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Which holiday would you eliminate?


Which holiday would you eliminate if you could?  

228 members have voted

  1. 1. Which holiday would you eliminate if you could?

    • New Year's Eve/New Year's
    • Martin Luther King, Jr
    • Groundhog Day
    • Valentine's Day
    • President's Day
    • April Fool's Day
    • Easter
    • Mother's Day
    • Memorial Day
    • Father's Day
    • Independence Day
    • Labor Day
    • Columbus Day
    • Halloween/Day of the Dead
    • Veteran's Day
    • Thanksgiving
    • Black Friday
    • Christmas
    • Birthday celebrations
    • None - keep them all.
  2. 2. If you could have, would you have voted for more than one?

    • Yes - one other
    • Yes - two others
    • Yes - three others
    • Yes - four others
    • Yes - five others
    • Yes - six others
    • Yes - seven others
    • Yes - eight others
    • Yes - nine others
    • Yes - ten others
    • Yes - eleven others
    • Yes - twelve others
    • Yes - thirteen others
    • Yes - fourteen others
    • Yes - fifteen others
    • Yes - sixteen others
    • Yes - seventeen others
    • Yes - eighteen others
    • No - just the one
    • No - I voted to keep them all.

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I want Columbus Day changed to Exploration Day, because that's the good we want to celebrate when we talk about Columbus. To me, changing it to Indigenous People's Day feels a little like putting a statue of MLK (and no other Civil Rights leaders) next to every Confederate Flag and acting like that makes it better. I know others disagree, though.


I vote getting rid of Groundhog Day. That's the one I hate trying to explain to my kids.

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I don't know that Columbus Day is just a celebration of exploration; I think it's also a celebration, to some extent, of the coming of Europeans to America.  While bad and good things came of European discovery/immigration to the New World, it is symbolic of an important development in the history of the West, for people who identify as Westerners.


I don't mind Columbus Day but it, like President's Day and etc., aren't really celebratory events so much as commemorative events.

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I would get rid of Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Thanksgiving.


After my parents moved away, I had no family left within 2000 miles. That means that the above family holidays are spent exclusively with the in-laws. Frankly, I'm resentful that those holidays that are all about family are spent with in-laws only. We all sort of get along, but they don't get me and they have a family culture that likes to gently point out people's flaws or mistakes. If they were overtly rude or aggressive, I could handle it better. It's the quiet cutting down and subtle one-upping that is tricky.


Of course, if my parents lived nearby, then those holidays would be awesome because my parents are pretty awesome and make even the most mundane things into a carnival. But since they don't, I wish those holidays didn't exist.


Plus turkey tastes blah. I'd prefer a big plate of spaghetti on Thanksgiving.


I don't care about the other holidays because I'm not expected to be all sentimental about family on them.


Columbus day could go because Columbus was awful.

Edited by Garga
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I don't mind Columbus Day but it, like President's Day and etc., aren't really celebratory events so much as commemorative events.

That's a good point--they're commemorative and not celebratory. And Black Friday isn't really a holiday. I think having that Friday off was supposed to be an extension of Thanksgiving, because so many people travel on Thanksgiving and wouldn't make it back to work in time the next morning.

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Oh, and for the most part, I'm not a big fan of Hallmark Holidays anyway. We don't need Boss's Day, Secretary Day, Sweetest Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparent's Day, and any number of other days.


Good grief. If you honor and respect people the year round, you don't need a day to make you feel obligated to buy an overpriced card with a terrible excuse of a poem in it!


Yes, I think I have officially reached my curmudgeon days, LOL.

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I voted Columbus Day because it seems to be just a retail holiday. The kids still have school, there's no mail delivery and it's just another excuse for stores to proclaim a sale event. I'm not even sure there are any kinds of official observations of the day, e.g. parades, ceremonies, etc.


My second would be Black Friday because it's the start of holiday insanity and the road traffic practically doubles until about the second week of Jan.


Yes, there are parades in some areas on Columbus Day! The Little Italy area of a nearby city has had a big parade for the past 65 years. I'm not sure about that area now, but at one time, talking about getting rid of Columbus Day or stopping the parade in that area might not end well. 

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Oh, and for the most part, I'm not a big fan of Hallmark Holidays anyway. We don't need Boss's Day, Secretary Day, Sweetest Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparent's Day, and any number of other days.


Good grief. If you honor and respect people the year round, you don't need a day to make you feel obligated to buy an overpriced card with a terrible excuse of a poem in it!


Yes, I think I have officially reached my curmudgeon days, LOL.

I like the cards. I like the gifts. I like the special days.


