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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  I am attempting to detox today after my unfortunate run-in with half a bag of Recee's Peanut Butter Cups last night.



-DS16 off to school

-read next 3 chapters of Great Expectations for DS13's co-op class

-school with youngest

-doctor's appointment at noon

-straighten up for cleaning people tomorrow

-laundry  DONE:  2

-I will not eat Halloween candy, I will not eat Halloween candy, I will not eat Halloween candy..... (well, that lasted until 9:30 am)

-workout (1 hour HiiT cardio)

-dinner (egg roll in a bowl)

-work with DS16 on his materials for Algebra II, Chemistry and English tests tomorrow (he doesn't think he needs help, grades tell a different story)

-DS13 wants to man the Trick or Treating station himself (good, because then he can eat all the candy instead of me.....)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Today was someone's birthday, so we got up early for cake ... also because one kid had to make math corrections.


Kid told me at the last minute I was supposed to sign her grammar test, which scored quite low.  What she had failed to mention was that she could gain some points back by making test corrections.  She didn't want to make test corrections.  Meanwhile she watched a movie after school yesterday because she was "done with her homework."  :/  Guess what we're doing before trick-or-treat tonight.


She was crabby this morning and I wasn't much better.  Ugh.


I would like to go back to bed, but I have a lot to do today.  I had set my alarm to get up very early, but kept snoozing it for several hours.  Yes, I sound like a broken record.  Some things never change.


I had better go take some of those vitamins that seemed to help yesterday.


Today is a "deadline day," and I really need to get a pile of reports out.


Kid has horse riding from 4:30 to 6pm.  I will work with the other kid on homework & cleaning out the critter cage(s).


Then trick-or-treat from 6-7 (kids go on their own, I probably work).


Then a birthday dinner out.


Kids to bed.


More work.


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Good morning!



•hay delivery this morning

•get mail ready to go

•take Titan and Tiberius to vet for shots

•post office

•only 2 loads of laundry today - woo hoo!

•dust and vacuum main floor (didn't happen yesterday)

•dinner: maybe tacos

•watch a scary movie tonight 

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Dealing with sick 4 year old all night.


She so was looking forward to trick or treating. She is so disappointed. She is feeling better but it's cold today and will be in the 30s tonight.


Daddy said he will make sure she gets candy. She's glad about that but still wants to Trick or Treat.

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Dealing with sick 4 year old all night.


She so was looking forward to trick or treating. She is so disappointed. She is feeling better but it's cold today and will be in the 30s tonight.


Daddy said he will make sure she gets candy. She's glad about that but still wants to Trick or Treat.


Aww, poor thing. I hope she still has a fun Halloween.


I'm glad we don't have any little ones to take trick or treating tonight because it is cold (it will be in the 20s this evening). Dh and I were just discussing our not-so-fond memories of freezing our butts off during trick or treating, and trying to keep the kids bundled up in winter coats, hats and gloves over their costumes.  :rolleyes:

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Good afternoon! This morning was a giant waste of time. And I have had virtually no sleep. Dh and ds2 came home last night around 2:45 am. I was sleepless until my alarm went off at 4:40 am. Morning practice and then a quick chat with dh and then to my mom's house for ds to help her with some baking. Why? who knows? I was talked at (like a verbal avalanche) for around 3 hours and then we escaped.


Must nap....


Also to do:

pay some bills

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2/swim

home to do some applications with ds2

hand out candy




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Got pumpkins and helped ds carve his. Scooped out dd's, since she won't have as much time to work on hers.


Seeds are toasting now.

Called mom, but she didn't answer.

Threw the football with ds.


Next up:

rest for 15 mins

pick up dd, get her started on carving

get CSA box

make chx tortilla soup for dinner

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Well as usual, tonight is a deadline and I haven't finished all the reports.  Blah!!! 


This is such a long day.


One of my kids has homework that she didn't get to, so I'll have to get up early with her in the morning. 


I'm tired.

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