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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Been up most of the night working.

Made a donation.

Kids need to get up in 1 hour and I probably won't be done with my projects by then ....

Kids off to school ... it's dress-down day and they can bring their Cultural Appropriation Eve costumes.

Work work work.

Personal stuff if I get to it.

1 kid has horse riding.

Both kids have a birthday / Halloween party.

Kids need to sleep early since they have a race on Saturday morning.

Work or sleep.

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up too early because of pain


plant fall flowers I bought

Plant at least 50 bulbs

call again to try to get service people to come (plumber, yard work)

plan dinner for just dh and me (my dd and s-i-l are travelling to a haunted something and will eat on the way)

call for medical appointments

turn in report I wrote

more work on medical issues for youngest

put away laundry and do another load

pet care as always



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Good morning!  How is it Friday already??  Where has this week gone?  I simply must be more productive today than yesterday.



-DS16 off to school

-school with youngest

-workout (1 hour kickboxing)

-pumpkin patch

-laundry (oodles)  DONE:  2

-read and relax

-read to catch up to DS13 for literature class (Great Expectations)

-dinner (prosciutto wrapped chicken bundles, noodles, sautéed Brussel sprouts)

-DS16 to homecoming football game

-be Whole30 compliant (leave for cruise in 28 days and I really want to lose about 5 lbs)

-out to our friends' house for drinks

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!



•finish up the last little bit of office work for the week

•contact Amazon about replacement of an item that arrived totally destroyed in a squashed box  :glare:

•order curry paste

•order hay

•go through our winter coats, boots, hats, gloves, etc. and see who needs what

•run to town with the kids after ds19 gets off work this afternoon

•errands: bank, gas, walmart


•pick up Japanese takeout for dinner

•figure out how to watch both Stranger Things and hockey in one night 

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Good morning! I am back from doing the morning practice run. Getting up when the clock says 4:40 am is wrong, wrong, wrong. I didn't get to the basement freezer yesterday, so maybe today. Or maybe a nap.


To do:

finish paper

weekly chore list

replace some light bulbs

quick trip to store: dog food/milk

plan weekend

relax a little and read

basement freezer?

pick up dd2/swim


pasta for dinner?


Have a great day!

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Waiting for dh to come home from a week away for a biz trip. 


One kid was sick the whole time, now better


Now another kid is sick which kept me up all night.  Feeling sick.



Still feeling guilt for taking it really easy this week and skipping events.  


2 runs to the university today. 


make dinner? 

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human care done

pet care done

medical care done

dd took one of the neighborhood kids to school (babysitting gig)

Ds is turning in his first long paper at college.  I hope that he gets a good grade because I see those as vindication of my homeschooling methods! 


Time for the first round robin of kitchen - laundry - grading/school. 

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kitchen - dishwasher unloaded, contents put away and since there weren't that many, loaded dishes into the dishwasher.


laundry- took the last of dh's laundry downstairs.  Started the first load in the washing machine.


grading/ school - graded dd's algebra.  She's doing really well right now which frees me up because I'm not scratching my head trying to figure out how to explain it to her. 


now to do the next kitchen/ laundry / grading-school round robin. 

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We got our first snowflakes of the season today. Tonight, there will be a hard freeze so I need to remember to detach hoses from spigots after evening chores.


Need to stock up on birdseed when I'm in town today - and put extra bedding in the horses' stalls tonight. It is early for a hard freeze and my horses' winter coats haven't grown in fully yet.

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This week is finishing up better than previous weeks.


I'm done with all the grading for the week.  Nothing to do over the weekend on that.

I am caught up on the washing but do have two loads to fold and put away tomorrow.

I'm going to grill hamburgers on the grill for dinner.


I'm struggling a bit with the fibro because of all this productivity.  I don't know what to do about that. 

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