as time passes you will find peace. That you will remember the good times. The doing your best to provide opportunities with language with dance with just being near even when she slept. You loved her. I know it is so hard to get past those overwhelming feelings but I pray you can because she had a good mom.

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Thank you for sharing. You are a great mom! Hold on to the positive, beautiful memories of your lovely daughter. The pain will never subside. Do not blame yourself. If you don’t already, get out in nature and exercise. Use your energy for positive, uplifting things. Go to a support group. Very sorry for your loss.

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I am so sorry. And you did not fail. You will see her again in heaven. Hold on to that. I lost my oldest at 31 just 8 short months ago. You will blame yourself. You will ask what you could have done differently. You will cry. You will be angry. You will want to scream why.


I hope this brings you comfort. It is the place I have had to get to.


God loves my child more than I ever could and did what was best for my child. It may not seem the best but it is the best. For the child. I know it will never seem the best for me (or you probably) and I grieve for him every day, but I have great comfort in knowing God did what was best for him.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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