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How many people are in your family and what kind of car do you drive?


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If you have a bigger sized family when did you move to a passenger van?  How many people were in your family when you got one? 

Do you like your passenger van? 



How many people are in your family and what kind of car do you drive? 





Family of 7 driving a Honda Minivan

Edited by mommyoffive
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When my parents were alive and living with us, we had a very comfortable Dodge Ram 12 passenger van. Room for us and a dog plus luggage and lots of camping gear.


These days, there are just four of us and DH drives an Ford F150crew can (seats 6) and I have a Nissan Frontier that seats 5 if they are very friendly.

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There are 4 of us and we drive a minivan. We could always camp, and go on trips with the dog with just a sedan and good packing skills. Eventually we needed the caravan minivan adapted for a wheelchair. A dodge caravan can carry two wheelchair passengers and four other passengers. It’s excessive space for our daily use, but it’s the smallest vehicle type that works for us.

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We aren't a big family, just 5 of us, but we are all adult size. I drive a Subaru Outback.


When I went car shopping a few years back, I sat in the back seat first, instead of the front seat. I didn't even bother looking at any car that didn't have enough backseat room for 3 adults.  It confused the salesmen, even though I told them what I was doing.   You could tell that most of them didn't really know how to 'sell' the car from the perspective of the back seat. LOL



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1ds was a baby when I got a van.  i loved it.  I replaced it with one. blows my mind I've been driving a minvan for 27 years.  (it will probably be replaced with a crossover/suv - I don't like sedans.  too close to the ground.)

we had four kids in it, plenty of room when traveling.   


now-  it's mostly me and dudeling.  I've been reluctant to replace it as the highlander/pilot (most likely replacement) - have less cargo room (even taking seats out.)  I love how I can just stuff junk in the back.  I can haul a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood/other - laying flat.

Edited by gardenmom5
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There are 3 of us, soon to be 2 of us, with a Kia Sedona. It came with 3 rows of seats, but we took out one row in order to make moving big stuff easier. For example, a couple of weeks ago we used it to move a la-z-boy recliner.


Before this vehicle, which I got because the 5-person family was selling it for $1000, I had a Subaru Outback, which was given to us for free (because it didn't work anymore) by a 2-person family. So, you see my vehicle choice is driven by my wallet, not by our headcount.

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Family of 5 (2 adults; DD16, DS8, and DS5). Both younger boys are still in booster/car seats, which take up a surprising amount of room.


I drive a 2006 Toyota Sequoia Limited, and it's an 8 passenger (you can remove the third row seating, partially or fully). I can easily fit the boys' carseats in the second row, DD takes one seat in the third row, and I leave out the other half of the third row, typically, which makes even more space for the dog, groceries, or extra friends. Even with the third row seat complete installed, though, there is usually plenty of room in the back for the German Shepherd or groceries.


DH drives a 2018 BMW X5. It is, technically, an SUV... but it only seats 5, and with the two carseats, DD16 can only barely fit in it. We don't really use it often for outings with all of the Minions -- the kids are typically only in it for one-on-one outings with Dad. 

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When I was pregnant with dd#3, we went looking for a minivan. The wonderful car we had at the time couldn't fit three car seats across. Sigh.


But, we got our awesome Toyota Sienna LE (8 passenger) and have had it ever since. It just turned 12 this fall. The only thing I wish it had that it doesn't is one of those floor-to-ceiling plexiglass sound-proof barriers between the front seat and the rest of the vehicle. It would have to be able to lower sometimes so I could yell at talk to the kids in the back. I was able to get five car seats in our '95 Sienna (even when I had to only put certain kids next to certain other kids to keep the fighting down) back in the day. We could also fit Grandpa when he'd come down for a visit. Love the room in the trunk. Love the super-easy-to-fold down back row seats. Love the rear audio system.


If I had another baby now, we'd talk about moving to a passenger van. However, dd#1 is a junior in high school this year, so I don't know if we would for sure move to a passenger van or not. I love my Sienna.


ETA:  Five kids plus DH & I so 7 in the family. Forgot to answer that part & if you can't see my .sig, you might not be able to tell.

Edited by RootAnn
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Family of 12 here, with the oldest 2 in college.  We currently have a Ford 12 passenger van, as well as a Toyota Sienna and a Honda Odyssey.  We got the 12 passenger van when we had our 7th kid and we no longer all fit in the minivan (that was back in 2009).  But we kept the minivan because I could still drive it with the 7 kids because it is an 8 seat Sienna, and our oldest was 12, so he sat in the front seat.  Driving around northern VA is much more pleasant in a minivan!


