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Accountability Thread: 12/3-12/9

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Good morning. First full week in December, and I'm still not ready for it. 

Today's schedule:


Grocery List


A little cooking

Editing (I'm more or less proofreading at this point--very scary!)

Take boys to paddle

Planning for the school week


It's almost 70 today, but by Tuesday we are supposed to be in the 40s. Best to get in boating time while we can.

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Good morning! We are home from our 6 weeks with family and we "move" today into temporary housing about 4h away while DH works at a position for the next 2 months. I'm pretty excited but we are almost certainly going to leave the house a wreck because I just can't straighten everything and pack everything that I still need to after church and before our departure. Oh well. At least I got the fridge fully cleaned out.

We did 19 school days while traveling so we did pretty good. Mostly missed days that were direct travel or holiday with family. We had a few additional days that I didn't count but were very educational, like visiting the Met. Tomorrow will be a hard day to do school in a new place but it really needs to get done, for all kids. My goal is to figure out where everybody is in math again and get that done. Then I am planning to do some pencil scratching practice. DS has astronomy, DD will do crash course kids science videos. I haven't decided what we are going to do for history. If really like to do local history of the place we are going to be this week -- I'm gonna to see if DH can find me anything in his office. If not, I have billions of other choices hanging around. Oh and DS5's 100EZ.. and handwriting.. and spelling.

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Oh, man.  We start school back up again tomorrow.  We take the month of November off, because two of my kids take ballet...and in November, The Nutcracker completely takes over our lives.   :glare:  


I had really needed the break.  I was feeling burned out.  Not looking forward to school tomorrow.   :svengo:

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Good morning!

Welcome Evanthe!!

Our schedule for today is:




Instrument practice



ODS has an appointment and it's a little bit of a drive so, I've had to scale back our lessons for the day. I'm not even sure we're going to get this much done but we will get something done.

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:willy_nilly: I have no plans! I have no plans! I was too tired and didn't write out my plans!

But I have a stack of books here, so I should be able to put something together in the next 45 minutes.

Just in case anyone was under the illusion that I was somehow organized.... :001_rolleyes:

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:willy_nilly: I have no plans! I have no plans! I was too tired and didn't write out my plans!

But I have a stack of books here, so I should be able to put something together in the next 45 minutes.

Just in case anyone was under the illusion that I was somehow organized.... :001_rolleyes:

I was indeed under the illusion that you were organized AND I was even envious of your organization skills, lol.

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I was indeed under the illusion that you were organized AND I was even envious of your organization skills, lol.

:smilielol5: I'm far less organized than just very, very good at pulling it out of the hat at a moment's notice! 

Today's schedule:

French-lesson 10, review vocabulary with the audio, copy vocabulary

Latin-finish lesson 23 reading and translation, review vocabulary and grammar of the subjunctive (which is still killing me)


Writing-WWS Week 22, spelling words from Paul Revere's Ride, KISS grammar ex

Literature-Reading Paul Revere's Ride, pregrammar, reading notes

Science-watch something from science library


As you can see, I ran out of planning time right around Science. However, since I'll have to pull my little turtles along through the Monday, I think it's enough to be going on with.

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Usually I do put together my weekly plans on Sunday. But this Sunday I was worn out from a month of writing, had just edited a bunch of chapters in the midnight hours because I haven't been sleeping well, and the weather was perfect for an outing at the lake. I went with the outing at the lake, figuring it was good for my mental health.

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My schedule for the day:


Laundry--I'll need to get some more laundry detergent this evening.

French, Latin, Grammar, Editing (Proofing), Writing, Research the first three agents on my list and tailor my query letter


A little cooking

Catch up French cards and Latin cards.


NaNoWriMo always puts me behind in school stuff. :blushing:

Edited by Critterfixer
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So far the only thing we've gotten done is our devotional and the appointment both of which are the most important things in my book. The appointment was a long one bevy he needed an EKG, the hole is still there and is unlikely to close completely but, it is so small that his doctor is not concerned about it and doesn't want to see him for 3 years! At that she'll reevaluate and see if he needs to continue being seen or if he'll be released. We came home and ate lunch and are now relaxing. Gonna get instrument practice done and call today a semi success.

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Well, we did it!  We survived our first day back from our break!  The oldest three worked with the horses for a couple of hours and we got our schoolwork done.  (I have a 10th grader, 9th grader, 7th grader, 4th grader and a preschooler.)  

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First day of school in the"fake house" was great! It's bigger than our real house and the kids all have desks in a bedroom to work at so they were super psyched to do their work independently. I just moved from room to room to help between playing with the toddler and nursing the baby.

I'm hoping for a repeat tomorrow and then we plan to checkout the library and get whatever community info we can. Supposedly there is a homeschooling group up here.

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Good morning!

Today's schedule:


French-Les Portes Tordues (chapters are getting longer and harder!)


Art-Free Drawing time

Math-Lesson 6, 1 page KTM

Writing-WWS Week 22, Day 2, spelling words, sentences, grammar exercise



For me: French, Latin, Writing, Proofreading, Writers' Meeting, a little cooking and housekeeping.

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Ended up with a sick kid so didn't get to try and find the library/homeschool group. Today we had non-negotiable medical appointments and errands. Tomorrow might not be a school day either for the same reason. The upside is that we are listening to The Incorrigible children of Ashton Place in the car and we should get to finish it during tomorrow's drive. I'm quite excited to hear the ending myself :)

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Ended up with a sick kid so didn't get to try and find the library/homeschool group. Today we had non-negotiable medical appointments and errands. Tomorrow might not be a school day either for the same reason. The upside is that we are listening to The Incorrigible children of Ashton Place in the car and we should get to finish it during tomorrow's drive. I'm quite excited to hear the ending myself :)

I liked that series. My boys thought it was too zany. Philistines!


Today's schedule:

French-Les Portes Tordues--I think we are in a graveyard today.

Latin-review grammar, workbook

Math-lesson 7, 1 page KTM

Writing-Day 4, spelling words, sentences, grammar ex


Art-painting this morning


For me-More agent research and querying to do, writing, art, French, Latin, housekeeping.

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Good morning! Today's schedule:


Latin-continue lesson, review grammar

Math-lesson 9, KTM

Writing-spelling test, grammar ex, free writing

Literature-Paul Revere's Ride, comprehension questions


For me: French, Latin, grammar, writing, housekeeping

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