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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning.  Feeling disgusting based on my intake of candy last night.  Didn't sleep well, stomach problems, bloated, ick.



-furiously cleaning up house for cleaning people at 8:30 am

-give dog his heartworm pill

-scrub and launder baseball uniform, needed at 3 pm today, for DS16 who insisted, up until the moment he got in the car for school, that his uniform was clean

-leave at 9 am for co-op (physical science, geometry, speech/debate, literature)

-arrive home at 2:45, leave at 3:30 for baseball

-workout (desperately needed)

-dinner (no clue)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!



•turn horses out in lower pasture

•feed birds

•water plants

•go through emails, print out bills

•post office??

•give dogs heartworm preventative

•dd Music Club

•ds17 golf lesson

•dd violin lesson

•dinner: tacos

•watch hockey tonight & watch some baseball w/ dh, too

Edited by Selkie
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Good morning! dh left again for a business trip, so weird to have him gone so much, but at least he took dd2 to morning practice and I picked her up. We hardly had any trick or treaters last night, so we have a ridiculous amount of candy left over. I might mail some to the college kids. Today is errands and ds3 making dinner.


To do:

swim administrative work: half done

more coffee, read paper, eat breakfast-Not candy

school with boys

dd2 has late start-take her to school then grocery store

jen things if time

pick up dd2/swim/aikido

home to ds3's dinner

Watch baseball


Have a great day!


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Up in the wee hours finishing some reports.  Then watching Cold Case Files on Youtube.

Slept a couple hours.

Kids up & ready for school.

Sent one kid off on the school bus.

Helped other kid with homework, since yesterday was too busy.

Took out the garbage.

Drove kid 2 to school.

Spilled coffee on my seat and pants - cleaned that up.

Sorted the mail.

Cleaned the kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter.

Sent a message to kid's teacher.

Got caught up on social media, work emails, etc.


To do:

Lots of work.

At least 2 conference calls, for which I need to prepare, ughhhhh!

Pay some bills.

Clean out pet cages.  Or should I wait and make the kids do that?

My calendar?

Kids have youth group, I pick them up at 5.

Kids to tutor, grab some drive-thru on the way.

Walk while kids study.

1 kid to gymnastics.

Back to tutor to pick up kid 2.

Kids' homework, if any remains.


Kids to bed.


Whatever I'm forgetting.

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Good morning!  I slept in a bit again because dh still has jury duty. 


Dd texted me this morning about something at school. The school has cross-cultural trips (and requires every student to go on one), and she has applied for a 3 week art/humanities tour of Italy. There are more applicants than spots, so she is getting up super early to get to the office and fill out the paperwork/pay the deposit and hopefully make it in. 



breakfast and coffee

fed cats

tutored my youngest student

transferred money for dd 


To Do:

school with ds


pay bills/update checking


watch more ST2



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I have gotten many, many steps today.  


This morning, I took the 6 horses down to the lower pasture. They have to be led down since it is not connected to our other pastures. I take the four rowdier horses down one at a time, then double up the two lazy ponies - so five trips down and back. 


The plan was to leave them down there all day and then have the kids help bring them up this evening - but it just started sleeting and there is no shelter in that pasture. So back I go, five trips down and back to get them all back up here so they can stay warm and dry.  :tongue_smilie: 


The weather is miserable and my fingers are frozen. I'm looking forward to spending the rest of the afternoon in the warm house.  :)



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kitchen - dishwasher rebooted. 


laundry - one load folded and put away.  One load in washer.


school/ grading - helped with algebra.  Taught Media Literacy directly.  Graded algebra. 


"Assigned" dd the task for finding a gluten free baking project for this afternoon.  She chose a gf Krispy Kreme copycat recipe. 

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kitchen - did handwashing.  Wiped down stove and counters.


laundry - put the blanket I washed into the dryer.


school/ grading - prepped for Japanese.  Taught Japanese.  Made some new folders for vocabulary cards.


Got ready for Goodwill run. 


Now I've somehow still gotten behind in grading so I'm going to catch up there. 

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Home to a lovely dinner from ds3 (oven fried chicken breasts, mustard dipping sauce, caesar salad and bread). He is turning into quite a good cook. Watching the Dodgers implode, sigh.


Have a few things to put away and the kitchen to clean (small price to pay for dinner ready when we walked in the door).


Have a great night!

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