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If you just found out you were pregnant, what would you do?


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I was at work in a very busy er when I found out I was pregnant, and it was a real sit-down moment because although we were half-heartedly trying, I was 41 and had past fertility issues. Neither dh nor I expected me to get pregnant, so when I came up for air after inhaling my fourth twinkie (I never, ever ate at work and was a health nut), I grabbed a coworker and took a pregnancy test. :)

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I would be thrilled.


My husband agreed to #4 on the condition that I never even mention the possibility of a #5.  He then had a vasectomy (with my blessing).


Having another would be a stretch in so many ways, and it isn't something that I would deliberately choose to let happen.  But if the choice were taken out my hands?  I would be thrilled.



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Well, I'm 54 next month, with our 15yo Caboose. 

And I know this is all TMI for a fun post, but . . .


Auntie Flo indeed surprised me this morning, still arriving on a mostly monthly schedule.


Which means . . . we could indeed have a positive pregnancy test . . . and I think my first thought would be panic, then even more panic that it would likely end in a miscarriage.

But we would have 9 months to adjust . . . and we'd probably end up like that Father of the Bride movie where my grandchild and child were the same age.


And we will continue to fervently use three forms of BC.  Yes, this is a PSA.  :)


Honestly, tho, we did have a surprise pregnancy, and that son is such an amazing blessing that I cannot truly imagine missing out on his being a part of our family. 

Most everyone is given 9 months to adjust, thankfully!

Edited by Beth S
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I would have an immediate emergency altrasound. I have already got my miracle baby, ds13 was conceived 3 years after having my tubes done. I was told that I have a greater than 75%chance of any other pregnancy being a tubal and to have an altrasound as soon as I found out if I do get pregnate.

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I would be thrilled.


My husband agreed to #4 on the condition that I never even mention the possibility of a #5. He then had a vasectomy (with my blessing).


Having another would be a stretch in so many ways, and it isn't something that I would deliberately choose to let happen. But if the choice were taken out my hands? I would be thrilled.



This is how I feel. We’re not trying for one. In a lot of ways I dread the idea. But if it actually happened I think I would be really excited. I keep praying, “ God, I don’t think it would be a good idea right now, so if you want another baby you’re going to have to make it happen.†So a surprise pregnancy would feel like a sign.

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I'd be less than thrilled because I'm really looking forward to my youngest being 4 or so and being on the other side of breastfeeding, night wakings, diapers, and toddler chaos.  


I'd be worried because I have an IUD, so there's a significant risk of ectopic pregnancy if I were to become pregnant.


I'd be glad that I haven't gotten around to getting rid of the baby stuff quite yet and thankful that there's plenty of room in our house and our vehicle for another person.


I would tell my husband and schedule a midwife appointment.  I'd hold off on telling anyone else for a while.

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I would be upset because I'm 48 and dh is 51 and we're very much enjoying the freedom that comes with having kids that are almost grown. 


Then I would get worried because I'm 48 and that is OLD to be having a baby.


Then I would probably get excited and hope it was twins, because a single baby might get lonely with his/her siblings being so much older.  :)

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Well, I can tell you what a did a couple months ago - I'd cry (happy tears), tell DH, make an OB appt, and start planning for a caboose baby.

I can't get/be pg right now as my d&e was almost a month ago (partial molar pg with one non-viable baby & one super fast growing tumor) & I have a follow-up d&c scheduled on this Wed because there's still tissue in there that none of us want to become invasive cancer. Doc says no pregnancies until at least 6 months after my hcg #s hit zero (and last check was a 74 so I have awhile yet to go on the weekly blood checks). As I'm on the 'other side' of 40 like many of the posters on this thread, that was probably my last chance for another kid to potty train, teach to read, and teach to ride a bike without training wheels.


But I can rejoice with all the others who are newly pregnant through almost-done-with-being-pregnant.

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Well, I can tell you what a did a couple months ago - I'd cry (happy tears), tell DH, make an OB appt, and start planning for a caboose baby.