Sure, it's more important to honor the people you love year-round, but having a special day for it can be very nice, too. :)

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I'm a fan of any holiday that doesn't require food, family, decorations, or gift giving. So while I know Columbus Day is supposed to be the right answer, I really just want it changed to "Random Day Off in October Without Any Obligations Day". Every month should have at least one of those.


ETA: In Illinois, they have Pulaski Day, which one of my mom's friends (probably drunkenly) called Polanski Day. My mom and I still wish each other a Happy Sex Offender's Day each year. Put that on my keep but officially rename list.

Edited by BarbecueMom
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I have been wishing for years to get rid of Black Friday.

Black Friday. I do not consider a demonstration of unfettered materialism a "holiday"


There are several holidays that I choose not to celebrate. I despise sentimentalities and don't find it valuable if anybody remembers me on a  Hallmark ordered holiday, but I know some people like them. There are redeeming features to Valentine's and Mother's Day.


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Voted Columbus Day to be gone.


My 3 others are Groundhog Day - the groundhog ruins my hopes for an early spring all too often (even though he is exceptionally cute), April Fools - just an excuse to be a horrible person, and Halloween - too expensive for what it is.


I didn't vote for these, but they'd be on my personal cut-list: New Year's - starting the new year overtired/hungover isn't the best plan, and Mother's and Father's Day - I have to shop for my inlaws, my own parents, and my DH (but he doesn't even shop for me). 


I love Christmas but family expectations drive me mad every stinkin' year. Just once I want to stay home in my own home and enjoy my DH and my kids without family guilt/pressure. We've been married 18 years and it hasn't happened once. 

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Black Friday and Groundhogs Day are the only ones I would do away with. I hate when shopping and consumerism gets linked to any holidays but Black Friday is just straight up crazy.


I really like the idea of making Columbus Day more of an Explorers Day commemoration. That broadens the spectrum to include not just Columbus but other famous people of the colonial era as well, westward expansion and so forth. I think that is kind of neat :)

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Easter.  It bounces around the calendar and rarely seems to get lined up with spring break anymore.  The chocolate is not great.  The Valentine chocolate is better I think.  We like hard boil eggs, but it feels weird to dye them at this point, and lame to NOT dye them on Easter and even stranger to just not have them.  And it's always on a Sunday so there is nothing to do and no day off to go with it. 

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Valentine's day.


Puts pressure on people that seems to result in disappointment and frustration more often than not. I've never seen it have any meaningful positive impact.


I voted to get rid of Valentine's Day, too, for the reasons maize listed and also because it comes at a time when I am trying my darnedest to lose a few pounds but then all the Valentine's chocolates overwhelm me and I lose diet momentum. :(

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Interesting so far.  For once, the Hive view(s) pretty much mirror my circle of IRL friends' conversation (except we totally forgot about April Fool's Day).


It's interesting what we like and don't like (and the differences among us), and what we'd choose to put at the top given only one choice.  ;)

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Groundhog Day—I love groundhogs and I like the movie. However, I'm guessing wild animals don't enjoy being held up in front of noisy crowds and bright lights. And poor Punxsutawney Phil is kept on display in a library year-round and not allowed to hiberate. :(

Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day—too much potential for people to feel sad or left out
President’s Day—because I’m not a fan of any of them
Independence Day—I don’t get celebrating an unbiblical rebellion full of unnecessary bloodshed [ETA: Man, I sound like a downer. I could probably get behind a Bill of Rights day or something like that. With *silent* fireworks.  ;)] 
Columbus Day—why we need a holiday celebrating a murderous slave trader is beyond me
Also, two others that I won’t get into. ;)
I do love parties and decorating and gift-giving. I like feeding people, too, if it's not at my house and doesn't involve a lot of cooking.  :blush:
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I voted for Columbus Day. None of the others bother me.


I have mixed feelings about Columbus Day.  I agree 100% that Columbus is not someone we should be honoring.  There should not be a day in his honor.  


But, as a special education teacher, I can tell you that Columbus Day comes at the point in the year when I'm about to pass out from exhaustion.  The idea of giving it up is hard.  So, I'm going to vote for "replacing" Columbus Day, and eliminating Black Friday.

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I voted Columbus day but there are easily 4-5 others I could let go. I have spent a lot of time rethinking the holidays over the years, and simplifying as I can as we go along. I really overdid a lot of things when my kids were young. Now that they are older, and I am a little wiser, I think I am going to actually sit down and discuss the holidays with them. I want us to decide as a family what is important and what is not. I want to continue our discussion on ways to keep our holy days holy and not commercial. I want us to be thoughtful about what the other holidays mean to us as a family and make a conscious decision to celebrate or not.


