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Beware of going low fat and low carb cold turkey

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All around you will suffer including yourself! GAH, talk about major grumpy! I really don't recommend this. I tried to just switch the diet around right away and whew, not good. After a few carbs and fat back in, I feel so much better. Just thought a warning should be issued in case you were thinking of that. I now know better. Why didn't I before? Stoopid stoopid stoopid!:confused:

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Well, the almonds didn't help enough for me. I was trying those and I was still a huge crab! The fog lifted when I added a wee bit more in. Then I blew it today. My dear son bought me a 3 Muskateers with his own money. I just had to eat it you know;)


If you just hafta eat it make yourself eat it with a fork and a knife (slows you down). It also helps to have a hot beverage, like coffee or hot lemon water. This helps you feel fuller sooner and perhaps you won't need to feel like you have to eat the whole bar.


Switch to peanuts or cashews. They're higher in fat but you'll eat fewer and feel fuller -- use a spoon.


The whole key is to eat less than you used to and to keep scaling it back. Cold turkey may work for some, but I struggled with it and I was more like to fail BIG time. Baby steps. And reward yourself with something non-edible.


Hang in there, you can do it.

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I just got a high cholesterol report at the DR. I am thin, but really need to exercise. I was told to eat low fat and exercise and come back in 6 months. I think I just went a little wacko overboard to cut back and eat better, you know? I don't eat *that* bad, I just have heredity to thank for the cholesterol and for the thinness too. Genes! Lovely things they can be! Thanks for the tips, greatly appreciated. I know I needed to cut out a few things, so now I have a good reason to be active with that. But full on was not the way to start that's for certain!

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I just got a high cholesterol report at the DR. I am thin, but really need to exercise. I was told to eat low fat and exercise and come back in 6 months. I think I just went a little wacko overboard to cut back and eat better, you know? I don't eat *that* bad, I just have heredity to thank for the cholesterol and for the thinness too. Genes! Lovely things they can be! Thanks for the tips, greatly appreciated. I know I needed to cut out a few things, so now I have a good reason to be active with that. But full on was not the way to start that's for certain!


I don't know if this is your cuppa', but my dad had high cholesterol and he tried a low-carb, high protein diet. His cholesterol dropped significantly (I can't remember his actual numbers now) and his ratio increased. Worth a try! His doctor was impressed and asked to know how he did it!


Good luck! I think I have high cholesterol in my future based on family history. Ugh.

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Thanks! I was sort of going that way, but went really far immediately and realized I should not be such a nut job about it! LOL (not really -- I was a serious crab) I am trying to have more in the way of veggies with both salads and grilled ones. I just need to get out of the eating what the kids eat mode -- pasta. And beginning to exercise will help too, I am sure. I am going to try doing more grilled chicken bre*sts and can have those on salads with lots of veggies too. It is good to know what things work for others so I can head that way myself! Thanks a bunch!

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if you're trying to do a atkins type low carb diet, the concept actually means low carb/HIGH fat. i lost 20 lbs a few years ago on Atkins and my cholesterol went down an impressive number. it's important to do some research on how the concept works.


that being said, i don't think long term a low carb diet is a easily liveable lifestyle change. that 20 lbs came back along with a lot more. for the last year and a half, i've been utilizing the tools at Sparkpeople.com. i've lost 48 lbs and this is going to be a long term change to a healthier lifestyle. basically the Sparkpeople Sparkplan boils down to balanced, aware nutrition choices and consistent exercise. it works.

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Well, I was sort of leaning in the direction of South Beach for some menu ideas. But mostly just trying to cut back on the higher fat things that are junky, eat more grains, healthy proteins, and more fruits and veggies. Trying for a more healthful diet all the way around. I really don't need to lose any weight, just need to gain energy and strength and eat a more well-rounded diet. I will check out the Sparks as that sounds like what I am trying to do.


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