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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  On the homestretch to the weekend - yay!



-DS16 off to school (I slept through it)

-school with DS13

-go through new Nom Nom Paleo book and see if there are any recipes I want to copy before taking book back to library

-library to drop off books

-make bulk taco seasoning

-laundry (probably 3 loads)   DONE:  2 (good enough)

-workout (1 hour HiiT cardio)

-read my book (been reading for 5 weeks, on page 120)

-dinner (tacos)

-DS16 takes self to school baseball practice 5:30-8

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!


I decided to make dh's lunch and breakfast last night, so I could sleep in a bit today. Ds broke a wire yesterday afternoon, so I have to take him to the ortho today. 


To Do:

dinner (lunch will be out)

school with ds

drop off clothes at a ministry

meet a co-op mom to get something to her

take ds to ortho 


look for ds a white shirt for a service project

study chemistry for co-op

take ds to swim

tutor a student while ds is at swim

watch an episode of ST2

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Good morning!


I'm in a rush to get my usual morning routine done so I can get out the door for an early vet appointment. Hoping the fog will dissipate by then to make the drive to town easier.


•get mail ready to go

•take puppies to vet for boosters (remember to pick up food while I'm there and set up an appointment for kitty's haircut)

•stop at post office


•continue working on cleaning and decluttering our entryway coat closet (started this yesterday - it's a disaster zone)

•probably should mop the floors

•do a couple loads laundry

•work on clearing out my to do basket in office

•do some food prep (make hard boiled eggs, roast brussels sprouts)

•dinner: I'm trying a recipe for spicy red curry cauliflower "wings" and making a roasted vegetable salad to go with it


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Left my phone downstairs last night, so I relied on my plug-in alarm to wake me up.  Bad idea.  :P


Got the kids up with about 25 minutes to get to the school bus.  They did make it there.  :P


Had kids sign birthday cards which are almost a week overdue from last Friday's birthday party.  (Classmate - hope they remember to hand the cards off.)


Cleaned the kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter.


Working.  I got two things done already, which is pretty good for my standards in the morning.  :P




I should do some laundry later and have the kids help clean out the pet cages.


Pay some bills.


Make a doc appointment for myself (follow-up and to check a couple things).


I would like to make it to TKD, not sure if we will.


Clean out my car.

Kids' homework - hopefully not too heavy?




Kids to bed.




Whatever I'm forgetting.

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Good morning!




ds to swimming

AHG board mtg


dinner - pork fried rice and pot stickers


I have to make a decision today. Hoping to give a 50th b-day party for dh in 2 weeks. Plan A location is now unavailable. Our house is not an option. I need a free venue. I can ask a friend to host or my SIL. I would rather have it at friend's home, but feel it is a much greater imposition. I feel a little uncomfortable asking. If it is at the friend's, IL's will not be invited. If it is at SIL's, then obviously all dh's family will be invited. Ugh. Of course, it is possible that both of them say no. Time is ticking away and I need to send evites this weekend.

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rice for dinner

1 load of sheets in the dryer, dh's laundry started

crock pot making chx stock

butternut squash baked for pies

NME registration for Dd

Dog food ordered



external dvd player ordered (Ours died this morning, so no Latin videos for dd today or tomorrow. Argh!)


printed next section of Treasured Conversations for Ds

corrected dd's math

moved the laundry



Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! dd2 is off to school, tired but in good spirits. She has weathered some serious girl issues this week (I about lost my mind over the name calling (both to her face and on social media) and flat out mean comments). She talked to her coach and explained her approach: "I will not be stepped on" and "I confront mean behavior." He wasn't thrilled, everyone just wants her to give in to the queen bee, because it is easier for everyone.  But she didn't and for now, the queen bee has realized that targeting dd2 is not worth the effort.

It is exhausting and I am forbidden to get involved. I have never, ever in my life met such mean, unhappy girls. But I am informed by my kids that girls are meaner now and I should just accept it. Ugh.