For example, I think I am really going to talk to them about ditching mothers and fathers day. They are painful hallmark holidays for me, and for others who suffered abuse, neglect, or just loss. I greatly dislike the expectations around them. I don't want my kids to feel pressure to send me a card or flowers on this one day a year. I would rather them do something like that randomly if they felt like it. I hope that I will be a good enough mother where they just love and honor me without needing a holiday honestly.


I already plan on being the most low key mom or in law possible when they are married with children. My in laws are truly wonderful but it would be a crime against humanity if we didn't see them on Christmas Day every year. It caused tons of stress in my marriage until my family let go and started picking alternate days. I want my kids to know they can celebrate with me at any point convenient in the season and if they want to stay home in pjs and hang out with their families on Christmas morning by themselves I truly want it for them. If they want to come hang out with us that is ok too. Same for Thanksgiving. If they have crazy in laws they can deal with making them happy and I will be the good guy 😉

Edited by CaliforniaDreaming
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I already plan on being the most low key mom or in law possible when they are married with children. My in laws are truly wonderful but it would be a crime against humanity if we didn't see them on Christmas Day every year. It caused tons of stress in my marriage until my family let go and started picking alternate days. I want my kids to know they can celebrate with me at any point convenient in the season and if they want to stay home in pjs and hang out with their families on Christmas morning by themselves I truly want it for them. If they want to come hang out with us that is ok too. Same for Thanksgiving. If they have crazy in laws they can deal with making them happy and I will be the good guy 😉


My mom was like this. She was so easy-going about holidays, always said that the actual days was not important. Before she died we alternated Christmas visits with her and my in-laws. When she died, my husband and I made it clear to his folks that we would not be visiting every Christmas, but would keep up the alternate year thing.  So we did get Christmases at home every other year. Now, we don't visit them at Christmas because of weather concerns (being snowed in with them would be unbearable). 

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But, but, that's my birthday!  and having a holiday on my birthday make it much more likely that people remember.


And Groundhog’s Day is mine! I’m appalled at all the people who want to eliminate it. It’s a very special day! 


Well, here's our answer:




I was totally thinking of this skit. 

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I have mixed feelings about Columbus Day. I agree 100% that Columbus is not someone we should be honoring. There should not be a day in his honor.


But, as a special education teacher, I can tell you that Columbus Day comes at the point in the year when I'm about to pass out from exhaustion. The idea of giving it up is hard. So, I'm going to vote for "replacing" Columbus Day, and eliminating Black Friday.

I taught middle school. I think I always took a "mental health day" in October. 😬
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*Columbus day followed by Black Friday, then Valentine's Day.  I actually don't have a real issue with Valentine's Day except that it's my anniversary and I hate when people think it's cute/stupid that we got married on it.  We didn't do it on purpose, DH was shipping out the following Monday and it was our last day to "tie the knot" so to speak.  


*I'd happily support an Indigenous People Day.


**Valentine's day is also my brother's birthday... mine's Veteran's Day... Sister 1 is Groundhog Day, and sister 2 is Summer Solstice but you didn't mention that one :laugh: .


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Halloween. I don’t really love it, but I do make a lot of costumes.


We don’t really observe Columbus Day or MLK Day or Presidents Day — DH doesn’t have off for any of them. I’d eliminate Valentine’s Day for so many reasons, one of which is that it’s very close to a family birthday. DH doesn’t have off for that one either. I wouldn’t eliminate any of the ones he has off for.

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I'm tired of all the holidays. There are too many of them to make anything feel special, and I'm tired of having to do all the things and eat all the food and buy all the stuff. I feel so bossed around, lol. Between birthdays and all the holidays, we seem to be celebrating something at least 2-3 times a month. It's ridiculous. Life's not a party, people. But then maybe it is?


I'm partied out.

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I'm tired of all the holidays. There are too many of them to make anything feel special, and I'm tired of having to do all the things and eat all the food and buy all the stuff. I feel so bossed around, lol. Between birthdays and all the holidays, we seem to be celebrating something at least 2-3 times a month. It's ridiculous. Life's not a party, people. But then maybe it is?


I'm partied out.

What you do is make them choose.  Thanksgiving or Christmas?  If we do Thanksgiving Dinner then for Christmas we either do Chinese takeout or pancakes and that's it.  Easter you can have a bunch of candy but only if we skip the big to-do and have ham sandwiches.  Birthdays (if we can't afford to eat out) the main attraction is cake and ice cream, no one cares what we had for dinner.  Systematically lower their expectations now before they're grown with spouses and children and you end up feeling like you're on KP duty cooking for an army.

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I don't feel the need to abolish any of them, since no one harasses me on April Fool's day any more. 

