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Losing a dearly loved one -- first year roll call

Halftime Hope

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I wasn't sure what to title this thread, so no flames, please.


In the spring of last year, I lost my dad, and when the holidays came around it was really rough. This year, I'm doing much better but still missing Dad and Mom.


If you've lost a loved one recently and would like to pay tribute to them, perhaps even share what made them so special to you, please feel free to add to this thread.


Wishing each poster all the best--may you be comforted and have memories that bring you peace and laughter.




ETA: please feel free to share, even if this isn't your very first year without a loved one.  Celebrating their lives is a joy!


Edited by Halftime Hope
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This is our first Thanksgiving without my mom. She died on Dec. 4 last year, just seven weeks after my father died. I’ve been thinking about her so much. Thanksgiving was the last holiday we had with her and it was such a hard one without my dad there.

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My step-dad died last October and the holidays sucked last year. So far it's not much better this year. Not sure when or if it gets better. I miss him so much. He never liked Thanksgiving food anyways though. He would just eat the sides and veggies as he hated turkey and ham.


What made him special? He made a friend everywhere he went and never knew a stranger. He was the kindest and most humble man I have ever met. He was one of the few Christians I saw walk it out every day and so now I know what that looks like. He was my rock for my whole life. He died quite suddenly and without much warning far too young. I miss him every day.

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I'm missing my mom. She had an amazing ability to put on elaborate dinners and celebrations in a way I could never match. I feel her absence most especially on the holidays and my kids' birthdays. I wish I could have just one more chance to give her a hug and tell her how much I loved her.


Hugs to all who are missing loved ones.



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I'm missing my mom. She had an amazing ability to put on elaborate dinners and celebrations in a way I could never match. I feel her absence most especially on the holidays and my kids' birthdays. I wish I could have just one more chance to give her a hug and tell her how much I loved her.


Hugs to all who are missing loved ones.



This could have been my post too. I lost my mom in 2001, but still miss her everyday.

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We lost a very special family member in February of this year. My nephew, Seth, was almost 23. He was mentally about 4 due to developmental delays from severe epilepsy and mitochondrial disorder. He was a joy in so many ways and loved others completely. He wanted to give away what he had to make others smile. 


I helped care for him about one week a month since his dad had died a little over 2 years before, and he became more like a son to me then than just a nephew. I miss him and his sweet smile and laugh so much! 



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MiL passed away in September. I keep finding things around the house that remind me of her--cards she sent, gifts for the children, photos.

She was the most selfless, generous, positive, loving person I have ever met. I want to grow up to be like her.

Edited by maize
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Dad passed on the Fourth of July and today I remember how he'd get up at the crack of dawn to get the huge turkey going in the electric oven (we ate at noon). He was also in charge of desserts, since he was a better baker than Mom ;-). I dedicate today's pumpkin pie (I cooked down real pie pumpkins for the filling, Dad!) to him.

Edited by JFSinIL
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MIL passed in August from dementia and two kinds of cancer. We were never close, but also never had tension between us. But in her last 18 months she allowed me to care for her and we grew quite close. It's a shame it took decades to become close but I'm grateful that we did. 


Mom passed away five years ago but for some reason this week I had a dream about her and it upset me the whole day. I really miss her. 


Dh's lifelong best friend lost his wife earlier this year and dh is feeling pretty helpless while his friend copes with his loss. 


Thanks to all of you sharing stories. Makes me feel less alone amidst all the Facebook pics of huge family gatherings where everyone is #blessed.  I'm still very blessed even though we are hurting. 

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Hugs to all of you.


My brother died from alcoholism two years ago. He was 51 years old. I thought I was doing okay with it, but the other night I heard a Christmas song that reminds me of him and just broke down crying. I miss him and am sad about how his life turned out.

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I think the pain of loss may dull over time but never dies, and can resurface full strength at unexpected times.


I called my 90 year old grandmother this week and she talked about losing her mother when she was 13. Her mother died when she was the age I am now.

