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Would you go to the doctor?


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So, yesterday I *think* I had my third migraine in a year, but this one was different. I developed a severe headache that hurt worse when I was sitting or laying down. I felt extremely nauseous. After suffering for about an hour, I started to vomit. After vomiting several times, I felt better enough to lie down and go to sleep. My headache was gone this morning,but I have a little one now which I think is coming from my neck pain. I will say, I did give up coffee yesterday, as well as started my period. But, the vomiting with the severe headache scared me.

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I usually throw up with a migraine, and that is usually when the headache starts to "break".  I'm excited when I feel like throwing up because I know it's almost over!  It sounds like you experienced a similar pattern.  I wouldn't be worried about it because it is so classic for me, but if it's new for you I understand it would be scary.  


I also usually need to drink a lot of gatorade, make sure  I sleep and rest enough, and ice my neck and jaw area when I am recovering.  I also feel worn out for a day or so after a migraine.  


A lot of people have migraine triggers.  Mine seem to be dehydration, some foods/spices/processed stuff, or getting too hot.  If I'm also tired, it's just so much worse.  I can't take any tylenol or anything once I realize a migraine is kicking in, because digestion just stops until I throw up.  I recognize the niggling beginnings of one now, and take 2 extra strength tylenol, and start drinking gatorade like crazy.  Taking a really hot shower, followed by icing my head, neck, and jaw also helps.  Waiting is never good.


Edited by Guinevere
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If you feel better now, I personally would not see a doctor for it. Sounds like a migraine. I get migraines with my period and when I do not have coffee - so this sounds like the perfect storm.

I have not found prescription migraine meds to be helpful. The best thing for me is to take OTC headache meds containing aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine at the first sign. The caffeine is the magic ingredient - pain killers alone do nothing for me.

As PP said: waiting is never good. Every time I wait and hope for it to go away on its own, it never does.

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So, yesterday I *think* I had my third migraine in a year, but this one was different. I developed a severe headache that hurt worse when I was sitting or laying down. I felt extremely nauseous. After suffering for about an hour, I started to vomit. After vomiting several times, I felt better enough to lie down and go to sleep. My headache was gone this morning,but I have a little one now which I think is coming from my neck pain. I will say, I did give up coffee yesterday, as well as started my period. But, the vomiting with the severe headache scared me.

That sounds exactly like the migraines my dd gets. She gets the headache. After a bit, she throws up, then she sleeps a while. After that she's fine again.

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It does sound like a regular old migraine. Hormones + a sudden change in caffeine schedule sound like a perfect storm. However, a doctor told me once that if the pain gets better or worse with lying down there may be a blood pressure component to it, so you may want to check out that aspect of it.


I used to have a prescription migraine meds, but they made my scalp crawl, and made me feel drunk (a feeling that I do not enjoy!), and all I could do was sleep it off. I tossed them. I'd rather be fully conscious and in pain.


I agree with others that it's far better to do something proactive at the first sign, and learn your triggers and cures. I personally do everything I can to relax my muscles - hot bath with epsom salt, massage, lavender oil, hot or cold compresses, etc. Even if this doesn't cure the migraine, it mitigates any tension that might develop in the surrounding muscles. I drink plenty of water and a bit of caffeine. I usually crave salty and spicy foods before, during, and after a migraine, and I really think they help me. YMMV, but sometimes it's worth trying everything!


And go easy on yourself afterward. Your body's recovering from an ordeal, and it can take a day or two to recover.

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If you feel better now, I personally would not see a doctor for it. Sounds like a migraine. I get migraines with my period and when I do not have coffee - so this sounds like the perfect storm.

I have not found prescription migraine meds to be helpful. The best thing for me is to take OTC headache meds containing aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine at the first sign. The caffeine is the magic ingredient - pain killers alone do nothing for me.

As PP said: waiting is never good. Every time I wait and hope for it to go away on its own, it never does.



I can't even count how many times I have stupidly waited and hoped a migraine wasn't really a migraine, so I didn't take anything for it right away... and I have always regretted it afterward. But I get this idea in my head that taking meds too often isn't a good idea, so I talk myself into waiting just a little while longer... and then three days later I still have the stupid migraine and I have taken about 4 times more medicine than I would have if I'd been preemptive about it.


What can I say; I'm an idiot. :glare:


I do have prescription Imitrex, but I find that it only works for migraines with certain kinds of triggers, so it's not the cure-all I'd hoped it would be.


I hate migraines. And I hate rebound migraines even more than I hate the initial migraines.

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So, yesterday I *think* I had my third migraine in a year, but this one was different. I developed a severe headache that hurt worse when I was sitting or laying down. I felt extremely nauseous. After suffering for about an hour, I started to vomit. After vomiting several times, I felt better enough to lie down and go to sleep. My headache was gone this morning,but I have a little one now which I think is coming from my neck pain. I will say, I did give up coffee yesterday, as well as started my period. But, the vomiting with the severe headache scared me.

I agree with everyone else that it sounds like it was a migraine, but if you have any doubts, please go see your doctor about it and ask him or her about getting an MRA to make sure there's nothing else going on, especially if aneurysms run in your family at all. I have a family history of cerebral hemorrhages, so I go every 5 years for an MRA and it's quick and painless, and it keeps me from worrying that my migraines might be something much worse.


If your migraine felt really weird and different to you, think about having the MRA just for your peace of mind. If you get another severe migraine within the next several days, definitely get the test done.

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A severe headache that's worse than any you've had before - especially if it scares you! - should be taken seriously.


If you feel better and don't have any lingering symptoms I won't tell you to rush into the ER right now, but if it happens again (especially if it happens soon), go to the doctor. It's probably the combination of hormones + caffeine withdrawal, but it could be something serious.

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If you feel better now, I personally would not see a doctor for it. Sounds like a migraine. I get migraines with my period and when I do not have coffee - so this sounds like the perfect storm.

I have not found prescription migraine meds to be helpful. The best thing for me is to take OTC headache meds containing aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine at the first sign. The caffeine is the magic ingredient - pain killers alone do nothing for me.

As PP said: waiting is never good. Every time I wait and hope for it to go away on its own, it never does.


Yes. I would have written something very similar. 


I would take something with those three ingredients (I use generic Excedrin Migraine) today if you feel you've moved to actual headache territory, even if it's not moved to a migraine yet. 

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