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Caffeine, Caffeine...joy, joy. The Poll edition.


Caffeine, Caffeine...joy, joy. How much do you consume?  

297 members have voted

  1. 1. How many 8 ounce cups of coffee (or caffeinated beverage) per day (on average)?

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I definitely can't relate here... or with any other food/drink/substance (an emotional attachment to any of them esp to the point of not being even jokingly interested in friendship if folks choose different things from the menu when getting together).


I suppose it's another way that the human species is very different and how we select our circles.  I wonder if questions like these are included in online dating sites.  ;)




The problem here is that you take me too literally. I was completely kidding.  :mellow:


My DH can't drink coffee.  He is a tea drinker  :lol:

Edited by Attolia
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The problem here is that you take me too literally. I was completely kidding. :mellow:


My DH can't drink coffee. He is a tea drinker :lol:

Actually, I got that. It's why I put jokingly in my description. ;)


What I can't relate to is that kind of attachment. Switch coffee for travel and me for you and we're the same, so no judgment involved in us as humans. Just differences.

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I notice if I go over 2 cups of regular levels of caffeinated coffee I start to have palpitations. I usually have one cup of regular coffee and one cup of caffeinated tea a day. Then I switch to decaf or herbal tea. I rarely drink more than one cup of coffee, mainly because I only drink it with sugar and I limit my sugar intake. I think dh has about 10 cups of regular coffee a day. I'd be in the hospital if I drank that!!

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I love that this is a place where I can find others who are equally emotionally invested coffee.  



I could see a conversation going like this "let's grab coffee!"  New friend responds "Oh I don't drink coffee".  And I simply reply "Oh, never mind then"  :lol:


LOL, as someone who doesn't drink coffee, I usually say "sure" and then order tea or hot chocolate.  Could we still be friends? 

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I have about 1-1.5 a day but I think up to 5 would be fine. I'd drink more but it takes too much effort most days. I drink herbal tea by the bucketful because it's easier since I don't need to add sugar. Sometimes we drink green tea, but the caffeine in that is minimal. 


I also have to consider the nursing baby- I don't want him all hyped up at night. I drank more before I got pregnant with him. It made me sick when pregnant and when I could drink it again, one was enough. 

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I sometimes go to bed and lie there thinking happily of the coffee I'll have when I get up. (it's this one, although it's cheaper at Walmart....for a k-cup it's really good...deep and dark but not bitter.)https://www.amazon.com/Laughing-Man-Colombia-Coffee-Keurig/dp/B00YSV7XA2


It's even better with a bit of whipped cream on top. 


Sometimes I go to bed these days thinking about the nap I'm going to have the next day! 

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I sometimes go to bed and lie there thinking happily of the coffee I'll have when I get up. (it's this one, although it's cheaper at Walmart....for a k-cup it's really good...deep and dark but not bitter.)https://www.amazon.com/Laughing-Man-Colombia-Coffee-Keurig/dp/B00YSV7XA2


It's even better with a bit of whipped cream on top.


Laughing Man coffee is my new k cup obsession 😂. It’s the best! I’m currently having a daily dose of Laughing Man Dukale’s blend.

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I drink about 12 cups a day of coffee. It doesn't bother me. I guess I got genetically lucky.


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My great grandmother drank it all day, and it didn't bother her; however, she did end up with severe osteoporosis and in a wheel chair the last 5 years of life. I think the caffeine is why she had it so severely. 

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Fyi i had the new blonde espresso at Starbucks today, in a latte. Did not like it. Too bland.

It's making my reflux act up just thinking about it. I can typically only handle very dark roasts. Light roast is like swallowing knives, but I wondered if it would be okay in an espresso. But if it's not good anyway, I'll pass.

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The whole concept of blonde espresso seems kind of ridiculous to me, anyway. Espresso isn’t supposed to be bland and boring!



Yeah, I was skeptical but thought maybe I was missing something. I wasn't. Yuck. My latte was more like drinking bad milk. Not good. 


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My consumption varies greatly from day to day.  If I am leaving the house early, I will have a large travel mug of coffee with some half-and-half.  If I am working from home I might have a cappuccino (or two or three).  I have never put sugar in my coffee, but will sometimes sprinkle cinnamon on a cappuccino.  Until recently I would always add some type of milk or or cream.  Recently, however, I have discovered I enjoy an espresso without any milk made from Lavazza coffee beans (I have tried at least seven different types of Lavazza beans trying to determine my favorite and I haven't found one yet I don't like).

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It's making my reflux act up just thinking about it. I can typically only handle very dark roasts. Light roast is like swallowing knives, but I wondered if it would be okay in an espresso. But if it's not good anyway, I'll pass.

That’s really interesting. Is that a common connection between roast strengths and reflux?
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That’s really interesting. Is that a common connection between roast strengths and reflux?

They aren't quite sure how it works, but there seems to be a chemical in darker roasted beans that inhibits acid production. I drink French roast at home, and (not blonde) espresso-based drinks at Starbucks are fine. But I can't drink DH's favorite (Highlander Grogg) because I swear the acid starts shooting out my nose.

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I do decaf. I discovered that caffeinated drinks cause my blood pressure to go up. My coffee-loving ds makes fun of me, but I like being able to drink a half-pot of decaf rather than only a tiny bit of caffeinated. I know it probably isn't as tasty, but that's just tough. I only drink regular coffee if I am out somewhere that they don't have decaf, and it is pretty early in the morning. And then it is limited. I also drink decaf tea and sometimes caffeine-free Diet Coke. I have never noticed a big difference in how caffeine makes me feel in the mornings, but if I drink it in the afternoon/evening, it has a longterm affect on me. I have enough sleep issues without adding to the problems.

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