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What should I do about an adult

Excelsior! Academy

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Say, "I don't like it when you use (the product)." In an absolutely deadpan voice every time it comes up. Look them directly in the eyes (or focus on their eyebrows) and let the silence stretch for a moment, then smile and pretend it never happened. Repeat as necessary.

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I would explain that you are allergic to the product and they need to stop using it.   If they challenge you, explain the symptoms - if you feel so inclined.  I assume this is a person living at your house, who could leave and get their own place, or move in with other people, if necessary.


My husband is allergic to a bunch of stuff.  It's a bummer sometimes that we can't have certain nice-smelling things.  But, nothing he can do about it. 

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Can the person use the product in a way that doesn't bother you as much? For instance, if it's a spray, can they refrain from spraying in common areas/common bathrooms? Can they apply it only outside of the house?


Is the person using an excessive amount of product, and could reduce the amount they use in order to reduce or eliminate your reaction?


Is your reaction an obvious one that you can use to try to explain it to them(i.e. a rash)? Maybe they think you just hate the smell of it, and don't understand that people can be allergic to scented products. 





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I had this problem with my in-lays using Febreze. It gives me a nasty migraine. Maybe they thought I was lying or something because they stopped using it in front of me but used it when I was out of the house. Eventually they stopped after a period of really severe migraines almost had me in the ER. They occasionally use it when I'm traveling so I remind them on our return trip to not use it. It takes about 3 days for it to wear off enough that I don't get a migraine from it. 

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I think some people just don't understand how it can really be that bad.  But my dh gets severe migraines from certain smells, and it really can be that bad.  So, I think I'd be firm and just say that it absolutely cannot be used in the house, and thoroughly explain why.  Have you tried to be direct? 

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Are you saying that you have explained your situation clearly and specifically asked them to find an alternative product and they refused?  Or that you casually mentioned it and they haven't changed their pattern?  Or that you are thinking of telling them but uncertain how to approach it?  Or...?  I'm not entirely clear from your post just how clearly you have stated you have an issue.

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(not dh!) that lives with us and continually uses a specific product in which I am allergic?

If this adult knows you are allergic and still continues to use the product, I would be telling that adult that he or she needs to find a new place to live. Seriously.


It's just plain mean and inconsiderate to use an unnecessary product when you know someone in the house is allergic to it. Why are you tolerating this incredibly inconsiderate behavior?

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It depends on the relationship. Renter, grown child, in laws, other relatives?


With a renter I'd just make it not allowed with notice. Grown child I'd explain/teach. In laws... would not be living here any longer. Other relatives, overwhelming repetition and prolonged speeches about allergies every half hour until usage stopped.


Sometimes people may think/say they'll stop using products and then accidentally forget because they use them in the bathroom or bedroom and aren't thinking of you when they apply them.

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Throw up on their shoes.


Have them do all the chores that you can’t.


That’s for an adult or older teen who insists upon this.


Now if your sensitivities require their buying a more expensive product than they normally can invest in, it would be nice if you helped with that.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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