I can't get/be pg right now as my d&e was almost a month ago (partial molar pg with one non-viable baby & one super fast growing tumor) & I have a follow-up d&c scheduled on this Wed because there's still tissue in there that none of us want to become invasive cancer. Doc says no pregnancies until at least 6 months after my hcg #s hit zero (and last check was a 74 so I have awhile yet to go on the weekly blood checks). As I'm on the 'other side' of 40 like many of the posters on this thread, that was probably my last chance for another kid to potty train, teach to read, and teach to ride a bike without training wheels.


But I can rejoice with all the others who are newly pregnant through almost-done-with-being-pregnant.

I'm sorry. (((Hugs)))

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I am so sorry.


Sending hugs .

Thank you!

I hope my reply didn't sound snotty. It just honestly was what first ran though my head when I read your question. I have also been on the opposite end of the spectrum where I sobbed uncontrollably for hours after a test was positive. (Obviously I have unresolved issues when it comes to my fertility or lack thereof.)


Regardless of how you feel about your own results right now, I wish you well and hope you find some peace!


Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk

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Thanks to this thread, I just used up my last dollar store pregnancy test.


I'm in my early 40's, use BC, and have history of infertility, so I knew the chances were low, but I'm a couple weeks late.


Negative. Whew!  :)


ETA: I would have been both anxious and thrilled.

Edited by MercyA
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I'd spend a few minutes pouting over my weight-loss being derailed yet again (it's all accumulated pregnancy weight, and I seem to get pregnant as soon as I start making headway on it), but then I'd be happy. DH might have a very minor freak-out, but he's good at rolling with the punches. The kids would be thrilled. They've been begging for another sibling. Probably get some funny looks and comments from relatives and others, because apparently having more than 2.1 kids is just completely bonkers.


I'd have to seriously think about my birth plan and where I want to have the baby. I've always been an unmedicated birth center type of gal, but everything went wrong last time. My baby lived because I suddenly, for no apparent good reason in the midwife's opinion, insisted on going to the hospital and getting an epidural. Kinda makes you rethink...


Then I'd have a mini-freakout about our housing situation. We've tried shared rooms in the past but the kids sleep so much better in their own spaces, and the bedrooms are maxed-out. Not the end of the world. Most people in human history have shared rooms at night. We'll survive.


I'd sleep as much as possible, while I had the chance.


So that would be a July-ish baby? I think I'd book a vacation before that. Maybe a 2nd tri Disney World trip in February. Cool, low crowds, more energy than the rest of pregnancy.

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I'd be pretty amazed since I have an IUD and am on the Pill to push off my period for a couple of months (I hope!).  I would be kinda happy (I love giving birth and having little babies - I miss nursing and wearing babies) and kinda sad (I hate being pregnant, don't want to lose the weight again, and dealing with loss of sleep).  My DH would be stupefied.


ETA:  Oh, and I would totally freak out because we are at the limit of housing space.

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If you just found out you were pregnant, what would you do? 


This was me almost exactly one year ago! I was in my 40s with all of my kids in their double digits. I was definitely not trying, definitely not in peak health, and definitely not going to tell my husband until I was 100% sure.


So I took about 17 more tests over a two day period. I'll take a moment now to thank Amazon Prime: cheers for your discretion, quick delivery, no questions asked and no hairy eyeballs as I checked out with my gray hairs flying about!


Then I went into denial for about three months, at which point my older kids started whispering behind my back before outright asking me. I told them yes, I was entering my second trimester. They told me I had to tell my parents and my husband. I'm a giant chicken, so I made my kids tell my parents. Soon after, I texted it to my husband from the backseat of the car (our son was driving us to his soccer game.) 


All of that denial made the pregnancy fly by! The baby was born before we knew it, although he was a c-section. He's turning one. 


We're not trying to get pregnant again - now or ever. But we're practicing Catholics, so we're not exactly NOT trying either because we'd rather have another baby than to abstain! LOL If I were to find myself pregnant, I'd feel a rush of conflicting emotions. I'd worry about another c-section at my age. But I'd be happy to give this guy a sibling closer in age, too. It'd probably take another 20 tests and deny it for several months. That's just my MO.

