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Any experience with denial of ss benefits for a kid turning 18?


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I know I didn't word that right. 

There was at least one time I remember reading a thread here about a family whose child, turning 18, even though still a senior in homeschool, was denied further social security benefits based on age, no disability, and not being a full time secondary school student. 


Is this not discrimination? Dh filled out information already on what, why, etc. and sent it in and the ss administration sent back a letter saying no. 


Why do they not take homeschoolers more seriously? Of course we will appeal it but I am just looking for other experiences with same or similar circumstances. 

I've got to run out but will be back on later today. TIA for helpful comments with experience or knowledge.


Edited to clarify: Wait. I totally screwed up my first paragraph. Anyway, benefits are being denied due to dependent turning 18, no disability, and not being a full time secondary school student.

Edited by Gaillardia
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I don't know too much about all of this except our own experience.  Is this due to a parent being disabled?  (You don't need to answer.)  My dd was on SS benefits due to dh's disability, and was 18 while still in high school.  We were able to get the school district's superintendent -- to whom we send our intent to homeschool -- to vouch for her being in high school still.  That was enough to keep her SS benefits coming.

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