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If you just found out you were pregnant, what would you do?


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Cry and panic initially but then quickly be happy. Honestly, I'm 9 months postpartum and my period hasn't returned, this is the longest it has been, and I'm starting to panic. I really don't want to buy a test because of how scared I am that it will be positive. It isn't actually having a sixth kid that freaks me out it is the toll it will take on my body to be pregnant again and have another Csection

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I would be excited and probably tell someone because I am lousy at keeping secrets.


It's funny, I dread the idea of another pregnancy, and there's a pretty good chance we are done. But I know if it actually happened I would be delighted at the thought of another baby.

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I'd be thrilled because I just took a test this morning and it was negative and I kinda feel like this was my last chance because I'm 43 and my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage. We weren't planning on another one, but when the signs seemed to say yes we got our hopes up and now I'm disappointed. :(


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I'd be thrilled because I just took a test this morning and it was negative and I kinda feel like this was my last chance because I'm 43 and my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage. We weren't planning on another one, but when the signs seemed to say yes we got our hopes up and now I'm disappointed. :(


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I am so sorry. 


Sending hugs .

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I'd be thrilled because I just took a test this morning and it was negative and I kinda feel like this was my last chance because I'm 43 and my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage. We weren't planning on another one, but when the signs seemed to say yes we got our hopes up and now I'm disappointed. :(


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:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Immediately after? It makes me really nervous. Pregnancy and babies are enormous life changes.


But, ultimately, I come to the conclusion of more family, more love, children are wonderful, and we will make it work.


Just because something makes life harder doesn't mean it can't be wonderful too.

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You mean generally or personally?

Generally, I'd probably make an appointment at the OB/GYN

Personally, I could be sure that the test was wrong since I had a hysterectomy... ;)


this.  I'd make a dr. appointment.


and while I haven't had a hysterectomy - I. am. done!  D.O.N.E.   done!  so, i'd be in even more shock than when I got pg with dudeling.


eta: done = menopause

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Cry, shake, feel faint, get happy, get scared some more, start dreading telling DH, start worrying about being as sick as I was last time...


Ultimately, though, I'd be happy for one more baby.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: to you, either way (unless this pregnancy is purely hypothetical!).

This is me too.


I would also be thankful that we wouldn't need to make any large purchases to accomidate one more.


I'd also change up our homeschool to a public-school-prep school cause I can hardly make it as it is.

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I'd be thrilled because I just took a test this morning and it was negative and I kinda feel like this was my last chance because I'm 43 and my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage. We weren't planning on another one, but when the signs seemed to say yes we got our hopes up and now I'm disappointed. :(


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I'm so sorry.   

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I'm not going to answer for the present. I'm 49 and will not get pregnant again unless a true miracle occurs. DH got a vasectomy 18 years ago.


When I found out I was pregnant the first time, I told my best friend first, then I called my Mom, then when my DH (first husband) got home from school, I told him. He didn't seem to care that he wasn't the first one I told. We were young and didn't think things through to be honest. I wouldn't trade her for the world but I don't think we should have been trying for a baby. Our marriage was breaking up. We finally separated when she was 15 months old.


With my next two babies, my DH was with me when I took the home pregnancy test so he found out the same time I did. And the next thing I did was call my Mom. Then I called Kaiser to make an OB appointment to begin my prenatal care. We were in a good place financially both times and had excellent insurance. Our house was big enough. So we didn't foresee any problems. We were thrilled. We planned both of them.

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If you had asked me a couple months ago, I would've said panic.


Now that we know the mutation causing youngest DD's developmental & learning disabilities was just a random fluke and any future kids would be at no greater risk than the general population, I've gone from feeling "done" to being open to the idea of trying for another bio child. DH absolutely wants to (he started in on wanting #4 while I was still pregnant with #3) and I think I'm ready to leave it in God's hands. I'll be 41 in January so I don't know if it's possible for me to have a baby now without medical intervention (not a step I'm willing to take at this point).

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I'd be puzzled to... lol.


But although a part of me would be thrilled, it wouldn't be a great idea. I'm 49 and have health issues. I need to walk with a cane. Dh had a heart attack last year and a stroke this year.... I am hoping we both last until our 7yo is an adult, honestly...


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I would be delighted.  None of my pregnancies were unplanned, and I really, really wanted a surprise.  Dh has also had a vasectomy, but he didn't go for his followup (at my request) so that I could keep the dream of another pregnancy open as a possibility.  

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I'd get a second opinion since I haven't so much as held hands with a man in 11 years.  :P


If I "could" be pregnant, I would most likely feel blessed, although a little scared since I am almost 51.  I would keep it close within the family just in case.

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I would be thrilled but very surprised, tell dh who would also be thrilled, then we get to nervously waiting for another miscarriage


We would love another, but it's been 4 years with nary a hint of a pregnancy. Only one of my pregnancies was naturally occurring and ended with bringing home a baby so my hopes aren't high...


Eta- I'm not yet mid 30s so I'd love to have a couple more, and I theoretically have time, except for the can't fall pregnant thing.

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I remember my mom when she got unexpectedly pregnant the last 2 times.  They were definitely unplanned and unbudgeted for, but excitement hit pretty soon.  My dad got a vasectomy when my mom was pregnant with #6, and when the baby was still very young, my mom told me she was having odd symptoms and thought it might be another pregnancy.  She then said she heard vasectomies weren't always effective right away.  She was feeling kind of hopeful, and was disappointed when she discovered there would not be a #7.  (I should note that my mom was only mid-30s at that time.)

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Well I think you all know as I did recently find out I was. I guess get all anxious and depressed like I always do. I wanted all 4 of mine, but the second I saw a + pregnancy test I panic, decide it was horrible timing, feel miserable and get depressed about not being able to keep up with everything, worry I wont love it, get impatient with my kids, stress my husband out. Yep thats what I do every single time. Luckily I am 100% me again the second the baby is out. :lol:


If I had horrible birth experiences or pp depression I would have probably been done with 1 or 2. I treasure my childbirth experiences and the new baby and the kids so thats why I want to do it again. I suck at pregnancy.

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I'd get a second opinion since I haven't so much as held hands with a man in 11 years. :P


If I "could" be pregnant, I would most likely feel blessed, although a little scared since I am almost 51. I would keep it close within the family just in case.



My grandma and her twin was born when their mom was 48.

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