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I'm already pregnant, so finding out now would be confusing. If they missed another baby after all the ultrasounds it would make me want to vomit but I'd adjust. BTDT, but not this late in the game!


Back when I found out I was pretty shocked, told DH, revised all our life plans for the next few years, and kept my mouth shut for a few months.

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I'd be very scared that there would be something wrong with the baby.  I know a couple of people who had kids that were fine when they were born before the mom was 40, but after mom was 40 the babies had serious problems.  Since I'm over 40, I would be scared.


I would feel depressed for a while. This summer was the first time I've felt like my head above water in 15 years.  Having a baby would be like having the water about to close back over my head.


Then I'd love the baby to pieces.

Edited by Garga
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I would cry because I'm already overweight and couldn't stand the idea of getting even heavier due to pregnancy.  I already have days when I think having a young one would be fun and I try to convince myself that if I just lost the weight then maybe....just maybe. The idea of homeschooling from the beginning and doing things differently now that I'm older and more sure of myself is enticing. I enjoy doing things with DGD and wouldn't mind having one of my own to tote around backpacking and camping. I'm also in my mid 40's and quite able to become pregnant except for the IUD. DGD wants a sibling and since that won't happen anytime soon maybe a baby aunt would suffice.  


What a thought that is.

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I'd start being more open-minded about immaculate conceptions.


It would all go downhill from there.

Me too. No men in my life and no ovaries. It would have to be a miracle birth. If it were possible. Go to the doctor and get folic acid and start walking more.

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I've had a tubal(but everything was kind of messed up in there during an emergency c section and the doctor wouldn't guarantee the tubal was good) and DH had a vas. Though he didn't get checked, despite my begging, because he "just knows it worked."


So if I got a positive pregnancy test, I would probably punch him.

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I would begin believing in alien abduction and assume one would claw its way out in  a few months. 


I had ablation, DH had a vasectomy....so, since I can't conceive and dh can't seed..... abduction would the only logical answer! 

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I'd rather change my name to Sarah and make an embarrassing scene in the nearest church, but pretty much the same as Tap.


My little was born two weeks before my 43rd birthday. I had actually given up hope and just tried one last time just so I could remember what it felt like to believe in miracles.


When I saw that undeniable second line at ten days past the only insem that whole cycle I started laughing and literally couldn't stop for hours. There was never any question in my mind that the pregnancy would stick and it did.


Of course I believe in miracles; one of them just rolled his eyes at me and said something incredibly rude in preteen.

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If you had asked me a couple months ago, I would've said panic.


Now that we know the mutation causing youngest DD's developmental & learning disabilities was just a random fluke and any future kids would be at no greater risk than the general population, I've gone from feeling "done" to being open to the idea of trying for another bio child. DH absolutely wants to (he started in on wanting #4 while I was still pregnant with #3) and I think I'm ready to leave it in God's hands. I'll be 41 in January so I don't know if it's possible for me to have a baby now without medical intervention (not a step I'm willing to take at this point).


SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I just saw this! Congratulations! I can't call my caboose baby's conception "natural" because there was no teA involved, but you can do a lot to increase your chances without a doctor's appointment. My guy is almost ten and my memory isn't what it used to be so I'll let the under-50s take over the TTC over 40 tips now.



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My ob/gyn's trick for getting pregnant:


Have tEa every other day from day 9 through 16 of your cycle (count from day your period starts). He calls it the "painting the fence" method.


That's how Captain was conceived. It was that last time... And for the record, I turned 44 2 weeks before he was born.

Yeah you should randomly try on cycle day 30 too when you are sure no normal human would ovulate. That works too. :lol:

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Yeah you should randomly try on cycle day 30 too when you are sure no normal human would ovulate. That works too. :lol:

I'm glad you brought this up because there are some people with wacky cycles that ovulate on day 4 of a 14 day cycle, or day 38 of a 48 day cycle. (And don't believe anyone who tells you that you can't have kids when your luteal phase is 10 days or less. Certainly, a short luteal phase might be a problem for some, but others can conceive and carry to term.) If you are trying to get pregnant, know thy body. (Doesn't help them stick, esp. if there is a genetic problem.)

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