Otherwise, regular day with lots of driving


To do:

school with ds3

ds2 off to cc

daily chores (a few extra)

clean basement area

vacuum (every time the back door opens--leaves are flying in)

jen things

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2/swim/early drop off at judo

pick up swim/judo


Have a great day!


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Good morning! dd2 is off to school, tired but in good spirits. She has weathered some serious girl issues this week (I about lost my mind over the name calling (both to her face and on social media) and flat out mean comments). She talked to her coach and explained her approach: "I will not be stepped on" and "I confront mean behavior." He wasn't thrilled, everyone just wants her to give in to the queen bee, because it is easier for everyone.  But she didn't and for now, the queen bee has realized that targeting dd2 is not worth the effort.

It is exhausting and I am forbidden to get involved. I have never, ever in my life met such mean, unhappy girls. But I am informed by my kids that girls are meaner now and I should just accept it. Ugh.


Otherwise, regular day with lots of driving


To do:

school with ds3

ds2 off to cc

daily chores (a few extra)

clean basement area

vacuum (every time the back door opens--leaves are flying in)

jen things

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2/swim/early drop off at judo

pick up swim/judo


Have a great day!


Wow sorry your dd is still dealing with that.  


I think that is awful of her coach.  I think he needs to step up and say something.  I think that is why kids are meaner, because so many people don't speak up. 


I am glad your dd is.  She is doing the right thing even though it doesn't feel good. 

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Honestly, I am 100% exhausted by it. There is little prospect of this getting significantly better, just more of the same. It has been going on for 2 years now. 


I'm sorry.  I totally get being exhausted.  Keep looking to the future ... I know these things can take years to resolve or put behind us.  :(

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I have vacuumed all the leaves and changed the bag. I have also discovered that 3 lights in the basement burn out lightbulbs in less than one week. So rabbit trails on the computer, with a few fixes to try. I think that it is mostly vibrations from the front door and the bathroom which are over the three lights. But I will fix it, because two of the lights are in my sewing area and darkness is not a good sewing condition.


Thanks for the support, ladies. It is a pretty isolating problem to have, and as you may guess, mean apples don't fall far from their trees.

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1 load of laundry done

vet appt. done - set up appt. for puppies to get spayed & neutered next week

completely forgot to get mail ready and go to post office. oh well.

morning horse chores done

treated my horse's feet for thrush again (a recurring problem because of the wet weather)

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kitchen - nagged ds20 into giving me all the dishes that were stacked in his room.  :cursing:   Rebooted the dishwasher.


laundry - one load in the washing machine.  Because yesterday's load was a blanket that got put on a bed at nighttime, there is no load to fold and put away this morning. 


school / grading - looked over dd's biology syllabus and assigned today's activities.  Regraded the biology work that had gotten handed back to her yesterday to redo. 


now time for the next ktichen - laundry - school/ grading round robin.  Have I said how much this round robin is helping me?  In the past I would have still been cleaning the kitchen and laundry wouldn't be chugging along and I would have been frustrated when dd asked what she was doing in biology. 

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kitchen - took care of the overflowing recycling.  We had a lot of recyclables yesterday!


laundry - matched up socks from my sock mosh pit.  I actually hate doing this because dh has a lot of socks that are almost but not exactly alike.  And he gets mad if I accidentally match a very dark navy sock with a black one.  My feeling, that if it takes a magnifying glass to see the difference that it really doesn't matter, is not appreciated. 


school/ grading - figured out what we're going to do for Japanese today.  The current book we are using frustrates me so I'm pulling in stuff from my previous Japanese lessons that I made when I was teaching it for a living. 



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Nixing swim practice for today. Traffic is awful coming home and makes the whole afternoon/evening crazy rushed. 


Next up:

Finish school with ds.

Grocery for ginger, then make dinner

Fold laundry

AHG stuff

Reserve library books

Discuss history with dd



Edited by ScoutTN
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