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Hugs to all of you. This is our fourth holiday season without MIL & FIL (passed away suddenly in their early 50's in Fall 2014) but really only the second one we've really processed. The first one was a bit of a blur/black hole. I don't even remember it. The second year, we were still keeping busy with Probate and I don't think we thought about holidays much. The third year (last year) was the first year dh was really grieving. It was... manageable. We really enjoyed each other as a family during the holidays and didn't worry too much about "getting it right." I think this is going to be the year he has moved forward. We're finding our holiday groove in a different way and making our own traditions. 

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My mom passed away in Feb of 2014, and much to our astonishment, my dad survived her by 2 years.  They were married 59 years and were joined at the hip, with Mom being the firebrand, the people person, and always the leader of the shenanigan du jour.   I have a 45 year-old photo of my older cousin as a young married woman--the shy cousin!--with she and Mom wearing inch-long, bright blue "falsie" eyelashes and curly wigs! How Mom ever talked J___ into wearing and posing in wigs, I'll never know!


My dad could be stubborn, but he was kind, gentle, and to the end of his days, he exemplified gratefulness.  After my mother passed away and dad began declining, my brother and SIL got in-home caregivers to come help when they could not be home.  Caregivers loved him because of his sincere appreciation of them and their kindness to him.


Today is a grand day to remember them and give thanks for the many things they did well in their lives.

Edited by Halftime Hope
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Thanks to the OP for starting this thread.


It has been several years since my father died, but I still miss him way too much. He was always in his element on Thanksgiving because he was the one who did turkey & all the fixin's. He'd make several types of stuffing (wet, dry, & StoveTop) and two types of gravy. He was a gentle giant. No kid was scared of him even though he was tall with a barrel chest because he just exuded calm.  There will never be another like him.


This year, my oldest brother died unexpectedly. My thoughts are with his five children who have to get through the rest of their lives with only the memories of him that they already have. No family gathering will ever be the same.

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My dad died dec 31 2017, so this is the first holiday season.   My mom cried a few times today.   For me he is finally out of pain and in a better place.  We all deal with death differetnly


I hope all of you grieving  will find peace and some joy this holiday season



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Thanks to the OP for starting this thread.


It has been several years since my father died, but I still miss him way too much. He was always in his element on Thanksgiving because he was the one who did turkey & all the fixin's. He'd make several types of stuffing (wet, dry, & StoveTop) and two types of gravy. He was a gentle giant. No kid was scared of him even though he was tall with a barrel chest because he just exuded calm.  There will never be another like him.


This year, my oldest brother died unexpectedly. My thoughts are with his five children who have to get through the rest of their lives with only the memories of him that they already have. No family gathering will ever be the same.


Thank you for sharing them with us...prayers for your family!


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So sorry to you all for your losses. My mom passed away in early December quite a few years ago. The pain of her absence is gone. 


I'm thinking of two individuals who have not posted who lost family members last year. Maybe it just hurts too much.


Our hearts go out to all who just can't post for whatever reason, but who have lost someone ever.  Please know that others haven't forgotten.

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My son died 6 months ago. He was 31. Yesterday was so hard, but Christmas will be even harder, as he could only come home for Christmas each year. It is so hard to celebrate anything right now, but my first grandbaby was born 3 weeks after he died (not his), my youngest is in her senior year and graduation is coming up as well as college, and my oldest daughter is getting engaged and wedding plans have begun.


He would have loved all this, he adored his sisters. He was the oldest and their caretaker. He even flew in for the youngest 16th birthday just to surprise. her. 

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My son died 6 months ago. He was 31. Yesterday was so hard, but Christmas will be even harder, as he could only come home for Christmas each year. It is so hard to celebrate anything right now, but my first grandbaby was born 3 weeks after he died (not his), my youngest is in her senior year and graduation is coming up as well as college, and my oldest daughter is getting engaged and wedding plans have begun.


He would have loved all this, he adored his sisters. He was the oldest and their caretaker. He even flew in for the youngest 16th birthday just to surprise. her. 


So sorry.  I can't imagine the pain.

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I thought I replied to this topic.  I think I started to but then got called in to help with Thanksgiving stuff.


My uncle died on Monday.  He was my favorite uncle and the closest to a 2nd father figure I could have.  I spent every holiday with them through college while my own parents were overseas.  His wife was my favorite aunt and we were close.  She died 3 years ago.  

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