I would like to change the date of Australia Day and I would like to abolish snow themes during Christmas. This is the Southern Hemisphere. It isn't going to snow! There will be no open fires to roast chestnuts on! Chestnuts are out of season and there are fire restrictions on! If Santa comes here, he's going to change into stubby shorts and a singlet long before he reaches the equator!

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I would get rid of quite a few of them. I don't think of New Years as a holiday. Valentines day, Mother's day and Father's day are all days (IMHO) that are for people that forget holidays and family members till that day then remember that they have to do something. If you are a decent person you shouldn't have to do anything on those days. I always hated being picked on on April Fools day and Halloween. To me those 2 are "Bullies unite" day. Groundhogs day, Columbus day and Black Friday are pointless in my book. Columbus didn't even "discover" America for the Europeans. I would probably also get rid of Labor day as I think it's origins had something to do with communism if I remember right. However I am not as offended by that one as no one thinks of communism on that day. It just seems like a book end to the summer now. 

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I didn't vote Columbus Day because I think we should change it - which some places have already - to Indigenous People's Day.


Black Friday is such an ugly day and I do think it has become a holiday. That has to go.


I dislike other holidays but none of them are disgusting like BF, so whatever floats your boat.

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For your poll, I voted Valentine's Day off the island. But it would have been easier to check the holidays I'd keep:


New Years Day (not Eve)


Veterans Day

Thanksgiving (move it to September instead of Labor Day)



I'd also keep birthdays and anniversaries, and would be better at investing energy in celebrating them since I wouldn't be burned out from other holiday hoopla.

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Black Friday is not a holiday, as has been mentioned, so I guess I would not eliminate any.  


I'm not going with bank or post office holidays for the definition.  We went by "what a lot of people do to celebrate a certain day" definition.  That's how Valentine's Day and Easter get included, etc.  Folks can think BF isn't a holiday, but I know many, many people who have special traditions for that day that they do every year so it counts for this poll.


**Valentine's day is also my brother's birthday... mine's Veteran's Day... Sister 1 is Groundhog Day, and sister 2 is Summer Solstice but you didn't mention that one :laugh: .


Earth Day is my oldest son's birthday, but I left that out too.  ;)  For one, I'm only allowed 20 choices.  For two, it would annoy me if anyone had selected that day.  I'm a pretty Green person - practically a Leprechaun.  :coolgleamA:

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Valentines Day. I wouldn't mind it in the low key form it took in my childhood but today you have to dress up, give candy to everyone you know and make a Valentine receptacle that is a miniature replica of the Taj Mahal. Moms need to bake heart shaped pancakes and a Valentine's cookie cake and post gushy love letters on social media. Nope. Opting out of this one! Lol.


I cannot pull it together for birthdays so I could do without those. When my kids were little I always thought the party should be to celebrate me getting them to the next year.


I can take or leave most holidays. I like Christmas/Thanksgiving/Easter/Halloween. The rest I can ignore but Valentines and birthdays carry more social pressure and expectations so that is my list.

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I think Mother's Day is just too hard on too many people for many different reasons. I have had friends stay home from church on that day! Then, of course, Father's Day just has to go, too. :)

I just wish they wouldn't do baby dedications on Morher's Day. That's like a double whammy.

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I am tired of all the holiday drama from thanksgiving through Christmas.


Columbus Day just needs to go.

I think the rigamarole actually begins way back before Halloween, when the merchandising of costumes and candy begins. The rest of the year is like an downward spiral into gluttony and strained schedules.


Bah. Sorry to be Scrooge but truly, my kids get so distracted and it's not just the couple of days of the holiday and days before and after. These days every holiday has a week long season of activities around it. I'm just tired of constantly being driven off track.

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I'd dump nearly all of them. ETA: This includes the new faux holidays like national ice cream/cat/sibling/secretary's day.

I'm happy to keep Thanksgiving. Christmas may stay if it will stop trying to sprawl over multiple weeks like a giant pine-scented octopus. Birthdays are fine if it's just an ice cream cake after dinner and maybe a new book. I don't mind Earth Day, if we can please for the love of water stop with the anti-eco-friendly crafts and whatnot.


I've actually added a holiday in August (Giving Week) for my household.


I reminded DH this morning that this is not my holiday & he needs to be here before sunset to T or T the kid. I acquired the pumpkins and candy, and the rest is up to him.


I didn't vote.

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I feel sad that so many want to get rid of Mother's Day.  It isn't the only one that not everyone can celebrate.  And it doesn't cost anyone anything if they choose not to participate.  Personally I think moms deserve it.  And dads can have Father's Day too.  :P


As for April Fool's Day - I would love to see someone perform a study on what correlates with hating April Fool's Day.  :P  I can't say I love it, but I see nothing wrong with celebrating a sense of humor.  :)

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