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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning.  Why are teenagers so unpleasant??



-Mr. Sunshine off to school

-abbreviated school day with DS13 (only the things that *have* to be done)

-hair appointment at 10:30

-workout (upper body) and shower

-pack for Clemson

-if time:  fabric store to see if there is purple and/or orange fleece to make stadium blanket

-dog to kennel

-books to library

-leave for Clemson

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning! It's Friday! 


It's a beautiful, frosty, very cold morning here. My two puppies are wanting to chase and tackle each other and just be super rambunctious in general - which is not what the doctor ordered. I might have to separate them until they're healed up.



•get bank deposits and mail ready to go

•tidy up house

•take ds19 to the ER this afternoon for round 3 of rabies shots

•flu shot appt. for ds17, dd, and me

•stop at the horse vet clinic to pay bill, pick up a medication refill and set up appt. for checkups 

•bank, post office, get gas

•pick up a few things at walmart

•stop at bookstore (Our much loved small town bookstore is closing.  :( We are so sad. We went there every Friday afternoon. This is right on the heels of my kids' favorite comic book store closing, too.)

•pick up Japanese takeout for dinner

•maybe watch a cheesy Hallmark movie tonight

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Pull kids' gym clothes out of the dryer and pack them.

Kids up & off to the school bus.

Clean some in the kitchen, bathrooms, clutter areas.

Catch up on social media.


Some reading, exercise, housework.

Pay bills and such.

1 kid to horse riding.  Other kid plans to watch a movie at home.  Hooray for Friday!

Dinner out somewhere.

A couple old shows at home?

Kids to bed.


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Good morning! Busy day today. dh took car in (they had to order a part-hopefully it will be done by 2 pm). First day of hs swim practice (forms, check, suit fitting) and she has to leave early to go to a meet for club. It is just that time of year-complicated and hoop-jumping.


To do:

boys up/school with boys

pay bills

finish off weekly chores

jen things-trying to do something for myself every day-so far at 50%

pick up car?

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2/quick run home for food, etc

back to practice/help drive girls to pool

wait/leave for meet

time for dd2

All boys, including dh are on their own


Have a great day!


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Pink and Green Mom, I have a theory on the teen unpleasantness. Because they act that way, you WANT them to leave when they are grown. Many of us might never want them to leave the nest if they were wonderful to be around all the time, so God built in a system to make sure we welcome their going out on their own. That's the way it is supposed to be.  


It's made me all reflective now. I think dd leaving home was a little easier for me, not just due to teen attitude but because I watched my nephew never be able to leave home, never grow up, and never have a life of his own. I was thankful she could. 


Done so far:

breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats

breakfast for us

laundry going (one load done, one in dryer)

some school done

worked on a chemistry study guide on stoichiometry problems for my students in co-op


To Do:

lunch and dinner

finish school 

clean bathrooms, living room, and kitchen/dining

make beds

take ds to a special Christmas program practice

pick up groceries during it

pick up friend's kids to spend the night





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Amy's theory is right on for boys (even for girls a little). I think it has a name, "soiling the nest." Like baby birds who get rowdy, obnoxious and then get kicked out by their parents.


I have seen quite a few times-worse with boys (and boys who spend their senior year being 18 years old). dd2's best friend went from awesome to "wow, time to go." He has settled in and is back to being himself his freshman year-1,000 miles away!

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Jean, I need to remember that line!  


Jen, I agree about distance and summer adjustment. Dd is talking about moving off campus next year, and they might need to get the lease going for summer. She could end up staying there instead of coming home. I think that could be a good thing in some ways. She goes to school only 3.5 hours away and 40 minutes from where I grew up. My dad is still there, so I feel more comfortable with that situation. 



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kitchen - dishwasher rebooted.


laundry - laundry sorted.  Load #1 is running.


school/ grading/ paperwork -   dd has worked ahead in most of her classes and only has algebra and studying for a biology exam (I think.)  So instead I went through and sorted all the mails and got the bills separated out and ready to pay. 

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Hi Jean and everyone,

Today has been so crazy, I haven't even had time to make a list.



Ds to/from tutorial

school for dd



figured out dinner

visited mom

cleaned a bathroom

dishwasher run and emptied


To do:

help dd with AHG stuff

gas for my van

dd to sleepover

more laundry

copy out parade route/map


dinner - taco salad






Edited by ScoutTN
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