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Give me your gross baby girl names!


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I loooooved this name when pregnant with my last baby (who ended up being a boy).  Every single person I mentioned this name to, outside my dh and kids (who all loved it, too), either hated it or was noncommittal (probably because they hated it).  I even had a friend who may or may not be reading this right now who is famous for being supportive of baby names no. matter. who said, "You can't name a baby that!"


But I still love it.  


If you name your baby Dagny, please let me know.  :D

Edited by milovany
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We're in your camp with liking old-fashioned names! Obviously we don't think they're gross, though. Names that are on our current list, that have shown up in other comments here, include Edith, Alice, Petra, Octavia, Ava, Alma, Rosalie.


Old names in our family: Phyllis, Doris, Doreen, Irene, Florence, Eleanor, Rosalie, Lavinia, Leticia, many Alices, Beatrice, Marguerite, Henrietta.


Bonus boy names: Grandpa's name was Elwood, and his brother's name was Phillips. Not Phillip, Phillips. After the person who wrote "O Little Town of Bethlehem," who was some kind of relation.

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That's how my sister got her name. She was named Amanda instead of Julie or Julia (they were still arguing  discussing that one). When I was 9, Julie/Julia was the ugliest name I'd ever heard, so I got to name her. 


Also, my sister's childhood friend was almost named Dorcas. The dad gave the mom the choice of Dorcas or Lydia. I mean, really, is that even a choice? 

I'm surprised he didn't include Phoebe in that list!


My mother's favorite author when she was a child was named Enid Blyton.

Enid Blyton was MY favorite author growing up. I have a lot of my old books saved for my kiddos and they love her also. 



My grandmother's name was Doris and DH's grandmother's name was Bessie. 

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I'm still really undecided about baby names. Awhile back I ran a thread about virtue names but I still don't know about the ones that I have left. I've only got a month left so I need to get cracking! Anyway, I've got a fond affection for really old school names that everyone thinks are gross. Ultrasound says that we're having a girl. So give me your "gross" girl names that badly need revival. Here's a few to get you started:













In the Holy Bible, in Acts 9:36 it states, "In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor."  I also knew a really nice gal once who's name was Dorcas. So it's a good name, but I'm not sure in this day or this society, it would be wise to name your child that. Too much potential for bad, taunting nicknames from not so nice people, but Tabitha could work.

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A few are repeats. A couple are names that I think are derived from male names of saints or members of the early church.








Ila (Pronounced like Eye-la)










Really off the beaten path: Triffinie (not even sure I am spelling it right, but I think it's a variant on Tryphena) or Teofila

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This thread has reminded me of so many lovely (mostly) ladies I know or used to know, not to mention some of my favorite characters from literature.  So many beautiful choices!  It has also reminded me of a few from my family:  Ruby, Bertha (my great-grandmother, whom I adored; her husband always called her "Bert," which is possibly the only way to make Bertha uglier than it is), Icey (not sure how that was spelled, but it was pronounced just like the winter road condition and might have been short for something), Sylvia, Mildred ("Mittie"), Myrtle ("Myrt"), Lena (my grandmother, one of my favorite people ever), Julia (everyone called her "Jule," which was a travesty), Lucille (friend of my grandmother's who had the prettiest white hair) and Mary Alice (always "Miss Mary Alice").




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