Now we really only use the big van when we are going on a trip or to church--or when our co-op has a field trip or stuff like that.  Now I rarely take more than a few kids with me shopping or to doctor's appointments.  Our third son has his learner's permit, and when he gets his license, he'll drive the old minivan, and I'll have to drive the big van again if he is at a class or practice or wherever.  We definitely won't give up the big van for many more years.  It's nice to be able to fit a lot of people!

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There are seven of us. When we are taking just some of us, we try to take our little Ford Focus because it’s very gas efficient.


We acquired a minivan when we were expecting baby number four. It was fine, but when it died when baby number five was almost a year old, DH really pushed hard not to replace it with another minivan. We were already at capacity for some minivans, and even with an eight-person minivan, we couldn’t take many friends or even two grandparents anywhere. Plus, my DH is tall and broad-shouldered, and we are looking at four teenage boys possibly built like he is. And the minivan was pretty filled to capacity whenever we traveled for several days.


He really, really wanted me to consider a 12 or 15 passenger Ford E350. I resisted because one, cost (slightly older big van vs. newer minivan) and two, good grief, that’s a lot of van to haul every day. We drive almost all highway miles, but our Focus gets about 30 mpg, our minivan got about 18, and the big vans get around 12. Plus they’re just so big and don’t have the slider doors, so they need more space for parking. But I was willing to try one, although I did put my foot down at the 15 passenger.


We came home with a 12 passenger E350. It’s big? I no longer notice. I love it! I can haul plenty of friends, even though I currently have the front bench seat out for even faster in and out. (The seats are easy to take in and out; one of the big kids and I can do them easily.). Visibility is great. It has a better turning radius than I anticipated. It has vinyl seats and a vinyl floor liner, so it cleans up so easily. It’s a fairly simple model so not many bells or whistles, but that means less to break. There is tons of cargo room. I am really glad we bought it.

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When we had twins and only hubby worked, a Mitsubishi Mirage. Then had another baby, and moved into a Dodge Caravan. After number four,and the van being totaled (hubby missed a stop sign, oops) got a longer Dodge minivan. Then added a second car - a sedan, for me. Meanwhile inherited one of my in-law's cars, a little old Ford Focus, after Mil passed. DS took it to college. Oldest DD drove longer minivan...until on a rainy day she went around a blind curve and could not stop in time to avoid hitting a car that had hit a stalled car. Then another car hit her, and sped off. Anyway, another totaled minivan. DD got her own car then, a Hyundai something or other sedan. Then FIl passes and hubby gets his old Ford Focus. So everyone who can drive has a car....until my sedan (hubby driving) is totaled (someone else ran a stop sign in front of us). Now I drive a Jeep Compass and hubby had a VW sedan. Note all these cars bought or inherited used. I like the Compass, I feel a bit higher up and safer than in a sedan, but it is less car than a minivan.


So at most we had six people to transport, and had minivans. Now we no longer have all of us at once driving anywhere, so I can fit up to five in the Compass.


Reading this, you'd think my family were Car Killers, we have totaled so many vehicles.

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When we were a family of 6, I drove a 7 passenger Suburban. It was fine. It got the job done.


After the divorce, we became a family of 5. I got rid of the gigantic, gas guzzling Suburban and bought a 7 passenger Infiniti QX60. If it had slightly more trunk space, it would be perfect. Packing for long trips is a challenge.


I really like my car, but we rarely have 7 people in it....7 are a tight squeeze. The Suburban was definitely a roomier 7 seater vehicle.

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We're a family of 8 in a 10-passenger Ford Transit van.  We bought the van when I was expecting our 6th child.  We kept our previous car, which was a Kia Rondo that we bought when I was pregnant with our twins.  Ours has the optional 3rd row, so we managed to use it as our only car as a family of 7.  With all the carseats, it was impossible to access the rear seats the usual way, so the kids in the back climbed in through the hatch.  Anyhow, that car is still going strong, and I use it whenever I don't have to take the whole crew along.  The big van has certainly been nice for longer trips, and we've often made use of the two extra seats when family members are in town.

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8 of us in an 8 seat Honda Odyssey (which is much preferred to the 8 of us in the 7 seat Town and Country that we had to make do with for almost 3 years).


We looked at some of the bigger options but none of them would fit in our garage and since we live in an area with lots of cold and snow, having to park it outside and have everyone traipse through snow and cold to load and unload wasn't worth the extra space in the vehicle.

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Six kids, but the sixth is a caboose. When I had five kids we had a Honda Pilot. It was great when I had multiples in car seats, then again as everyone got older and taller (the rear seat was the roomiest on the market at the time and fit my teen boys comfortably enough.)


Once the older two got drivers' licenses, I downsized to an Acura MDX. I could still fit all of the kids, on the rare occasion we all needed to ride together. But it was an upgraded ride for our more regular trips, which were usually me plus 2-4 kids (no need for the back row.) 


Now with the sixth baby, I'm considering downsizing to a sedan. My four older kids all have their own cars, and prefer to drive themselves/each other. If we're all going out to eat, we just take two cars. The only other place we all go together is to Mass, and any given week one of the kids has a volunteer duty (serving, greeting, adoration) so one car usually leaves 45 minutes early. My car always pushes it to the last possible minute (and blames it on the baby!)  :blush:

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We are a family of 5.  DH, me, DD19, DS15, DS13.  My DH and the two teenage boys are TALL.  


Just went thorugh the whole "What kind of vehicle do I want/need?" a few months ago.  I had a Mazda CX9 which seated 7.  It was OK.  We debated getting a crew cab truck or a sedan this time around seeing as we are hoping to launch some kids in the semi-near future, but still needed something that would work for now, too.


I walked into the dealership and said, "I want somethign with less than 15,000 miles, must seat the growing teenage boys I've brought along for sizing, and because I am in my car ALL. THE. TIME. I want it to be something fun to drive.  Don't show me anything that I won't enjoy driving.  Here's what I want to spend.  What do you want to show me?"


I came home with a 2017 Dodge Charger.   :laugh:  It fits all three kids in the back seat really well, the smelly basketball shoes and bags fit nicely in the large trunk, and it has a V8 Hemi engine with Sport mode and it makes me giggle to drive.  

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We have a Ford Focus and there are 8 of us (soon to be 9).  On the rare occasion we all need to go somewhere together (to which we cannot walk, like the park), we rent either a second car (usually) or a Tahoe/Expedition (occasionally).  It happens maybe twice a year.  


When we get a larger car we'll probably get an Econoline, but we may just get a second normal-sized car or pickup or something.  That would keep us going until there are 10 of us, and by then DD12 will probably be close to driving age/moving out age (although maybe not, so we may have a few years in between of not-enough-car-space).  The thing is, it doesn't make a ton of sense to drive the Econoline to the gas station to pick up beer or to the local grocery store for a loaf of bread.  So we'd want to keep the Focus anyway, and if we're going to have two vehicles why would one of them need to hold 12+ people?



We did have an Odyssey for a couple of years when we were 7 total, but we gave it away (thus the reason for buying the Focus).

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Family of 7 w/ an Odyssey. It's not super comfortable but it is paid off and fits in my garage. I don't want to park in the driveway, so my options are very limited. A newer Odyssey would fit and may give us a tiny bit more room, but not enough to make it worth the money. I have a hard enough time squeezing my van into the garage, so I don't think an SUV would be an option and definitely not a full size van. We don't often have to take everyone in one car so it's not too bad. I think we may look into renting a different vehicle or flying if we have to take a long trip again. It'd be cheaper to rent something for a week than to pay for it every month. 

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7 of us with a Nissan NV. We've had it about a year and a half and have absolutely loved it.




I was going to get that car when number 5 was due.  That or the Ford, but I was leaning NV.   We fit in the mini, but not well all the time.  The extra room would be awesome.  


Any cons to it?

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We are a family of 5. DH, me, DD19, DS15, DS13. My DH and the two teenage boys are TALL.


Just went thorugh the whole "What kind of vehicle do I want/need?" a few months ago. I had a Mazda CX9 which seated 7. It was OK. We debated getting a crew cab truck or a sedan this time around seeing as we are hoping to launch some kids in the semi-near future, but still needed something that would work for now, too.


I walked into the dealership and said, "I want somethign with less than 15,000 miles, must seat the growing teenage boys I've brought along for sizing, and because I am in my car ALL. THE. TIME. I want it to be something fun to drive. Don't show me anything that I won't enjoy driving. Here's what I want to spend. What do you want to show me?"


I came home with a 2017 Dodge Charger. :laugh: It fits all three kids in the back seat really well, the smelly basketball shoes and bags fit nicely in the large trunk, and it has a V8 Hemi engine with Sport mode and it makes me giggle to drive.

Amazing! That was not the ending I was expecting. How fun!

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